We may think that, but the Palestinians believe that land is a birthright. The Jews and others have been fighting over that entire area since biblical times and it will never stop. If you kick them out it's not going to solve anything because there will just be more rockets flying.
Not being sarcastic here at all, but it would help to understand the situation and circumstances to read some history on Israel and how that area got plotted out. Basically the Jews were homeless after WW2 and Britain had that whole area under its control. It was called British Palestine and governed by them, and the Muslim Palestinians lived there. They claimed it as their birthright homeland given to them by god. Obviously all the holiest of holy sites to Muslims and Christians are right there within walking distance and they had all been warring over it for countless generations going back pre written history.
After WW2 Great Britain decided the Jews needed a place to settle and had the right to the West Bank as their holy land (just like the Palestinians claimed they did), so they gave the land of Israel to the Jews and kicked all the Palestinians out. After that there were dozens of wars between the Jews and Palestinians, and eventually the Gaza Strip (tiny, tiny little shit hole block of land), was given back to the Palestinians to live there. Palestine claimed it was rightfully theirs, Israel said "no it ain't; it's still ours, we're just letting you live there." Basically Israel looks at it like we look at Indian reservations here. The Palestinians don't care if it's destroyed or not, they think it's their divine right and they'll die over it.
So that's what you've had and will continue to have as long as one or both are occupying the area. Unless you kick both Israel and Palestine out there's going to be fighting from some border or another. If you kick out the Palestinians, the entire Arab coalition is going to start more shit (minus the Saudis), and we all know damn well Israel isn't going anywhere. I say let it be and unfortunately they all need to figure it out. Use our military to protect our interests in the area including shipping, and call it good.