Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Maybe if a vaccine is never successful, or successful enough.

Or if people stop social isolation, because of economic reasons, or just fatigue from being isolated.

But to not do social isolation, the number of projected deaths is so high. It was too grim of an outcome to take.

If we tried our best, and the virus infects a huge part of our population, and we see that huge death count. People will obviously be extremely distraught. But at least people will say that we did all we could.

Listen social life isolation can’t happen for 12 to 18 months. I don’t know what job you have but there is just no damn way you can do that for that long! That’s Crazy talk 12345!!
Well, I would say the numbers could have gotten much worse if we didn't social isolation.

And there was a LOT of talk of not doing that. Which is why the panic level for some went to 10.

I'm not saying you said that.

Even in the 9 states that don't have official stay at home orders. People are generally saying people are self isolating anyways.

3 weeks ago it did not sound like everyone was on board.

So yeah, initial death counts were higher, because expectations for self isolation were lower. The two go hand in hand.

The numbers had to be projected high to convince people to maintain social distancing, and in large cities with densely populated regions to Stay Inside to prevent the virus from becoming Widespread.....

That is possibly one of the reasons. There appears to be quite a few folk who don't think the virus is worthy of concern. However, the Dead certainly are taking it rather seriously now

The good news is that the curve appears to be leveling off and let's hope it continues to slide downward. It would have been outrageously irresponsible and reckless to downplay the potential spread.....

The Better Safe Than Sorry strategy.....

Dr Fauci sometimes doesn't know his head from his you know what. He is backpedaling from his original death predictions. You know the ones he based off the charts and tables that scared governors into shutting down the country.

The fact that he is revising on the fly as we speak tells us one thing. Despite all the credit we give to social distancing, and it does deserve considerable mention, the bottom line is that Dr Fauci's original charts and predictions were for the birds.

Do you know what a scientific model is? It is a set of equations basically that states the predicted outcome of a theory or hypothesis, you know an educated guess. Scientists create theories and hypothesis and then design experiments to control variables and measure the outcome. Different scientists have slightly different models for this virus spread.

Epidemiologists/virologists have theories and hypotheses about how these viruses spread. You can run the model's equations through a computer and keep changing the variables and parameters to see what will happen.

Right now it is a real time experiment that I dont think has ever been seen on this scale. The globe has never been on lock down, stay at home, hardly any air travel or even state to state travel, ever I am pretty sure. Since there is really poor testing and data there can be incomplete and inaccurate data going into the models, like, infection rate per infected person in a crowd of a certain size, data on how virulent the virus is, etc etc.

So the various models/sets of equations are pumping out results daily and getting tweaked daily to modify the parameters. Very few people are going to be right from their first estimates on March 1st and if they are it was a very good guess.

And I suppose after the all the study and theories and models on tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes over the years you are pretty upset that these damn scientists cant even predict when one will happen.
I hear you, but after almost 3 weeks of eating home cooked meals I have this craving for grease and restaurant food. I'm starting to change my thought pattern that restaurants aren't necessities.

haha, you mean you cant make a medium cooked burger out of fatty 80% ground beef, a few slices of bacon, a big slice of cheddar, on a butter grilled bun, with mustard fatty mayo.

and pan fry some sliced potatoes in oil to a crispy outside coating and all that will satisfy your grease needs.

We have found some great sales on frozen pizzas and the Bellatori brand, or some name like that, is really good.
I see it as an argument where every dead body has a name, possibly even a family, and aren't simply a number. It's my opinion that regardless of what type of life choices they've made or preexisting medical condition they may face that puts them more at risk, they're no different then I am, and I see it as a life worth trying to save.

I don't know what price we'll pay down the road economically for the way this is being handled, but in my opinion as a society we do what we can to help save lives now and worry about fixing the economy later. Nobody is expendable or more valuable then the next if we can make sacrifices in our lives to help curve the trend to help save more lives I'm willing to do whatever I can.

It's easier for me to say that as I'm in a position where my job is not effected and I'm not directly putting my life or anyone else's at risk. I can definitely see both sides of the argument, but IF the number of fatalities originally predicted by Fauci were wrong and we don't reach those original projections then its fantastic. Regardless of whether or not social distancing is the answer or if the matter was handled more effectively then previously thought I see it as a win for all of us.
I see a lot of posts on here that more or less treat the people who die from this virus as expendable because they somehow contributed to their own downfall through "life choices" and they have very little time left anyway. While that may be true in some cases, in many others it is not. Nobody wants to go before their time, I don't care how old you are. As Kicker correctly points out, we need to be doing what we can to save lives and the economy is secondary. Sorry if that is a hard reality but it is the reality of a civilized society. I hope we can strike a balance between the two. It's the needle the experts are trying to thread. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
Listen social life isolation can’t happen for 12 to 18 months. I don’t know what job you have but there is just no damn way you can do that for that long! That’s Crazy talk 12345!!

the models that said we do a good job in the first wave suggest the 2nd wave is a lot worse.

that would be in oct/nov I thought.

so in that sense, the models agree with what you are saying. Society can’t keep this going forever.

