McCabe tweet - rips Iowa fans

If this whole thing turns into a Fran and player against the fans thing, it is not going to turn out good for Iowa.

I may be way off base here, but I don't see this as a Fran and player against the fan. I see this as Fran, player, and 95% of fans against a few ignorant, loudmouths who are poor judges of character and talent.

I expect this from Nebraska fans, but not Iowa.

I agree Zach shouldn't have replied. He needs to take the high road. But hopefully, by his replying, it will shine a light on how incredibly asinine some "fans" really are. And the more the real fans stand up for the players, the more likely the nitwits are to think twice about what they say next time.
You could change the name of this thread to "McCabe tweet - tells Iowa fans the truth". It's embarrassing, but true.

You want to get on players? Go find an NBA team to cheer for. Those guys are grown a$$ men who have decided to make basketball their life's work (and get paid millions in the process). If you feel like one of them needs to hear something from you, well fire away!

McCabe on the other hand probably won't be playing any ball after he takes off the black & gold until his kids are old enough for a little horse/1:1 in the driveway.

In other words, get some perspective/get a life.
I only regret that he took it down - a pretty healthy % of the Hawkeye fan base needs to hear it loud & clear, unfortunately.

As far as ripping players @ the collegiate level, I think 95% of it falls under 2 categories:

1) You're young and have some maturing to do (it's regrettable, but I've been there first hand)
2) You're a loser & would rather take it out on the 21 yr old kid for missing a shot/dropping a pass/whatever than come to grips with your own life.

This may be the single most true statement ever made on the internet.

Awhile back I posted that McCabe is my favorite player on the team, and he remains as such.
Here's my point and stance for you tough guys that like to talk **** on here. I work at a place that the team comes in from time to time. I will post the next time they will be coming in. I will sit with a tally board on how many ppl have the courage to say one thing negative to ANY player one time. I will buy anyone's tab in fact that tells McCabe how ****** he is right to his face. Think about it ppl. You are wrong....

Are you talking about a steak dinner or some lame azz chili dog? ;)
Wont be anymore Tweeting this year. per Fran

About 2 days short with that edict. About the same distance as McCabe's three pointer. Sorry, couldn't resist. I mean, it was so bad, you just have to laugh it off, and move on. Besides, it wasn't even close to the worst play of the game. How about being up 4, with possession, and turning the ball over. Of the next time down, another turnover. Neither play involved Zach. Those plays could/would have led to Iowa never being in the position of having to hit a 3 pointer (by the way, something NO ONE on the team has done all year).
Wow. Just wow. We've been waiting since 2006 to get back into the tourney. We finally have a coach and a team that will get us there, but we pull out the pitch forks when we loose a close game. There are so many folks out there that really don't understand basketball, apparently. Why on earth are we attacking 1 player when, we should be asking why our defense was so poor in the first half to allow those guys to shoot 74% from the floor? Sheer ignorance from some folks.

WE aren't doing anything. A couple knuckledraggers are. .00000001% of the fanbase. And I wouldn't even call them fans. Could be a couple jr high kids, could be some drunks in a bar, who knows. But I'm ready for folks to quit acting like this is some widespread common problem among the Hawkeye faithful.
Pretty sad that his team is so immature they can't handle twitter.

What's even more sad is the fact there are fans who feel the need to send disparaging remarks to a kid like that. Fans don't shed their blood, sweat, and sometimes tears in order to wear a Hawkeye uniform. The fans who made those comments probably haven't played any sort of competition at a high level in their entire lives. The fact McCabe just got done playing arguably the worst game of his career, in one of the most important games of his career, and responded emotionally to idiots on twitter is not at all sad or surprising to me. He said what most people would want to say, and he deleted it once he realized it was "politically incorrect" (or one someone from the U told him to). I don't blame him one iota for telling those people to suck a fat one.

You can't blame Fran for banning Twitter. We have a rabid fan base that unfortunately includes some lunatics. Clearly the players frustrations with that are at an all time high. One tweet has already made headlines. No reason to risk anything further.
OK folks. Why hasn't one person in these 86 previous posts made mention of the fact that Zach is a Senior? To me that is EVERYTHING here. That means he is supposed to be one of the team leaders, and one person amongst those athletes who has been around long enough to know better.

If this would have been anyone else, I would have had a lot more sympathy for him (though yes, I believe this is also a good lesson on why it is just best to stay off Twitter). And while I haven't seen it on this site, Hawk fans apparently did go WAY over the edge in criticizing him.

Still, HE IS A SENIOR! On the court and off, I have always expected more out of them. What he has done here is so far beyond the pale for a team leader, I can't even describe it.

Don't know what Fran is going to do here (and Fran HAS to start re-thinking his substitution patterns, period). But when it comes to a Senior doing something like this, the head man cannot do nothing.

Dude, why do you think they choke in crunch time? There is no leadership out there.
I think it's terrible the way Iowa fans have acted in general this season. It's been beyond embarrassing. From constantly crying about officiating to attacking our own players, we've become the joke fan base of the BIG.

Having said that, McCabe's reaction will further cement a lot of fans' feelings about him. As much as it sucks, as a player you must ignore the critisism and steer away from the victim mentality. You won't change opinions on social media. That can only be done on the court.

This is spot on.
About 2 days short with that edict. About the same distance as McCabe's three pointer. Sorry, couldn't resist. I mean, it was so bad, you just have to laugh it off, and move on. Besides, it wasn't even close to the worst play of the game. How about being up 4, with possession, and turning the ball over. Of the next time down, another turnover. Neither play involved Zach. Those plays could/would have led to Iowa never being in the position of having to hit a 3 pointer (by the way, something NO ONE on the team has done all year).

Yeah and I believe one of those brilliant turnovers was Marble's where he drove around and then just lost it. I think there was a good chunk of the shot clock left.
Pretty sad that his team is so immature they can't handle twitter.

No, it's really sad that Twitter was made for a quick, easy way to communicate and has been commandeered by idiots. Much like Facebook, it started as something really useful and good and has fallen to the lowest common denominator.