McCabe tweet - rips Iowa fans

Zach was wrong to post that. I like Zach, but I cringe every time he comes into the game. Hard to understand Fran's fascination with him.
The % of fans tweeting and ripping Zach McCabe is .0000000001% of the fanbase. He made a huge mistake responding to it by saying, "You all".

Zach didn't play well. I don't hate him for it.
It's been deleted, but he said something along these lines:

The fact that I got $hit from Iowa fans is suck...go suck a fat one all of you.

Yikes. It's too bad that Iowa fans are ripping the guy, but it's never a good idea to vent on twitter like that.

1. Following college or pro athletes on twitter is stupid. Maybe 10 tops are even interesting enough to follow.

2. Tweeting at potential Iowa recruits is creepy.

What a stupid situation bases on idiots attacking McCabe and him responding the way he did. Both sides were in the wrong.
Twitter mostly sucks, it's designed for stupid interactions like this. Anything good on twitter gets posted on a forum anyway so there's really no point in being on there. Dumb for both sides but he's not the first and won't be the last.
Maybe he meant to say, "smoke a fatty". Lord knows we all get fat-fingered on these tiny phone keyboards.

IMHO, great advice, Zachster! Let's all just chill ... medicinally, of course.
And McCabe would be correct. My goodness, come on people. Simply the most rediculous over reaction there can be.
I just don't get the whole Twitter thing. I don't read it or follow anyone or have an account and if I was a college kid playing ball, I wouldn't have one either. Nothing good can come from it.
It's been deleted, but he said something along these lines:

The fact that I got $hit from Iowa fans is suck...go suck a fat one all of you.

Yikes. It's too bad that Iowa fans are ripping the guy, but it's never a good idea to vent on twitter like that.

Perfect example of why a COACH should never take what fans say personal in a call in show!!! I said that Fran went to far this week with his comments to a fan and I still believe that... Now the player feels that he can also rip the So-Called Fan!
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Maybe we as people have forgotten the golden rule? "Do unto others....." This is a sport and as in life, there's going to be disappointments. How you react and deal with them are key factors to growing.

I've said this in other threads and I'll say it again.... If you're a fan of the Hawkeyes, be a fan with class. If you can not be a person that encourages, than you're a discourager. How about I come heckle you like those who have dogged McCabe, Woody, Oglesby or any other player that's had bad days? I grow tired of people on this board who tear down... I just as soon see you become a Clones fan. Since I care not what most people think, I'll say it " Those who cut on our players can SUCK THE FAT ONE!" Have a great weekend cuz brighter days are ahead Hawk fans!
Maybe we as people have forgotten the golden rule? "Do unto others....." This is a sport and as in life, there's going to be disappointments. How you react and deal with them are key factors to growing.

I've said this in other threads and I'll say it again.... If you're a fan of the Hawkeyes, be a fan with class. If you can not be a person that encourages, than you're a discourager. How about I come heckle you like those who have dogged McCabe, Woody, Oglesby or any other player that's had bad days? I grow tired of people on this board who tear down... I just as soon see you become a Clones fan. Since I care not what most people think, I'll say it " Those who cut on our players can SUCK THE FAT ONE!" Have a great weekend cuz brighter days are ahead Hawk fans!

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets heckled on stage and then goes down to where the lady works and heckles her - boo...hiss
A couple things:

*Social Media is not the evil, it is the people that are evil. People do and say mean things, always have, always media is just the current avenue.

*This is an unfortunate situation from both ends. People tweeting at McCabe and him responding back. Everyone involved needs to be better.

*I unfollowed, and lost a lot of respect for McCabe during the 2012 football season. He was critical of JVB's quarterback play, and tweeted something along the lines of..."let me play quarterback" during the Penn State game. He took it down fairly quickly, but for an athlete to publicly criticize another like that took some luster off him in my eyes. Now he is learning what its like to be on the other side.

It is evil because it allows people to have accesses they didn't have 20 years ago; we all know people are evil, but the nuances of Social Media allows them to act out. If players cannot handle it, they shouldn't have accounts.

Secondly, it doesn't surprise me that McCabe would post something in that sense about JVB. I have my reasons to believe it, but will leave it at that.
It is evil because it allows people to have accesses they didn't have 20 years ago; we all know people are evil, but the nuances of Social Media allows them to act out. If players cannot handle it, they shouldn't have accounts.

Secondly, it doesn't surprise me that McCabe would post something in that sense about JVB. I have my reasons to believe it, but will leave it at that.

Juicy! A few hints in this thread about McCabe being a tool.....
Juicy! A few hints in this thread about McCabe being a tool.....

It might have something to do with the 2007 3A state title game. McCabe was the starting quarterback as a sophomore when Vandy and James Hurt steamrolled Heelan.

I don't know McCabe or whether he's a tool or not, but that might be the source of any bad blood between the two of them.

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