Miller: Beathard's Go All In

I've asked this before and never got an answer. How was CJ supposed to know he was supposed to lie about the Willies situation. Do people think Kirk called a team meeting and said "this is the story I'm giving. Everyone back me up"? Or do people think that just because we follow what a coach says to the media, players do too?

Excellent which I have wondered about. I guess my point goes with this question though too...everyone on a message board assumes they know exactly what is going on and knows how every conversation goes and fills in the holes with speculation. Coaches play and support guys they can trust. I know that is going to **** the madden fanboys off but it is the truth in virtually every program.

In no way is cjb a djk like figure, but I remember all the lemmings lining up talking about how djk was getting jobbed by Kirk...even when there were rumors of his being late constantly, questioning the coaches, and challenging them on the Internet. Ferentz has tons of faults and it doesn't take a football genius to see we are struggling...but I'm going to trust him to make the right decision with handling players.
I don't necessarily agree with publicly calling out the head coach, but this appears to be more of CJ's dad doing this than CJ himself.

I wish the interview had never happened, because CJ's career at Iowa is over. I don't see any way he gets to play in the bowl game now....even if Jake gets I can see Kirk putting Wiegers in instead.

Not that CJ had much chance to play anyway...but had this interview not taken place, I can see him being given a token series in the second half, or seeing garbage time.

But I can understand what's going on here. CJ knows he's been jerked around. He wants to play, and he feels he is better than Jake. He knows matter what Kirk may say about the QB job being open next season...that Jake will still be the QB. I'm sure CJ has pretty much made up his mind to transfer, because there is no way he plays in the bowl game now.

He's a dead man walking.... CJ that is. A guy will do about anything when your back is against the wall. At least it just confirms what has been going on the last couple years. It really sucks to see the state of the program right now and were its heading. It puts a big question mark on everything that comes out of KF's mouth.
Excellent which I have wondered about. I guess my point goes with this question though too...everyone on a message board assumes they know exactly what is going on and knows how every conversation goes and fills in the holes with speculation. Coaches play and support guys they can trust. I know that is going to **** the madden fanboys off but it is the truth in virtually every program.

In no way is cjb a djk like figure, but I remember all the lemmings lining up talking about how djk was getting jobbed by Kirk...even when there were rumors of his being late constantly, questioning the coaches, and challenging them on the Internet. Ferentz has tons of faults and it doesn't take a football genius to see we are struggling...but I'm going to trust him to make the right decision with handling players.

Some felt DJK was mistreated because they thought he got a worse than deserved rap from Ferentz (that turned out to be false). But DJK didn't wasn't jerked around through the media the way Beathard has been with regards to playing time. Ferentz didn't say he'd play DJK this week, only to renege on that and let him sit on the bench, repeatedly throughout the course of the season. There's a pretty big difference in circumstances here.
Not to mention the long list of QB's at many schools that had to sit behind guys ahead of them until they graduated to get their shot.

Yes, but it's likely most QB's at other colleges who sit behind guys waiting their turn deserve to be behind guys while waiting their turn.

In Iowa's situation, a case can be made that CJB should have been ahead of JR due to his physical abilities (better runner, better arm and more ability to consistently throw deep vertically). Add to the fact he also managed games fairly well, when he did get to play, that is.
7-5 will be a tall order for next year with Ruddock starting IMO.

True. Even this year we would have been 6-6 if CJ didn't win the Pitt game for us. Probably the only chance is if the defense saves our bacon like in 2013.
Some felt DJK was mistreated because they thought he got a worse than deserved rap from Ferentz (that turned out to be false). But DJK didn't wasn't jerked around through the media the way Beathard has been with regards to playing time. Ferentz didn't say he'd play DJK this week, only to renege on that and let him sit on the bench, repeatedly throughout the course of the season. There's a pretty big difference in circumstances here.

Which is why I said "in no way is cjb a djk like figure" ...
He's a dead man walking.... CJ that is. A guy will do about anything when your back is against the wall. At least it just confirms what has been going on the last couple years. It really sucks to see the state of the program right now and were its heading. It puts a big question mark on everything that comes out of KF's mouth.

KF is a dead man walking too. His life support is his contract.
Which is why I said "in no way is cjb a djk like figure" ...

He's not a DJK-like figure, and even if we ignored the personalities involved in this comparison, the circumstances aren't similar, either. So what the hell was your point?
They aren't all on him directly. But there are things C.J. can do that Jake can't, and that could be the difference in at least a few of those losses.

Oh ok. Such as play LBer or kicking? Block and catch better? Gameplan or play calling?

Heres how I see the losses this year.
ISU: sticking to a game plan that wasn't working (run game wasn't doing anything and no pressure defense).
Maryland: terrible execution by many different positions on the field (defense giving up tons of yardage, penalties, and turnovers).
Minny: everyone got it handed to them. Offense, defense, special teams, and coaches.
Wiscy: first half we attempted to stick to the ball control offense for too long (imo, not a bad gameplan if it works); the second half if we could make a stop we win (Lomax play vs Gordon or Stave's 1st down run late). Ultimately the better team won that game.
Nebby: stinky offense in 2nd half, poor job by the punter/punt coverage, turnovers, defense not able to get a stop in the second half.

