Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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The doomsday posters in this thread are gonna be awfully disappointed when this is over.

Again, your choice of words is so wrong. Doomsday means the near end of human life and I would assume you watch all kinds of zombie doomsday movies. Did you not watch Dr. Strangelove and the part about the doomsday device?

Believe me, I am not at all disappointed that mitigation is lowering the death rate, the earlier projected death rate. Even 30,000 deaths is terrible, 1/2 of the Vietnam War deaths.

I am also very happy that this is not the true killer virus that would both infect and kill at a very high percentage.
Those tend to probably sit a little bit to my left :cool:.:)

A song comes to mind::D
I say pass the dutchie on the left hand side
Pass the dutchie on the left hand side

The main difference of point of view in this thread is mitigation and shutting things down vs normal life as usual. We know life as usual up to this point would have resulted in thousands more deaths. And even most of you on this board who rag about shutting things down blame Cuomo and De Blasio (I read your posts) for waiting a few too many days or a week to shut down NY State and City. You are trying to blame both ways.

As experts say "this is not an economic crisis but a healthcare crisis. you cant negotiate with a virus. There are no shortcuts" "Nearly fix the healthcare crisis and then work on the economy."
I would wager that more people died in snowmobile accidents in Minnesota this year.

You know what is asinine? When someone dies of this disease or anything else and they're not allowed to spend their final hours at home, and loved ones aren't allowed to say their final goodbyes. When that opportunity is gone it's gone forever. If my mom or dad got this and perished you bet I would risk contacting the virus in order to be at their bedside.

But God forbid we have to have social distancing in every situation. It's like the zero tolerance rule with medication in schools. People who are forced to make these calls are going to have a lot on their conscience, and they're going to end up being the real PTSD victims in all this. Doctors and nurses around the world are already offing themselves and there will be more where that came from.

Can you post some news articles or such that say the police authorities are prohibiting family members from being with a dying loved one. I havent seen any of that news. I know it is recommended and I have heard family members say they didnt travel to see a loved one who is dying but not because the authorities didnt let them.
I would wager that more people died in snowmobile accidents in Minnesota this year.

You know what is asinine? When someone dies of this disease or anything else and they're not allowed to spend their final hours at home, and loved ones aren't allowed to say their final goodbyes. When that opportunity is gone it's gone forever. If my mom or dad got this and perished you bet I would risk contacting the virus in order to be at their bedside.

But God forbid we have to have social distancing in every situation. It's like the zero tolerance rule with medication in schools. People who are forced to make these calls are going to have a lot on their conscience, and they're going to end up being the real PTSD victims in all this. Doctors and nurses around the world are already offing themselves and there will be more where that came from.

I assume if someone is in ICU and highly contagious hospital authorities may keep family out of the room or area but that is very normal medical practice.
I would wager that more people died in snowmobile accidents in Minnesota this year.

You know what is asinine? When someone dies of this disease or anything else and they're not allowed to spend their final hours at home, and loved ones aren't allowed to say their final goodbyes. When that opportunity is gone it's gone forever. If my mom or dad got this and perished you bet I would risk contacting the virus in order to be at their bedside.

But God forbid we have to have social distancing in every situation. It's like the zero tolerance rule with medication in schools. People who are forced to make these calls are going to have a lot on their conscience, and they're going to end up being the real PTSD victims in all this. Doctors and nurses around the world are already offing themselves and there will be more where that came from.
I would wager that more people died in snowmobile accidents in Minnesota this year.

You know what is asinine? When someone dies of this disease or anything else and they're not allowed to spend their final hours at home, and loved ones aren't allowed to say their final goodbyes. When that opportunity is gone it's gone forever. If my mom or dad got this and perished you bet I would risk contacting the virus in order to be at their bedside.

But God forbid we have to have social distancing in every situation. It's like the zero tolerance rule with medication in schools. People who are forced to make these calls are going to have a lot on their conscience, and they're going to end up being the real PTSD victims in all this. Doctors and nurses around the world are already offing themselves and there will be more where that came from.

Snow mobile deaths are about 200 nationally per year btw.

As for dying at home some doctors already make decisions on some coming in or not. Listening to RN boards, people dying don't die loving deaths. We ve vmread about families getting by attending funerals together. Going into a hospital is not something one needs to be doing. Maybe even worse going into an infected home. Medical staff is getting and dying as are mass transit workers

There is no easy solution.

You know I know about PTSD decision making yes. Watching a loved one die a horrible drowning death which is what this is, yes. Having a patient die.. yes.

PTSD from whatever cause manifests itself about the same. One time or short duration causes if treated properly is quite treatable. Long term trauma exposure... Pows, child abuse, refugees in war zone, is very difficult to treat and we don't really do much about child abuse.

Still what is not discussed is how much virus exposure you get and the prognosis.
Lack perspective?

You posted on the board at eleven o'clock last night and again at ten to four this morning.

Do you sleep?:). Or are you traveling abroad for your job right now?

BTW hope your daughter is recovering and doing better!

My bank does open till later so I'm staying up later. We check on our daughter. I check the news and did this After I'm not really bothered emotionally by this much at all. Due to my past I'm gifted at disociating. My daughter is more or less stable but very weak and very pale. I got into the habit of dealing with 4 am crisis I guess.
Human scientists will never be totally able to understand hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes no matter how hard they try. Those are acts of nature, and of God, and definitely not enhanced by human behavior no matter what Al Gore might have said.

Really, you dont think scientists will never be able to understand earthquakes? They understand them now. They know how fault lines sliding over each other 'stick and grab', build up stress and forces, and then the rock, material, etc cant hold the forces and quickly give way. Meteorologists have very good models and computer power to see into storms and they know what factors form tornadoes so they can at least issue Watches.

