Jarrod Uthoff

I see now that Bo has decided to be an even bigger ******. Eventually, he will probably include every major conference in his list of schools Uthoff cannot play for.

Ryan adds ACC to Uthoff's banned list

Bo may be trying to ensure that Uthoff never plays against the Badgers unless its in the NCAA Tourney.

Teams dont find out who they play in the B1G/ACC Challenge until a few months before the game. The only way he can ensure Uthoff doesnt play against them is by banning the whole conference from contacting him.
Uthoff must be one helluva scary player that Bo never wants to face him. Maybe shouldn't have redshirted him lol.

It was actually Uthoff's decision to redshirt. He was at the scorers table ready to go in the game early in the season and the game or half ended before he stepped on the court. Decided after that he wanted to take a RS.
Banning him from an entire conference because he might actually have to play against him in his three remaining years of eligibility? Wow, Bo is running scared!
I guess I don't have a problem with this.

The young man (an adult) signed a contract to go play for a team that invested considerable resources, both in money and time, recruiting him to come play for them. In return for his services, they promised to pay for 100% of his tuition, room and board each year the scholarship was renewed.

This young man (an adult) knew or should have known what the possible repercussions would be if he decided to transfer for whatever reason.

This is no different than a non-compete clause that many companies require new employees to sign. Most of these scholarship contracts state that the school has the right to restrict where a player can play subsequent to his/her decision to transfer.

He certainly has every right to appeal, but the school also has every right to restrict where Mr. Uthoff takes his services to.
Bo getting hammered on by The Herd this morning. Herd says any HS kid should think twice about attending Wisky. Love It...
Bo getting hammered on by The Herd this morning. Herd says any HS kid should think twice about attending Wisky. Love It...

Haha it was AWESOME.

Realized "after the sales job" that this system isn't a good fit, very conservative offense.

Eluded to the fact that Bo Ryan is bad guy, as he brings up Lane Kiffin and how people perceive him to be bad.

Said that Uthoff was Mr Basketball in Iowa, it's a good basketball state.

Said Bo Ryan looks petty, spiteful, and small.

Said be careful, very careful if you choose to go to school there.

You can listen to it here for awhile before it's archived:
11:36 time block.
I guess I don't have a problem with this.

The young man (an adult) signed a contract to go play for a team that invested considerable resources, both in money and time, recruiting him to come play for them. In return for his services, they promised to pay for 100% of his tuition, room and board each year the scholarship was renewed.

This young man (an adult) knew or should have known what the possible repercussions would be if he decided to transfer for whatever reason.

This is no different than a non-compete clause that many companies require new employees to sign. Most of these scholarship contracts state that the school has the right to restrict where a player can play subsequent to his/her decision to transfer.

He certainly has every right to appeal, but the school also has every right to restrict where Mr. Uthoff takes his services to.

Problem here is that the coach can leave whenever he wants without having and restrictions on where he can go. Why should a 17/18 year old get ****** around by a old fart?

Bo is being an *** and even espn is calling him out on it now.
I guess I don't have a problem with this.

The young man (an adult) signed a contract to go play for a team that invested considerable resources, both in money and time, recruiting him to come play for them. In return for his services, they promised to pay for 100% of his tuition, room and board each year the scholarship was renewed.

This young man (an adult) knew or should have known what the possible repercussions would be if he decided to transfer for whatever reason.

This is no different than a non-compete clause that many companies require new employees to sign. Most of these scholarship contracts state that the school has the right to restrict where a player can play subsequent to his/her decision to transfer.

He certainly has every right to appeal, but the school also has every right to restrict where Mr. Uthoff takes his services to.

Listen to the Cowherd's audio, he nails it.

I understand B1G restrictions set forth by the conference, but to not allow transfers to ISU or the entire ACC? What?!
Cowherd nailed it.

Sorry,Rico,but Bo is not the only coach that has ''invested a year in a player'' and had them transfer. Restricting him from almost half the BCS schools(who knows,he may be restricting him from every BCS school out there)..is not done by other coaches. Bo is being petty,vindictive and small here, basically trying to ruin Uthoff's college bb career because of his ''hurt feelings''. It is clearly personal for Bo, who is supposed to be about more than just winning and losing but educating young men.

What if some of these restricted schools offer an academic program that Uthoff is hoping to specialize in? You know, like Wisconsin evidently offers to Russell Wilson and O'Brien,the qb transfers whose schools invested 3-4 years of education in,only to see them finish their careers at Wisconsin?

Bo and Brett are two peas in a pod...trying to screw other schools,and if kids gets screwed in the process...so be it. Those QB's that Brett made promises to when he recruited them now sit and watch Wilson and O'Brien step in...nice. Bo is sabotaging Jarrod's college bb career out of meaness,while he himself was clearly tampering in the Brust case. Pair of a-holes.
Problem here is that the coach can leave whenever he wants without having and restrictions on where he can go. Why should a 17/18 year old get ****** around by a old fart?

