Chicago Cubs 2015 Thread

Knew it was probably a matter of time, but was a little surprised they didn't package him in a deal to grab a bigger name/impact player. Catching around the league is thin right now and he has some value as a guy who has a little pop in his bat and has become pretty dependable behind the dish. I would think you add him in with a Baez or someone it might push a trade a little further towards happening?

Why would the Cubs be looking to move Baez?
Knew it was probably a matter of time, but was a little surprised they didn't package him in a deal to grab a bigger name/impact player. Catching around the league is thin right now and he has some value as a guy who has a little pop in his bat and has become pretty dependable behind the dish. I would think you add him in with a Baez or someone it might push a trade a little further towards happening?

I don't think Castillo was as valuable as you think. He does have a decent bat but even the Red Sox weren't interested in him and they've lost like a dozen catchers this season. Not to say he won't provide value to an AL team, he can DH as you said, he plays solid defense and he is cheap. He just needs to improve his framing technique a bit more as that's been the biggest knock on him.
I agree. That would be crazy at this point. He's like 21 or 22 and oozing with potential. Sure he needs some more plate discipline but they shouldn't trade him right now.

Especially when they have so much talent locked up on cheap contracts. They can buy the pitching they need without giving up prospects. If they make the playoffs this year, great, if not we're starting three rookies and all our core position players are 25 or younger, they're only going to get better.
Especially when they have so much talent locked up on cheap contracts. They can buy the pitching they need without giving up prospects. If they make the playoffs this year, great, if not we're starting three rookies and all our core position players are 25 or younger, they're only going to get better.
Great point. If we make moves at the deadline this year, it will be for middle relief, and I don't think you give up a top prospect for middle relief. The Cubs are set up for long term success, they can plug holes without giving up their young guys.
Why would the Cubs be looking to move Baez?

Why would you care?

I'm over this team, thanks for nothing Theo, same old Cubs.


Seriously, I don't think the Cubs aren't looking to move Baez. Some writer from a NY rag opined about Cubs/Mets trading strengths in their system. Cubs stocking up on big hitting fielders and Mets stocking up on hard-throwing pitchers. Baez was mentioned to help shore up Mets SS. So was Castro.
I would trade Castro before Baez.
But I wouldn't trade either one at this time.
Why would you care?


Seriously, I don't think the Cubs aren't looking to move Baez. Some writer from a NY rag opined about Cubs/Mets trading strengths in their system. Cubs stocking up on big hitting fielders and Mets stocking up on hard-throwing pitchers. Baez was mentioned to help shore up Mets SS. So was Castro.
I would trade Castro before Baez.
But I wouldn't trade either one at this time.

The Mets/Cubs trading for each other's prospects has been rumored for about a year now. It will most likely continue to be a rumor as it makes a lot of sense for both clubs.

That said, I don't think Theo will be making any deals anytime soon. The young hitters are cheap enough to the point that spending on pitching again in the offseason could be the smarter move long term.

It's also been reported that the Mets want Russell whom has the potential to be the most complete player on the team, which of course makes him the most valuable of the 3 middle infielders imo.
The Cubs are on a bit of a winning streak. It's nice to be 9 games over .500 towards the end of June. I think they still need starting pitching, but would also hate to see them give up any of their major prospects to get it. The bullpen has been much better as of late. Just need a little more consistent offense.
I will be in Wrigley on 7/7 to see them beat the Cards, can't wait.....It appears to me that they are having a great paraphrase what Denorfia said in last nights win..."We are playing as a team, winning and losing as a team"....and they certainly are, 9 games over .500, and keeping themselves in the hunt is so much fun to watch...Go Cubs
I will be in Wrigley on 7/7 to see them beat the Cards, can't wait.....It appears to me that they are having a great paraphrase what Denorfia said in last nights win..."We are playing as a team, winning and losing as a team"....and they certainly are, 9 games over .500, and keeping themselves in the hunt is so much fun to watch...Go Cubs
and if we played in the East or Western divisions we would be in first place. I'll take the Wild Card spot for now. It's going to take a lot of work to catch St. Louis. That series in July will be a good place to start.
Kyle Schwarber needs to improve a lot at catcher, but his bat is so impressive, I"m not sure how you keep him out of the lineup.
Kyle Schwarber needs to improve a lot at catcher, but his bat is so impressive, I"m not sure how you keep him out of the lineup.

