Patrick Mccaffery responds to fans about his dad.

Here's how this thread is playing out in my mind....


Most threads turn out this way. Because the site is trolled by dipshits that spout off to others because they think they are being funny and cool to belittle others. It’s Amazing how bad HN has gotten and they do nothing to clean up the site.
Most threads turn out this way. Because the site is trolled by dipshits that spout off to others because they think they are being funny and cool to belittle others. It’s Amazing how bad HN has gotten and they do nothing to clean up the site.
Like when you constantly belittle me and call people dipshits?
Nobody is a fan of this.
This is like politicians who say, "I want it on the record I'm against child pornography."
We're all against it Senator. But thanks for the brave stance.
The truth is the person who did this is likely a rival fan or an apologist trying to gin up support for Fran.
Getting worked up in the realm of anonymous cyberspace is a fool's errand.
Nobody is a fan of this.
This is like politicians who say, "I want it on the record I'm against child pornography."
We're all against it Senator. But thanks for the brave stance.
The truth is the person who did this is likely a rival fan or an apologist trying to gin up support for Fran.
Getting worked up in the realm of anonymous cyberspace is a fool's errand.

So why stop being a fool now?
It wasn't that long ago that Connor & Pat went on the entitled butthurt twitter fest because Connor didn't win Mr. Iowa.
Yeah I figured someone would bring that back up once I saw this thread. Without knowing the kids it's just tough to know their personality based on a few tweets. The thing about twitter is once it's out there it's out there. We all think things all day long and then change our mind or don't say it out loud. Lots of folks especially teenagers tweet without thinking a whole lot prior to putting it out there. It's human nature for them to have wanted to win that award. And for that to be their knee jerk reaction to not isn't a huge surprise. I'm not going to roast them over it.
I'm certainly not going to roast Patrick over this. Different people can agree or not on if a teenager should be engaging at all with strangers in this context on there. But for the way he did it I have no problem. He didn't go cursing or name calling. Just used good ole fashioned sarcasm (my personal favorite) to get his point across. Be it he's 16, 22 or 32 I can't say that's a bad thing/wrong thing to do at all. His parents may or may not like it most likely not. But by no means do I hold it against any of them.
You, Dean, Prdtor40, and Shock all have the same S MN accent. Litle humor, way to serious....and on two of your personalities, reformed 4 letter word user.

Fry's accent is well Fryish.

I’ve been on this site since the day Miller started it Gold. I come to discuss Iowa sports, don’t come read to read trash and be belittled by others. When your attacked by someone personally you’ve crossed the line! This poster is straight trash for this site.. And when his lil minions continue to like the personal attacks IMO they are no better than the person saying it..

You think it’s okay for a poster to change a quote of yours and mix in a lil Child molesting quote and respond to it and or state because he disagrees that you get cancer? That shit is okay? Sorry but that shit isn’t okay in my book anonymous message board or not..
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I’ve been on this site since the day Miller started it Gold. I come to discuss Iowa sports, don’t come read to read trash and be belittled by others. And When your attacked by someone personally you’ve crossed the line! This poster is straight trash for this site.. And when his lil minions like the personal attack IMO they are no better than the person saying it..

You think it’s okay for a poster to change a quote of yours and mix in a lil Child molesting quote and respond to it and or state because he disagrees that you get cancer by Christmas?? That shit is okay???? Sorry but that shit isn’t okay in my book message board or not..

The reason you joined the site was so you could attack others anonymously. It's right there in your handle. All people have to do is click on your moniker and check your history to see it's true.
Let me ask a question about twitter as I am don't have an account nor do I have desire to have one. Facebook keeps me busy as is.

Anyway does twitter work like Facebook in that you have to allow individuals to receive and to send tweets to you? Or is just open to everyone?

I personally would t get any satisfaction getting into it with a teenager. He is defending his dad which is quite normal for a child to do.

Now we all know that when a coach is hired he is fair game as his salary in the millions demands a level of accountability. Maybe his son’s one day will realize that and maybe they won’t. A person’s personal perspective can be shaped by their home environment. Fran’s boys will never ever understand what a young person raised in the ghetto has to go through. In fact they may not be able to realize or relate to what an average Iowa family whose household income is $50,000 a year.

Yes I make six figure income but that was after years and years of blood, sweat, and tears. My first home that we purchased was in Logansport, Indiana and we paid a grand total of $37,000 for it back in 1997 and the home was built in the early seventies. We were very grateful to have it. After decades of hard work by my wife and I we finally got a nice home that we hope to retire in and enjoy.

There are some attitudes that come with living a millionaires life style and sometimes (a lot of times) the children from these homes can develope or cop an attitude. No average person cares for that kind of crap no matter how old they are.

Personally I don’t believe half of what I hear. I want to give everyone the benefit of a doubt. Both Fran and Kirk seem like descent people and I imagine or at least hope they teach their children to be humble and appreciative of what they have and to be respectful to others who are less fortunate.

If parents don’t do this and are raising their children to be puffed up in pride with the mindset that they are some kind of elitist holier than thou human beings then screw that and them. Anyone who thinks that way can all die in a plane crash as far as I am concerned. This world has enough a$$holes in it.

Again I am not talking about Fran’s or Kirks family. Neither family comes off that way to me. I am just speaking in generalities. I’ve come out of poverty and never forgot where I came from and hope I never do. I have a deep distain for any kind of entitlement attitude from anyone regardless of financial status, talents, race, or religion.
I’ve been on this site since the day Miller started it Gold. I come to discuss Iowa sports, don’t come read to read trash and be belittled by others. When your attacked by someone personally you’ve crossed the line! This poster is straight trash for this site.. And when his lil minions continue to like the personal attacks IMO they are no better than the person saying it..

You think it’s okay for a poster to change a quote of yours and mix in a lil Child molesting quote and respond to it and or state because he disagrees that you get cancer? That shit is okay? Sorry but that shit isn’t okay in my book anonymous message board or not..

If you dont want belittled....your word...then stop doing it. There are about 7 personalities that come on and belittle others that you disagree with. 4 of you whoever you are have the same or almost the same style. Its knee to the throat in youf crusade.. Most of the rest do it in fun or being grumpy like Stanzi last week and move on.

Per child molesting...

What the heck are you talking about?

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