Bo is being an *** and even espn is calling him out on it now.

this is dead on.. Bo is just being a surly dick..
the "adult" comments are pretty stupid. he commited while he was a high school student, likely when be was still 17. that is a youth under any situation
Sorry if this has been covered, but how did we get Sam Okey back in the day from Wisconsin other than Bo Ryan wasn't there.
Look, I can't stand Bo Ryan. Never have, never will. I think his mugging style of basketball is terrible for the game and his constant antics on the sidelines are childish, immature, and downright embarassing to himself and the University.

But I also can't stand the selfish, non-commital, "woe-is-me", pussification of teens and young adults that seem to be the norm anymore and not the exception. If you don't like something you've committed to, just quit. If someone is better than you and jumps over you in the workplace/court/field/etc.....then just quit or go home and cry to mom and dad and beg them to make it all better. It's gotten pathetic. As an executive, I see it all the time in the young people that my company hires...many are still on mommy and daddy's health insurance so they have extra money for beer. Many still live at home with mommy and daddy so they don't have to be responsible for rent or food or any of the other "inconveniences" that take money away from their brand-spanking new car or their weekend excursions.

That may be a little overboard when comparing to this Uthoff situation, but it really is a problem that's only going to keep getting worse as long as the adults that should know better keep allowing it to happen and, often times, perpetuating it.
I guess I don't have a problem with this.

The young man (an adult) signed a contract to go play for a team that invested considerable resources, both in money and time, recruiting him to come play for them. In return for his services, they promised to pay for 100% of his tuition, room and board each year the scholarship was renewed.

This young man (an adult) knew or should have known what the possible repercussions would be if he decided to transfer for whatever reason.

This is no different than a non-compete clause that many companies require new employees to sign. Most of these scholarship contracts state that the school has the right to restrict where a player can play subsequent to his/her decision to transfer.

He certainly has every right to appeal, but the school also has every right to restrict where Mr. Uthoff takes his services to.

Uthoff may not have been an adult when he signed his LOI. Parents have to sign as well if he's under 18.

Just sayin.
Well then his parents surely co-signed then.....

I would think most parents are going to let the kid make his own decision on what school they want to go to and sign off on it.

This is college basketball and 99% of the coaches are going to let kids transfer if they so choose. Coaches can leave at the drop of hat, so why should the kids be held to a different standard. The answer they shouldn't and most coaches realize this.

The good that will come out of it will be the fact that every coach will be able to go into a kids house and simply say this:

"If you go to Wisconsin you need to be prepared to stay at all costs, even if after the fact you discover it is not the place for you because Coach Ryan will do everything in his power make you pay for any wrong decision you make."
Look, I can't stand Bo Ryan. Never have, never will. I think his mugging style of basketball is terrible for the game and his constant antics on the sidelines are childish, immature, and downright embarassing to himself and the University.

But I also can't stand the selfish, non-commital, "woe-is-me", pussification of teens and young adults that seem to be the norm anymore and not the exception. If you don't like something you've committed to, just quit. If someone is better than you and jumps over you in the workplace/court/field/etc.....then just quit or go home and cry to mom and dad and beg them to make it all better. It's gotten pathetic. As an executive, I see it all the time in the young people that my company hires...many are still on mommy and daddy's health insurance so they have extra money for beer. Many still live at home with mommy and daddy so they don't have to be responsible for rent or food or any of the other "inconveniences" that take money away from their brand-spanking new car or their weekend excursions.

That may be a little overboard when comparing to this Uthoff situation, but it really is a problem that's only going to keep getting worse as long as the adults that should know better keep allowing it to happen and, often times, perpetuating it.

You really are an executive? Hmmmm?

While I agree that some young people are victims of true helicopter parenting and have a significant failure to launch problem, realizing a dead end situation and accordingly making a change is NOT necessarily a bad idea, particularly when you have a limited amount of time you can stay in a certain phase. It is not like he can do his four years of eligibility and then go play college basketball somewhere else.

Seriously, would you work for a company where you didn't fit when you had a chance to make a move and work for company for which you were better suited? Like for instance, I wouldn't want to work for a company that was comfortable with their executives using words like "pussification." :rolleyes:
If you actually are an executive maybe you should use your power to help influence what kind of people your company is employing. If you're implying that your company is making a habit of hiring kids who still suck on their parents teets... here's an idea: step in and give them your two cents about their hiring strategy. Maybe HR isn't your realm of expertise, but I would think as an executive you'd be able to at least get your point across.

Then again, I've read most of your posts and your negative attitude makes it pretty hard for me to believe you're an executive. Which makes me think it's either a family company, you had connections, or something happened in your life that was traumatic and really made you the consistent sour-puss that you seem to be on this board. Usually people with a glass half empty approach don't make it very far up the corporate ladder unless they are exceptional at what they do. Which I admit could be your case, but its doubtful.

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