Interesting insight about Street from clone fans

yes. I admit I'm not confident in next years football game and think Iowa wins the next two bball games. You guys have some good young talent while ours will need a year or two.

When did you become such a pu$$y arse *****? I thought you were trying to troll the hell out of this site, but now you are slithering into a corner and sticking your head up ppls arses. What a pansy.

This is straight comedy.
When did you become such a pu$$y arse *****? I thought you were trying to troll the hell out of this site, but now you are slithering into a corner and sticking your head up ppls arses. What a pansy.

This is straight comedy.

definetely butthurt here. I'm having a friendly chat with some people who can actually have a convo about athletics.
Is that all you got? Seriously? You used to at least try to troll. Now it's just the same shiz over and over. Effin pathetic, dood. It was never good trolling, but at least you put forth a child's effort.

If you want, I'll pm you somebody that will let you back in that lurks the boards. Til then, stop crying about your ban. You could be a good poster if you put this much effort into posting helpful content.
Would you expect Fred to say anything different? They were both Iowa kids and played in the same conference, then to play as rivals in college.

I have nothing against the media coverage the last several days - but sounds as if most of you still think ISU owes something such as the 40 tribute. Bet a good percentage of your casual Iowa fan base is too young or doesn't know of Streets story - not sure why all of you are so upset your rivals don't.

This has nothing to do with ISU.

And I think that could be the reason so many Cyclone fans have some sort of grudge towards the coverage.
I honestly have no idea why someone would talk smack about Chris Street. Unless they are ignorant. Which could be the case.
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yes. I admit I'm not confident in next years football game and think Iowa wins the next two bball games. You guys have some good young talent while ours will need a year or two.

Don't go there, brah. I don't know if Iowa will ever beat Iowa State in football ever again. We were 4-8 this past year. Without O'Keefe, we scored freaking 6 POINTS. I'm seriously so angry with Ferentz for bringing in Davis that I'd beg for McCarney to come into IC. Last great coach in the state.
I heard from a birdie that you fell for somebody saying if you got 50% of people to say to let you stay on CF that the mods would unban your account.

This true?

Once again, back in? Is that what you are believing? Ok.

And I LOL'd when you idiots actually voted for that thread. I got more responses than 3/4 of your topics on the front page. And I'm obsessed. LOL.
Being honest here, not really that many people care anymore about Chris Street's death.

Well, you're wrong.
The media coverage in Iowa and nationally suggest otherwise. As does the atmosphere that was inside Carver-Hawkeye.

Just because Cyclone fans don't care about Chris Street (the PERSON, not his DEATH mind you), doesn't mean no one else does.
20 years have come and gone and it's a chance to celebrate his life, what he brought to the state of Iowa, to the Hawkeye program, what he did to impact kids' lives, etc...

There are people who care, yes there are.
oh no, he won't get banned

but I prolly will, for calling precious cap'n curt a not nice name

That's fine, brah, then we'll have a party for you and everyone will get the following Monday off work to celebrate your return just like today. GO SCORP!!!!