Fran Talks About Job Security

You meant it the way I took it. I'm sure of that. I can coast if I want to tho. But I won't. Just like Fran won't. Because the same drive that got me in the position to be able to coast will prevent me from wanting to. You don't think coaches care about the big picture, like legacy?
You clearly haven’t been paying attention. That wasn’t a guy that is mad his team sucks. That was a guy who was mad anyone calls him out on it because “it shouldn’t affect anybody. You shouldn’t even be bringing it up.”
Also some jobs give you the ability to coast if you get enough good will. Big time coaching isn't one of them.Most regular folk have jobs you can coast if you excel long enough. Sounds like You don't have one because you feel pressure every day.
Wrong again. Some people want to get better. Some people (you and Fran) don’t.
You clearly haven’t been paying attention. That wasn’t a guy that is mad his team sucks. That was a guy who was mad anyone calls him out on it because “it shouldn’t affect anybody. You shouldn’t even be bringing it up.”
Agree, he was pissed at being called out.

What's going to happen next year when Connor plays like crap during a game and someone asks Fran about it. Is he going to assault them?
If you saw this face in that video and he screamed "SILENCE, FOOL!!" Then you could have used the word "testy" in the title thread.......

Pretty much. Even a tenth of that pic.


Of course Fran was defensive and felt insulted. Can’t think of one person on here who wouldn’t be. But he held himself in check with his tone.

The substance of a part of his answer is wrong — that he shouldn’t be asked that question.

He is correct to look at the body of his work. It’s been pretty good.

It’s also been lacking in B1G and MM tournament wins. And this season is historically all-time bad.

But if he wants everyone to look at his body of work then that goes both ways. Iowa’s body of work in my forty some years — I don’t ever remember

a season finishing in last place in the B1G
a worse conference winning %
trailing by 18+ in every conference road game
the last guy to lose 20 games in a season
lose 14 in the conference got fired
based on Iowa’s body of work
it’s a legit question to ask if you think you’re seat is getting hot
Pretty much. Even a tenth of that pic.


Of course Fran was defensive and felt insulted. Can’t think of one person on here who wouldn’t be. But he held himself in check with his tone.

The substance of a part of his answer is wrong — that he shouldn’t be asked that question.

He is correct to look at the body of his work. It’s been pretty good.

It’s also been lacking in B1G and MM tournament wins. And this season is historically all-time bad.

But if he wants everyone to look at his body of work then that goes both ways. Iowa’s body of work in my forty some years — I don’t ever remember

a season finishing in last place in the B1G
a worse conference winning %
trailing by 18+ in every conference road game
the last guy to lose 20 games in a season
lose 14 in the conference got fired
based on Iowa’s body of work
it’s a legit question to ask if you think you’re seat is getting hot
Is this is a joke?
Pretty much. Even a tenth of that pic.


Of course Fran was defensive and felt insulted. Can’t think of one person on here who wouldn’t be. But he held himself in check with his tone.

The substance of a part of his answer is wrong — that he shouldn’t be asked that question.

He is correct to look at the body of his work. It’s been pretty good.

It’s also been lacking in B1G and MM tournament wins. And this season is historically all-time bad.

But if he wants everyone to look at his body of work then that goes both ways. Iowa’s body of work in my forty some years — I don’t ever remember

a season finishing in last place in the B1G
a worse conference winning %
trailing by 18+ in every conference road game
the last guy to lose 20 games in a season
lose 14 in the conference got fired
based on Iowa’s body of work
it’s a legit question to ask if you think you’re seat is getting hot

If he has a near repeat next season, then the body of work argument goes out the door.
You took it how you wanted to take it. Fran has no drive to do better. He’ll say it, but it isn’t there because he can coast like you and still get paid.

You are kind of taking this back-and-forth to weird places. Your original statement...

"That is the response of a guy that has no pressure from his boss. I feel pressure to perform in my job every day."

...clearly implies that you feel pressure to perform every day because of your boss as you are making the direct contrast to McCaffery not having that same pressure.

PCHawk simply commented that you must have a high-pressure job because that type of pressure to perform is not typical. That is true in my experience; people can be pretty bad at their jobs without getting fired. He mentioned that his job does not come with that same pressure, and he made a joke that he COULD coast for months because he has done so well at his job.

