Miller: Beathard's Go All In

IMO, CJ will either be at Illinois State or at Iowa, next year.
Both, Illinois State and Iowa, have Juniors as their starting quarterback.

Illinois State is 13-1 in FCS and is playing North Dakota State in the championship on January 10th.
Remember, Kurt Beathard is in his first year as OC at Illinois State.

I did not know that until now - link
Don't get the transfer to Illinois State talk. Tre Roberson is their QB, the transfer from Indiana. He's led them to the championship game this year. Are they going to automatically bench him next year for Beathard? Why would they do that. And if they don't bench Roberson, Beathard will have 1 year at that school, the same as at Iowa. Illinois State doesn't make sense as a school for him - that is, if he goes, which I am hoping like heck he doesn't.
The Texas Hold'Em is a perfect analogy. We know what's going to happen.

KF isn't going to put more chips in; he'll fold. Beathard will win the hand; KF's duplicity will be public.

And since KF is the house, when the cards are dealt next hand, CJB won't be given any. He knows this, too, so he'll leave the table and the house.

He gone.
So let me get this straight...
CJB basically said he gets to play or he's taking his ball and going home; and nobody has a problem with that?

Before people jump on me here, let me be clear… I like both quarterbacks. They're both good, and bring plenty to the table. But for a player to say something like that, in my opinion, is unfair to the coach/team.
This move fits Beathard pretty well, IMO. He's a bit of a riverboat gambler as a passer (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), and this is definitely a riverboat move.
Jon, let me ask you about this from your article:

"Beathard said in the item that he and Jake have been even thus far during bowl prep. If that is the case, if they are truly even right now, I go with the guy who will be there two more years and has a skill set unlike any other quarterback in the Ferentz era."

If things are equal in the bowl prep, why wouldn't you take the guy who appears to know the offense better, who makes better checks, and is the safer bet? Just because of the other guys possible projected ceiling?
So let me get this straight...
CJB basically said he gets to play or he's taking his ball and going home; and nobody has a problem with that?

Before people jump on me here, let me be clear… I like both quarterbacks. They're both good, and bring plenty to the table. But for a player to say something like that, in my opinion, is unfair to the coach/team.

Eda I have a problem with that too. Hard to see KF being black mailed. But Im torn on this. I felt CJB had the most upside and should have been the QB all year. But its hard to bench the guy who took you to 8-4 and bowl game next year. KF is in a bad spot period. Going to be interesting
So let me get this straight...
CJB basically said he gets to play or he's taking his ball and going home; and nobody has a problem with that?

Before people jump on me here, let me be clear… I like both quarterbacks. They're both good, and bring plenty to the table. But for a player to say something like that, in my opinion, is unfair to the coach/team.

Not to mention the long list of QB's at many schools that had to sit behind guys ahead of them until they graduated to get their shot.
It certainly appears CJ and his father went all-in. I think it's unfortunate as well, because as a player, especially as a player you simply just don't do this stuff to KF and get away with it. None the less maybe will all be surprised, but I doubt it.
So, you expect KF to respond negatively to the 'all in" by CJ and his pa? Aren't you one of the HN posters who consistently declare KF is such a good guy? Wouldn't KF reacting negatively to an assumed slight be an example of someone who isn't a good guy? Someone who cares more about control and self image than the success of the Hawkeyes?

Let me be clear, here. I'm not saying KF doesn't care about the Hawkeyes... he does. I'm saying KF cares more about control and self image than the success of the Hawkeyes.
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No need to poke at Rudock. This is decidedly not his fault. He's been told that's he's starting, and during the games he's been told he's going back in. I can't imagine a scenario where he would say, No thanks, Coach, I think CJ's better, go with him. Leave him out of the line of fire. I think Beathard should be playing, too, but that's not Rudock's fault.
No need to poke at Rudock. This is decidedly not his fault. He's been told that's he's starting, and during the games he's been told he's going back in. I can't imagine a scenario where he would say, No thanks, Coach, I think CJ's better, go with him. Leave him out of the line of fire. I think Beathard should be playing, too, but that's not Rudock's fault.
I agree with you, but the picture is pretty funny. KF's love for JR is not. I don't think Jake is horrible, but he's not great and has limited physical ability. If I were him, I would want to play too, but our coach needs to realize it's not a personality contest and put the guy on the field who has the most upside.
I agree with you, but the picture is pretty funny. KF's love for JR is not. I don't think Jake is horrible, but he's not great and has limited physical ability. If I were him, I would want to play too, but our coach needs to realize it's not a personality contest and put the guy on the field who has the most upside.