One thing scientists dont have now are sensors all over the Earth measuring the stresses in these fault lines and they may never be able to put sensors actually in these areas, who knows.
Can you post some news articles or such that say the police authorities are prohibiting family members from being with a dying loved one. I havent seen any of that news. I know it is recommended and I have heard family members say they didnt travel to see a loved one who is dying but not because the authorities didnt let them.
I know it's happening in NYC. Nurses are basically holding the hands of patients on their last breath and having having to recount said patients last words to the patients families.

And we think our jobs are difficult. I've heard it on the news will try to find articles.
Social distancing served it's purpose well for the past 2-4 weeks, but it's going to be difficult to do it much longer, as the weather gets nicer and people get restless. It could cause reverse effects especially in big cities. I've been consistent with that viewpoimt from the get go.

I agree with this take. It just doesn't explain your last post that I responded to that I don't agree with.
The doomsday posters in this thread are gonna be awfully disappointed when this is over.
The consolation to help us get through it will be being able to provide for our families, not having people we know die, and being able to watch the greatest season in basketball history. Man its gunna be tough to get over that disappointment.
Really, you dont think scientists will never be able to understand earthquakes? They understand them now. They know how fault lines sliding over each other 'stick and grab', build up stress and forces, and then the rock, material, etc cant hold the forces and quickly give way. Meteorologists have very good models and computer power to see into storms and they know what factors form tornadoes so they can at least issue Watches.

One thing scientists dont have now are sensors all over the Earth measuring the stresses in these fault lines and they may never be able to put sensors actually in these areas, who knows.
Really? There was a tornado outbreak in Wisconsin Grant county two weeks ago and they weren't even included In the watch. The watch was basically south of Dubuque.

Forget it. We will never completely understand nature. We are not supposed to. We will get a better understanding of it but never completely understand it.
I know it's happening in NYC. Nurses are basically holding the hands of patients on their last breath and having having to recount said patients last words to the patients families.

And we think our jobs are difficult. I've heard it on the news will try to find articles.

I believe you that medical authorities are keeping loved ones from being right next to a highly contagious patient. It would be malpractice not to protect a healthy person in a hospital from coming into contact with covid or ebola, etc but I thought you meant the police or military was doing this.
Some before and after data was displayed yesterday when NYC authorities announced they have a 'normal' amount of about 23 + or - 2 dead people found at home each day but in covid times they are now finding 200+ dead at home per day. These are stats that show how the virus is affecting people at a high rate.
Nust out of curiosity, if everything gets better for the summer, then either forces us to shut down again in the fall or we power through even more deaths, will the doomdayers still be wrong?
I do not like the Fed Govt having a $23 trillion or so national debt because it is not good practice. But I am not that worried about our ability to deal with this debt. If you know any basic accounting you know that debts and liabilities always have the other side with the assets that at least balance out the debt. I have researched this before but we citizens own a lot of rich resources as you can see below. That article is a little old and the prices are different but my gosh we can easily wipe out the National Debt any time.

Federal Assets Above and Below Ground - IER
Jan 17, 2013 · These technically recoverable resources total 1,194 billion barrels of oil and 2,150 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that is owned by the federal taxpayer. At $100.00 per barrel of oil and $4.00 per thousand cubic feet of natural gas , the oil resources are worth $119.4 trillion and the natural gas resources are worth $8.6 trillion for a grand total of $128 trillion, or about 8 times the U.S. national debt.

Historically Congress and presidents have signed laws practically giving away oil and mineral rights to rich buyers. These laws need to be updated to get a good price for american citizens and also to only allow the sell of these assets to citizens or companies owned by majority citizen stockholders.

But my gosh after a national disaster emergency epidemic just raise taxes, sell off some oil and mineral assets, put up tolls on some more interstates, etc etc to raise money to make some businesses and employees near to whole again.
The main difference of point of view in this thread is mitigation and shutting things down vs normal life as usual. We know life as usual up to this point would have resulted in thousands more deaths. And even most of you on this board who rag about shutting things down blame Cuomo and De Blasio (I read your posts) for waiting a few too many days or a week to shut down NY State and City. You are trying to blame both ways.

As experts say "this is not an economic crisis but a healthcare crisis. you cant negotiate with a virus. There are no shortcuts" "Nearly fix the healthcare crisis and then work on the economy."

This is not an economic crisis?? You’ve got to be kidding me 85.
Really? There was a tornado outbreak in Wisconsin Grant county two weeks ago and they weren't even included In the watch. The watch was basically south of Dubuque.

Forget it. We will never completely understand nature. We are not supposed to. We will get a better understanding of it but never completely understand it.

I want to make the difference between understanding something, predicting it within modeling ranges, and getting the exact location and time correct, like where a tornado is going to hit down to the second and to within even a residential block. You said the weather people issued a watch which is very good.

Globally, thousands of weather balloons are launched each day to take measurements that are fed into large computer systems. Their are ocean buoys all over the glove measuring and reporting data on temps, winds, wave height, etc But I doubt the scientists get the billions and billions of dollars they need to actually increase knowledge of these natural disasters. If insurance companies are totally on the wrong side of their losses to these events you will see them lobby for more govt research.
Some before and after data was displayed yesterday when NYC authorities announced they have a 'normal' amount of about 23 + or - 2 dead people found at home each day but in covid times they are now finding 200+ dead at home per day. These are stats that show how the virus is affecting people at a high rate.

Or yeah here we go, let’s spin it baby!!
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