Why the defensive posture, coming back and implying he coasts at his job when he has clarified that this is definitely not the case? It just seems like an odd response. If your job really is that high pressure, just say so and provide some details. If you were being hyperbolic, just admit that, we all do it as a rhetorical tool to make a point. If the pressure you feel is due to professional pride and not your job, then clarify.

We all need to stick together at this so we can focus our rage at the appropriate targets. If we start turning on each other, then the Illuminati have us right where they want us.
If he has a near repeat next season, then the body of work argument goes out the door.

I’ve said in another thread anything less than a MM appearance and win then he should be fired. It won’t happen at $9mil but it should.

Gary “I ain’t no” Barta has made sure Fran is here at least 3 more years.
We all need to stick together at this so we can focus our rage at the appropriate targets. If we start turning on each other, then the Illuminati have us right where they want us.
You had me right up to “Illuminati”

Well said and well done
"You shouldn't even be bringing it up" ? W>T>F>... how arrogant can you be, Fran?

Why didn't he just come out and say it... "Didn't you see that I just got a contract extension?".
You could see the shade of his face go from white magic to fire engine red. I think he genuinely wanted to throat punch Dochterman.
Yup then he looked out to the rest of the press and said nor should anyone else. As in nobody else better ask this or push the topic.
This is what struck me.

"But it also relates to strength and conditioning. Do we need to get stronger? Do we need to lose weight? We we need to do plyometrics, do we need to do more speed and agility work? Those things will be with consultation from our strength and conditioning people. So when they leave that meeting, they’ll say, okay, now I have a clear and concise view of where we’re going from here. We can look back, but we’ve got to look forward too."

I'm going out on a limb that every one of these meetings better be (except Cook) need to get stronger, you need to work on speed and agility...and you need to work on being aggressive defensively. Cook needs to improve defensively...but with him it's focus and intensity. He actually guarded the rim more this year...and used the athleticism but he seems to lose focus during the possessions and therefore is a step slower that he should be. He should be a monster at blocking shots...he's getting better...but he's got upside there. Offensively...I loved the progress with Cook...he's a handful down low and is physical as hell. He gets automatic from 15-18 feet and he's going to be scary.
When Cook was in the right position he wasn't terrible. He was just often really slow to react to helping off his guy to cut off a dribble driver. He reaches and throws his hips out a lot. Some of the fouls he picks up are just really dumb ones. I don't mind if he were to plant a driver on his ass once in a while. But reaching and bumping guys 30 feet from the hoop off screen and rolls just kill you and your team
You are kind of taking this back-and-forth to weird places. Your original statement...

"That is the response of a guy that has no pressure from his boss. I feel pressure to perform in my job every day."

...clearly implies that you feel pressure to perform every day because of your boss as you are making the direct contrast to McCaffery not having that same pressure.

PCHawk simply commented that you must have a high-pressure job because that type of pressure to perform is not typical. That is true in my experience; people can be pretty bad at their jobs without getting fired. He mentioned that his job does not come with that same pressure, and he made a joke that he COULD coast for months because he has done so well at his job.

Why the defensive posture, coming back and implying he coasts at his job when he has clarified that this is definitely not the case? It just seems like an odd response. If your job really is that high pressure, just say so and provide some details. If you were being hyperbolic, just admit that, we all do it as a rhetorical tool to make a point. If the pressure you feel is due to professional pride and not your job, then clarify.

We all need to stick together at this so we can focus our rage at the appropriate targets. If we start turning on each other, then the Illuminati have us right where they want us.

Way better said than I could do. I wish everyone could follow conversations as well as you. Most people don't even read the quoted post to get context before responding.

You're right that I was calling him out for throwing out some hyberhole. It was either hyberhole or he really does have that high pressure of a job. Those jobs are rare tho. One thing's for sure, he definitely wasn't referring to putting high pressure on himself to succeed. If that was his point, he would have been saying that Fran should put more pressure on himself, not that Fran should be feeling pressure from his boss.
"You shouldn't even be bringing it up" ? W>T>F>... how arrogant can you be, Fran?

Why didn't he just come out and say it... "Didn't you see that I just got a contract extension?".

What irks me is that I have heard both Kirk and Fran say to the media, don't attack our players, question us,we're the adults and we get paid for our jobs. However, I have noticed that neither one of these guys can take being called out. They have a "don't you dare challenge or question us" mentality. Neither one can take being called out or questioned. Alford was the exact same way.