The photoshop concept is a good one and well done, I just wince when this discussion takes a turn against Rudock.
So let me get this straight...
CJB basically said he gets to play or he's taking his ball and going home; and nobody has a problem with that?

Before people jump on me here, let me be clear… I like both quarterbacks. They're both good, and bring plenty to the table. But for a player to say something like that, in my opinion, is unfair to the coach/team.

How so? CJB has the right to transfer (this is not against NCAA rules) and find a situation that is better for him personally, if he feels that's what he should do. You only get one shot at being an athlete, so I can't blame a guy for looking out for himself and trying to make the most of it while he still has time.

Let's wait to see if CJB actually transfers, but in light of this interview, I think the odds are extremely high that he's gone. I'm sure he didn't just join KF's inner-circle by doing this, so there's that, too.
Not to mention the long list of QB's at many schools that had to sit behind guys ahead of them until they graduated to get their shot.

How many of those QB's had to sit behind guys who have been as wildly inconsistent as Rudock has been this year? It's not like we're talking about Jameis Winston redshirting to spend a year behind E.J. Manuel, or Colt McCoy spending a year behind Vince Young.

And how many of the guys who had to sit behind a guy as inconsistent as Rudock also had the upside that C.J. does? I'd wager that list is a lot smaller.
Not so funny thought; CJ going to Arkansas, sitting a year, playing for Bielema. This isn't the 50s'/60s', times have changed. Trying to muzzle these young men just isn't going to work, good for CJ. I may trade in my black and gold, along with my UI degree for some red and white if this happens. And wait for Bielema's return.
Jon, let me ask you about this from your article:

"Beathard said in the item that he and Jake have been even thus far during bowl prep. If that is the case, if they are truly even right now, I go with the guy who will be there two more years and has a skill set unlike any other quarterback in the Ferentz era."

If things are equal in the bowl prep, why wouldn't you take the guy who appears to know the offense better, who makes better checks, and is the safer bet? Just because of the other guys possible projected ceiling?

If things are equal you play the guy with the higher upside for the next 2 years. If you're happy with 7-5 or worse next year, stick with Jake Rudock.
If things are equal you play the guy with the higher upside for the next 2 years. If you're happy with 7-5 or worse next year, stick with Jake Rudock.
7-5 will be a tall order for next year with Ruddock starting IMO.
KF loves to "evaluate" situations. Perhaps if he truly "evaluated" the way he has handed the QB competition this year he would realize that he created this entire s%*tstorm all by himself.

In the end, KF will never admit that he mishandled the QB's this year (and in 2012 for that matter), JR will play the entire bowl game, Iowa fans will be livid, season ticket sales will plummet, CJB will take his talents elsewhere, Iowa will be stuck with KF, JR & GD and Gary Barta will still be telling us what a great person Kirk is.

Hawkeye athletics are so fun right now. I can hardly contain myself.
So let me get this straight...
CJB basically said he gets to play or he's taking his ball and going home; and nobody has a problem with that?

Before people jump on me here, let me be clear… I like both quarterbacks. They're both good, and bring plenty to the table. But for a player to say something like that, in my opinion, is unfair to the coach/team.

I think under most circumstances that people would have a big problem with what CJB said, or would have basically said, "good riddance" to him. In most cases, with most coaches, the backup player is not better or even close to the starter and are frustrated so they speak out.

This however is a much different situation. It would appear that CJB was given the idea prior to last season that he would have a fair shot at winning the QB job in 2014 and judging from his interview comments and overall what happened this season, that was not the case at all. I have no issues with a guy leaving when he is led to believe one thing and the something completely different happens.

Also, CJB is at practice everyday. He sees that physically he is the far superior player. If Jake was going out every game and managing things well, making big passes when he had to, and beat a good team or two, CJB doesn't have much to stand on. But JR doesn't do those things and on top of that had some killer turnovers this season.

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