You can't really see through a catcher's mask. I say you just throw a Schwarber jersey on Ross and let him work behind the dish and let Schwarberbomb continue to rake. ;)
Been saying it since last year, Schwarber is just a winner - period. Winner's do things like last night. I would say at this point he must stay up and keep getting at bats all year now. We need hitting in a bad way and he can flat out rake.
I really hope his presence in the lineup can get some of the other kids going. Seems like just about everyone in the lineup is struggling right now except for Rizzo. Fowler, Bryant, Castro, Soler and Russell are all in slumps. This can't last, can it? The pitching has actually been better than expected (Arietta is one of the best in baseball right now) so if the bats can live up to their potential, look out!
I've been a Cub fan for enough decades to know that Cub players don't go into slumps, Cub teams do. I was hoping with all the good, young hitters on the 2015 squad that they would be immune to this, but obviously they aren't. Not only are their BA's dipping, they all seem to be pressing, chasing balls way out of the strike zone. The batting average with men in scoring position has to be as low as it has been these past half dozen miserable years. Thank gawd that the starters are, for the most part, having very good years. Been very frustrating for the past month or so, but you can only hope the law of averages kicks in and they all start hitting again. Still have high hopes for the team this year, which I only expected to finish around .500.
I've been a Cub fan for enough decades to know that Cub players don't go into slumps, Cub teams do. I was hoping with all the good, young hitters on the 2015 squad that they would be immune to this, but obviously they aren't. Not only are their BA's dipping, they all seem to be pressing, chasing balls way out of the strike zone. The batting average with men in scoring position has to be as low as it has been these past half dozen miserable years. Thank gawd that the starters are, for the most part, having very good years. Been very frustrating for the past month or so, but you can only hope the law of averages kicks in and they all start hitting again. Still have high hopes for the team this year, which I only expected to finish around .500.
You have to wonder if these guys are starting feel the pressure of being in a playoff hunt. The pressure of winning on the North side of Chicago seems to bring out the worst in pretty much everyone. i remember 2008 I think it was? The team had 97 wins and seemed to be a group that could break through, but they got swept by the Dodgers in the playoffs. And I don't even want to talk about the 2003 meltdown.
With all that said, Joe Maddon seems to be the right Manager, the Cubs are ahead of plan. A couple more pieces and I believe this will happen sometime within the next 3 to 5 years.....or at least I really hope so.
It has certainly been a good season so far. Part of being a Cubs fan are the highs and lows, the ever-so-close seasons. I like Joe Maddon as their manager, he's a great piece of this perplex puzzle Chicago is headed in the right direction, and I believe they will capture the coveted World Series over the next few years.....everyone needs to stay healthy, stay focused, and keep their eye on the prize....
6 in a row for the good guys! Good time of year to get hot. Our Starting pitching is good enough to keep us in it, our offense is starting to break out and I would think they are ready to get hot too...starting with Rizzo whose on a tear right now. Bullpen consistency and defense my main 2 concerns. I am glad we picked up a couple pieces at the deadline without having to get rid of a stud prospect or two.
It'll be interesting to see what happens when Montero comes back. Maddon has said you have to keep a bat like Schwarber in the lineup so I could see Soler being the odd man out. Schwarber in left, Coughlin in right and Soler in spot starts. It'll be tough to do but Coughlin has out-performed him. They have also used Coughlin at 2nd so Russell can slide over to SS to relieve Starlin since he is also struggling. Then there's this whole 'problem' of Javy Baez absolutely raking in Iowa...

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