Jarrod Uthoff

Look, I can't stand Bo Ryan. Never have, never will. I think his mugging style of basketball is terrible for the game and his constant antics on the sidelines are childish, immature, and downright embarassing to himself and the University.

But I also can't stand the selfish, non-commital, "woe-is-me", pussification of teens and young adults that seem to be the norm anymore and not the exception. If you don't like something you've committed to, just quit. If someone is better than you and jumps over you in the workplace/court/field/etc.....then just quit or go home and cry to mom and dad and beg them to make it all better. It's gotten pathetic. As an executive, I see it all the time in the young people that my company hires...many are still on mommy and daddy's health insurance so they have extra money for beer. Many still live at home with mommy and daddy so they don't have to be responsible for rent or food or any of the other "inconveniences" that take money away from their brand-spanking new car or their weekend excursions.

That may be a little overboard when comparing to this Uthoff situation, but it really is a problem that's only going to keep getting worse as long as the adults that should know better keep allowing it to happen and, often times, perpetuating it.

Coaches jump ship and abandon players all the time and they make millions doing it. Players should be allowed to do the same.
Too funny reading through some o these post. Not too many gave Iowa a chance. Couldn't help but copy and paste this exchange; -1 Ryno +1 spiderRico No offense Ryno because at the time few really gave Iowa a chance to land Uthoff since he would have to sit out a year and pay his own way. Needless to say the majority did not expect it to go down the way it did. I think the kid is going to be a great addition to our team next year.

Re: Does Iowa have a shot with Uthoff?
Originally Posted by HawkeyeRyno
No way. Iowa doesn't need another SF/PF player. Why would Fran even be interested in him, he shunned Fran for Bo when given an scholarship and Fran then offered Aaron White. Think that worked out well.

Iowa needs a wing. Plus he hasn't even played a minute of college ball and would provide no support next season and use one of only 2 scholarships (as of right now) available for 2013 season.

He goes to TrasferU. Best opportunity for him to play when they graduate 6 players next season.
You're crazy.

First off, he was a former Mr. Basketball in this state. When you're a struggling program, you take Mr. Basketball's from your state.

Second, he'd have to sit out a year and then be available for 3. By the time he's ready to play, Basabe would be a senior and White a junior. There's nothing wrong with having a senior, junior and sophomore as your PF/SF options.

Third, you can't blame him for shunning Iowa. We just brought in a new coach that he didn't know from Joe Blow and were coming off our worst stretch in the program's history. Wisky was a known commodity who has been to 5 Sweet 16s in 12 years.

Finally, by all accounts, the reason Bo is blocking so many schools is that he and his coaching staff are extremely impressed by both his skills and his BB IQ. This one hurts them bad. Given that Bo is the winningest coach in Big 10 history and his teams have never finished lower than 4th in his 12 years as coach, he certainly knows a thing or two about players. That's enough for me.
That hawk show that it taped at the cr field house was saying they heard uthoff has been liting it up at practice, even out playing some of the starters. While similar to white, he's a better three point shooter which we can use. Now wish we'd hear something about Kyle Meyers development.
That hawk show that it taped at the cr field house was saying they heard uthoff has been liting it up at practice, even out playing some of the starters. While similar to white, he's a better three point shooter which we can use. Now wish we'd hear something about Kyle Meyers development.

That would be sweet if true...
That would be sweet if true...

It's funny how drastically different this team is from year to year. Last year, we didn't have enough size to compete. Now this year we are one of the three largest teams in the BoneG. But we are missing 3 point shooting this year (don't let the UNI game fool you). But then next year that could be one of your strengths with Ogles3, Jok and Uthoff. No doubt Fran has an eye for the missing pieces his team's need.
It's funny how drastically different this team is from year to year. Last year, we didn't have enough size to compete. Now this year we are one of the three largest teams in the BoneG. But we are missing 3 point shooting this year (don't let the UNI game fool you). But then next year that could be one of your strengths with Ogles3, Jok and Uthoff. No doubt Fran has an eye for the missing pieces his team's need.

I'm not certain we are missing three-point shooting this year. I think a more apropos statement would be "don't let the first 10 games fool you." True, we're not going to light it up like that every night, but by the same token, we're not going to shoot the abysmal 28% or so percent we were shooting prior to the UNI game.

Let me put it to you this way: do you really think that Gesell will end up at 31% for the year? That Oglesby will shoot 30%? That White will end at 15%? Marble 30%? McCabe 33%? Because that's what our top-5 three point shooters (by attempts) were shooting prior to the UNI game. To a man, their previous year's average was significantly above these.

Our three-point shooting will be drastically better than it was the first ten games.
I'm not certain we are missing three-point shooting this year. I think a more apropos statement would be "don't let the first 10 games fool you." True, we're not going to light it up like that every night, but by the same token, we're not going to shoot the abysmal 28% or so percent we were shooting prior to the UNI game.

Let me put it to you this way: do you really think that Gesell will end up at 31% for the year? That Oglesby will shoot 30%? That White will end at 15%? Marble 30%? McCabe 33%? Because that's what our top-5 three point shooters (by attempts) were shooting prior to the UNI game. To a man, their previous year's average was significantly above these.

Our three-point shooting will be drastically better than it was the first ten games.

Ok point taken, but I don't think it will get much better. I don't think any of those players get to 40% though. And the only one that i think will make a drastic jump (more than 10%) is White. At the end of the year if there is someone who proves me wrong, I will eat crow.
I agree completely with the 40% plateau, but I think every single one of those guys will improve their shooting as time goes on. That's all I'm saying. I think we'll shoot around 34% or 35% as a team this year, which historically would put us in the low-middle of the pack for a big ten team. A pretty good step up from what we've seen so far.
Yes exactly. Next year I could see us shooting close to 40% as a team. I think everyone will be close to that 40% mark with Ogles3 being the only one to shoot better than it. I don't think Jok will be a 40% shooter right off the bat but could see him between the 30-35% range.

It really is hard not to get giddy over all the weapons we have this year, and even more so for next.

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