I will say maybe (that's a big maybe) the ISU game he comes in and creates a spark on offense; but I contend that game plan should have been altered when it wasn't working.
In my opinion, the most damning quote of all was when Kirk said that Jake won the job last August. It's damning to the fact that he lied to CJ and it's damning to the fact other players never get a fair chance to take away a starting spot until a guy graduates.

Kirfer said the competition was open during August, he said it was open after the Pitt game, he said we were gonna possibly see a 2 QB system after Maryland, and he said it's been opened up in bowl practice. I guess you have to decide who you want to believe. A guy who's been here and doing this for 16 years or a guy who appears to have a foot halfway out the door.
True. Even this year we would have been 6-6 if CJ didn't win the Pitt game for us. Probably the only chance is if the defense saves our bacon like in 2013.

Comebacks like the Ball State game are highly unlikely too. Then when you include the "he will have 1 more year in the program" factor, we are looking at a 2012 type finish.
Oh ok. Such as play LBer or kicking? Block and catch better? Gameplan or play calling?

Heres how I see the losses this year.
ISU: sticking to a game plan that wasn't working (run game wasn't doing anything and no pressure defense).
Maryland: terrible execution by many different positions on the field (defense giving up tons of yardage, penalties, and turnovers).
Minny: everyone got it handed to them. Offense, defense, special teams, and coaches.
Wiscy: first half we attempted to stick to the ball control offense for too long (imo, not a bad gameplan if it works); the second half if we could make a stop we win (Lomax play vs Gordon or Stave's 1st down run late). Ultimately the better team won that game.
Nebby: stinky offense in 2nd half, poor job by the punter/punt coverage, turnovers, defense not able to get a stop in the second half.

I will say maybe (that's a big maybe) the ISU game he comes in and creates a spark on offense; but I contend that game plan should have been altered when it wasn't working.

We have always needed players who could bail out Kirk's game day managing. CJ could have been that guy.
Kirfer said the competition was open during August, he said it was open after the Pitt game, he said we were gonna possibly see a 2 QB system after Maryland, and he said it's been opened up in bowl practice. I guess you have to decide who you want to believe. A guy who's been here and doing this for 16 years or a guy who appears to have a foot halfway out the door.

People should opt for believing the credible source, which in this case is CJ. Only somebody resembling Kirkfer's own bawlz would believe anything he says about his team anymore.

The lunatic sheeple portion of the IA fan base need to just get out of this discussion. If there can be no wrong done at IA why are you here arguing w/ the reasoned individuals? It's obvious from the posts on here, from some in particular, that 7-5 was a magical season procured by the greatest coach ever who knows everything. Prior debacles have been likewise praised and forgiven cause "hey, we're IA-we should suck". If that's your take on our team then good for you but you'll not find anybody w/ any ability to objectively review the season say these types of things. Please Sheep, do yourselves a favor and keep lining Fat Cat's pockets, attending garbage games at Kinnick, and praising the worst errr best coach in IA history but please don't come here telling me it's raining...
Kirfer said the competition was open during August, he said it was open after the Pitt game, he said we were gonna possibly see a 2 QB system after Maryland, and he said it's been opened up in bowl practice. I guess you have to decide who you want to believe. A guy who's been here and doing this for 16 years or a guy who appears to have a foot halfway out the door.

CJ has nothing to the quote I was talking about. Kirk said that in a presser. He said CJ would have a chance to win the job this year. He said it's been opened after the Pitt game. He said that Jake won the compitition last August.

If there is no compitition this year because Jake won it last August, don't tell CJ he has a chance. If CJ does have a chance, don't say Jake won it last August.
Kirfer said the competition was open during August, he said it was open after the Pitt game, he said we were gonna possibly see a 2 QB system after Maryland, and he said it's been opened up in bowl practice. I guess you have to decide who you want to believe. A guy who's been here and doing this for 16 years or a guy who appears to have a foot halfway out the door.

Seriously???? Come on....I'll trust my eyes and nearly every other person not blind, commentators included, that watched Iowa football this year that CJ was clearly the better QB who in turn made the offense and those around him better. There was no open competition this year or CJ would've started AT LEAST from the Pitt game on.
KF does not like being put on the spot or questioned on coaching decisions so basically CJ justdecided to transfer. KF is loyal and stubborn to a fault so if you think CJ is starting this bowl game, I think you're nuts. I HOPE KF proves me wrong. But I think the proverbial writing is on the wall. JR will start this bowl game and be the starter next year. Hope we have a heck of a o-line and ground game cuz we're gonna need it.
KF does not like being put on the spot or questioned on coaching decisions so basically CJ justdecided to transfer. KF is loyal and stubborn to a fault so if you think CJ is starting this bowl game, I think you're nuts. I HOPE KF proves me wrong. But I think the proverbial writing is on the wall. JR will start this bowl game and be the starter next year. Hope we have a heck of a o-line and ground game cuz we're gonna need it.

CJ and JR are both on the same team so why not show some loyalty towards CJ to. Sticking with the same guy doesn't mean KF is loyal.
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I compare this situation to the Stanzi/Christensen era. While JR is much better than Christensen was, Christensen had to play his way out of the position before KF would make a move. So JR really hasn't done that so I don't expect a change. But, much like the Stanzi/Christensen time, some guys just have that "it" factor that seems to lift the team around them. Stanzi had it. I get the same feeling about CJ. Just one of those guys that with a little playing time and experience, could be an outstanding QB and bring the rest of the team with him.

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