Interesting insight about Street from clone fans

In all honesty why are you a member of HawkeyeNation? What do you try to bring to the table?

I guess I like different takes on anything from politics to sports? And keep up with the Hawkeyes' seasons. And try to give a level headed cyclone fan's view.

He provides evidence of how insecure Cyclone fans are, that's one thing I can think of.

I hardly come off as butthurt, and quite different from the many morons on CF. But I guess if you're going to group a fan base off a number of idiots off a message board that's your choice.
Thread was deleted. Laughable...

I made 2 very simple non threatening posts and was in the middle of a very long 3rd one and when I went to post it the thread was then gone. There was another one of us in there that posted a couple times too.








The butthurt is strong with them. WE DESERVE RESPECT! WE ARE AWESUM! WE HAVE A TEAM TOO!

Good gawd they long for attention.
Reading some of those posts make me want to post in the thread and say something clownish about Stevie Hicks.

That would be totally choice. Remind them that the entire isu community is responsible for that poor young man's untimely death, because they chose to ignore the warning signs of his illness and exploited him for his football skills and then turned their collective back on him when his eligibility was up. Every clown fan had a hand in that man's death. They may as well have pushed him that fateful day. G-d clown murderers.
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That would be totally choice. Remind them that the entire isu community is responsible for that poor young man's untimely death, because they chose to ignore the warning signs of his illness and exploited him for his football skills and then turned their collective back on him when his eligibility was up. Every clown fan had a hand in that man's death. They may as well have pushed him that fateful day. Fkn clown murderers.

Thanks for the update...

Keep up with informing us!

Seriously, I understand you don't like it when Iowa fans group all ISU fans into the same boat, it is stupid.

But you only seem to show up when someone here brings up ISU and you try to defend the school/teams/fans.

The CyFan nation for the most part showed little class when discussing A KID who died tragically at a young age who as admired by many in his community growing up and at Iowa.

Someone people's hate spill over into a very sad and classless place that mature adults shouldn't go. People wonder what is wrong with America's youth, it's people like that who have kids and raise their kids with little to no logic but to hate on someone.

I'm sorry but remembering Chris Street is way, way more important than NFL playoffs. Not saying that people should get all teary eyed and cry about it but there is nothing wrong with it being on the news.

If this happened at ISU and there wasn't an annual parade ISU fans would be in an uproar about the local media are all ISU haters and Iowa homers.
Wow, some people really showing their character over there.

Just keep in mind we have idiots over here as well.

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