But to not try would never feel right to most.
Ha, remember when you almost blocked my for saying I'm ok if more old people die as long as I can preserve my way of life? I still feel that way to an extent. I just see the whole picture now and think this was too big to try to power through like I wanted to. It might have ended up crippling the economy anyway. If half the people out there decide not to go to restaurants out of fear, they end up in really bad shape with no government assistance. They are probably better off shutting down and getting money from the government.

Yes. I also apologized. But I maintain that your statement was morally degrading to the value of human life. That said, I find some level of agreement with your posts in general.
haha, you mean you cant make a medium cooked burger out of fatty 80% ground beef, a few slices of bacon, a big slice of cheddar, on a butter grilled bun, with mustard fatty mayo.

and pan fry some sliced potatoes in oil to a crispy outside coating and all that will satisfy your grease needs.

We have found some great sales on frozen pizzas and the Bellatori brand, or some name like that, is really good.

I am making biscuits with sausage gravy for brunch tomorrow.
the models that said we do a good job in the first wave suggest the 2nd wave is a lot worse.

that would be in oct/nov I thought.

so in that sense, the models agree with what you are saying. Society can’t keep this going forever.

But to not try would never feel right to most.

No but I d guess the Fed thinks they can.
I don't agree with saying he's backpedaling. He has more information now, and he's never said anything other than those numbers were only his best guess projection based in the info they have. If I predicted iowa wins the big 10 next year, would you say I was backpedaling if I changed my mind when Garza left? In my mind it's just adjusting a calculation after you have more data. Something everyone should do.

And how do you know is original projections were for the birds? For all we know, they were really close. In one sentence you praise social distancing for helping, and in the next you act like there was no reason to do it. If he waited until he had all the data he needed before scaring governors, it would have been too late. Some argue we did it too late anyway. If it was really a bad decision, the world would already know it was and things would be opening back up. Instead, smaller countries are following suit and doing it. Those countries have a lot more data to go off of and they all still think it was the right call.
Dr Fauci was throwing darts at the wall, just like the rest of us.

I had no problem with shutting down sports and places where large crowds gathered. I was never in favor of shutting diwn the economy.

I don't anyone made a conscious decision to connect the virus with the economy, but stumbled into it along the way. They decided to overreact on numerous fronts. Now the fatality projections are dropping daily and the Fauci's of the world want to look like they had the answers no matter which way it went.
So if it wasn't for restaurants, there wouldn't be manufacture, sales or food delivery? Farmers wouldn't be needed? If there were no restaurants, those professions would still be needed. They would instead be growing, selling and delivering to grocery stores or markets at a similar clip. There are a lot of things that are a big part of our economy that are luxuries. You called restaurants a necessity, they aren't - to people that don't know how to cook? Maybe they are.
Using that logic automobiles are a luxury.
Do you know what a scientific model is? It is a set of equations basically that states the predicted outcome of a theory or hypothesis, you know an educated guess. Scientists create theories and hypothesis and then design experiments to control variables and measure the outcome. Different scientists have slightly different models for this virus spread.

Epidemiologists/virologists have theories and hypotheses about how these viruses spread. You can run the model's equations through a computer and keep changing the variables and parameters to see what will happen.

Right now it is a real time experiment that I dont think has ever been seen on this scale. The globe has never been on lock down, stay at home, hardly any air travel or even state to state travel, ever I am pretty sure. Since there is really poor testing and data there can be incomplete and inaccurate data going into the models, like, infection rate per infected person in a crowd of a certain size, data on how virulent the virus is, etc etc.

So the various models/sets of equations are pumping out results daily and getting tweaked daily to modify the parameters. Very few people are going to be right from their first estimates on March 1st and if they are it was a very good guess.

And I suppose after the all the study and theories and models on tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes over the years you are pretty upset that these damn scientists cant even predict when one will happen.
Human scientists will never be totally able to understand hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes no matter how hard they try. Those are acts of nature, and of God, and definitely not enhanced by human behavior no matter what Al Gore might have said.

I posted about a week ago that the 1980 Mount Saint Helen's eruption belched more toxic crap into our atmosphere than human industrialization could duplicate in a decade. Didn't stop the world form turning however.

Medical experts were touting doom and gloom long after March 1st. As recently as a week ago they were talking about half the country's population getting infected, and deaths in the millions.

There are other medical experts looking at data off the available tables and charts who see the complete opposite of what the Fauci's of the world see. Some say the quickest way to recovery is herd mentality, which is growing faster than the infection curve but seldom mentioned.
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