McCabe tweet - rips Iowa fans

Come on, man. A few idiots on twitter (forgive the redundance in that phrase) do not = a team's fans.
Regarding your point, I notice you didn't say anything regarding the post I responded to that made the criticism that the response of one player = the entire team. Consistency is something we all appreciate whether it's on the ballcourt or hawknation.

Overall, I took no offense to what McCabe tweeted because I don't follow him on twitter. I suppose that's true for most Hawk fans. So since most Hawk fans don't follow him on twitter it's a pretty safe assumption that McCabe was responding to those few idiots on twitter rather than Hawk fandom. So the response by the media and McCabe-haters to his response is way overblown.

That thing about throwing a rock into a pack of dogs; the one that yelps is the one you mean to hit. McCabe's one rock hit a bunch of dogs.
No, it's really sad that Twitter was made for a quick, easy way to communicate and has been commandeered by idiots. Much like Facebook, it started as something really useful and good and has fallen to the lowest common denominator.
Facebook works just fine, as long as you don't allow perfect strangers access to your wall/info. My biggest gripe about Facebook is the few friends that are way too involved with politics and cannot help but share it 3 times a day.
Come on, man. A few idiots on twitter (forgive the redundance in that phrase) do not = a team's fans.

Well you have Niang from Iowa State saying Iowa has "hard fans" in the Register, so yeah this does paint the entire Iowa fanbase. Thanks idiots and thank you Zach for your immature response.
Come on, man. A few idiots on twitter (forgive the redundance in that phrase) do not = a team's fans.

This is hardly an isolated incident. The message boards have been home to nut jobs and cowards for years. Again, a small percentage of the fanbase, but unstable and classless cowards nonetheless. If it wasn't that way, this board and others wouldn't have rules in place related to ripping players...and even then, some don't care...they just want to lob bombs.

So don't act like there isn't a segment of the Iowa fanbase that is just as boorish, despicable and asinine as we make fun of in other fanbases, because that would be a lie. You've been 'associating' with some of them for years.
Well you have Niang from Iowa State saying Iowa has "hard fans" in the Register, so yeah this does paint the entire Iowa fanbase. Thanks idiots and thank you Zach for your immature response.

To be fair, Hoiberg acknowledged at his press conference yesterday that Matt Thomas had some Cyclone fans sending him nasty tweets earlier in the season. Clearly Niang is biased, as we all are, but this isn't just an Iowa fan thing. If someone tries to paint it that way it's because they are simply trying to pile on Hawk fans.

I do agree with what you are saying though. Whether or not this happens at most major universities, when it does happen it allows a select few to shed a horrible light on an entire fan base. What DD said is spot on though. It's quite obvious some Hawk fans are incapable of using Twitter in a mature fashion.

Beyond that, it's completely obvious on these message boards that Hawk fans in general handle losing like a bunch of toddlers. This team will be in the tournament and Fran has brought them there. Their work ethic has brought them there. Of course it's frustrating they can't seem to figure out how to win games in the final few minutes against top competition, but they've still improved a great deal. Anyone who can't see that is blind, and needs to readjust their expectations.
Regarding your point, I notice you didn't say anything regarding the post I responded to that made the criticism that the response of one player = the entire team. Consistency is something we all appreciate whether it's on the ballcourt or hawknation.

Overall, I took no offense to what McCabe tweeted because I don't follow him on twitter. I suppose that's true for most Hawk fans. So since most Hawk fans don't follow him on twitter it's a pretty safe assumption that McCabe was responding to those few idiots on twitter rather than Hawk fandom. So the response by the media and McCabe-haters to his response is way overblown.

That thing about throwing a rock into a pack of dogs; the one that yelps is the one you mean to hit. McCabe's one rock hit a bunch of dogs.[/QUOTE
Metaphors can be dangerous, you may wanna work on that. (not to mention that the "rock into a pack of dogs" one is inherently flawed anyway) You'll not see any nastiness toward Zach from me on twitter or anywhere else. I'm just disappointed that he lashed out, because it just makes him look bad too...unfair as that may seem. Bad move.