Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Wasn't my intention. However some nurses are going into the zones for the pay and the basic nurse desire to help, but doing so very naively, that is apparent on the discussion boards.

If you travel nurse you can knock down 100k in 3 months if you can stay healthy.

When they arrive they are shocked as to the working conditions. Both the shock of how people are dying, but also the lack of protective equipment. Also nurses assigned to vents and ICU wo experience. Vents can kill people wo proper training. Not working in areas they signed up for. Desperation. Cold management decisions
I can get behind the thought that ventilators take longer to mass produce. But how is it possible we still late PPE? That's just weird.
Matthew Pottinger might be a global intel person to watch. He was mentioned on a news show today. He is a China intel expert, hired to Trump's NSC National Security Counsel by Michael Flynn, promoted to Deputy of NSC by another WH NSC person. The news report says Pottinger, who is noted as having a tough stance towards China, briefed the WH if not the top people in late January to close all air travel from China.
Curious. Anyone know where the case in Delaware County was?
If you're searching for depressing stories go to the Drudge Website. Man that has become a cesspool of exaggeration and hysteria.

Drudge has gotten a bad rap since it broke the Bill Clinton-Lewinsky thing.

But yeah, there's a National Enquirer quality to it now.
Spread has slowed a little bit and projections have dropped. Exactly what was expected to happen by social distancing.

So we went from Trump not wanting to let cruise ships dock, because that spike the number of active cases to near 100.

To now we are predicting 50,000-100,000 American deaths.

And the cold/flu people are saying I told you so.
I do have to say that Dead is Dead. They are trying to stop huge peaks of infections so there are maybe only 50000 americans who die rather than 1 million.

Dead is dead and no going back whereas we can still print more money, raise taxes, put in toll roads and other user taxes to pump up the economy for hopefully a few months or so. I know it is hard for a ton of people to not work, not socialize, and to stay at home. But if we can save a lot of lives and get through it then I think that is better.

Boy, you can't just print money. If a country gets to the point of having to print money, that's about the worst sign economically-speaking there is. That is what decreases the value of a dollar. That is economic death and the reason countries try to avoid that as much as possible. Research countries that have done that and the outcomes. Not good.

I'm not saying I don't want lives saved, but when do you and some on here accept "natural selection" or evolution? Unfortunately, we have to live with epidemics, pandemics. People choose to live with chronic disease or unfortunately have genetic conditions that do not do well with certain viruses. Maybe this is all above us and a larger plan that we have little control over. Some may feel a lot of this is out of our control and we are at the mercy of the higher above.

I hate to be blunt about it, but I'm a realist. I may not think that when I get older and higher risk. It has to be an uncomfortable feeling so I understand your fear. Sorry about that.
There are still news articles wondering about the infection counts in India. PM Modi, iirc, did shut them down a couple of weeks ago but the Johns Hopkins site only shows reporting of about 6500 infections in well over a billion people.

Are they not testing, not reporting, very lucky, what??? I mean I am glad if they dont get much of it.
Boy, you can't just print money. If a country gets to the point of having to print money, that's about the worst sign economically-speaking there is. That is what decreases the value of a dollar. That is economic death and the reason countries try to avoid that as much as possible. Research countries that have done that and the outcomes. Not good.

I'm not saying I don't want lives saved, but when do you and some on here accept "natural selection" or evolution? Unfortunately, we have to live with epidemics, pandemics. People choose to live with chronic disease or unfortunately have genetic conditions that do not do well with certain viruses. Maybe this is all above us and a larger plan that we have little control over. Some may feel a lot of this is out of our control and we are at the mercy of the higher above.

I hate to be blunt about it, but I'm a realist. I may not think that when I get older and higher risk. It has to be an uncomfortable feeling so I understand your fear. Sorry about that.

Well I will research if money was printed/created in late 2008/2009 with the Bush/Obama stimulus package. I think they spent about 1 trillion overall. I mean what is the difference between printing some money or borrowing it on credit when you are already 23 trillion in debt. Both actions can devalue the dollar and maybe cause some inflation.

One of the only other ways for the US to finance is Treasury bills, bonds, etc but that takes awhile to sell those. Can't put a surcharge on gasoline or jet fuel because those usages are way down but they work in the long term. Use taxes are fair as are luxury/sales taxes for non food items. If things get so bad the top 5% of wealth holders have $20+ trillion in assets so they could lend the US about 3 billion or hell let's just tax them and take it back after the big slush fund tax bill of 2017.
You said, if I'm reading this correctly, that all the people who work to make the multi billion dollar business of restaurants run, can suddenly pigeon hole themselves into doing the same for HvVees and Piggly Wigglys and A&P's (are they still around)

LMAO! You are old enough to remember when going to the roadside hamburger or hot dog stand or drive in was a part of Americana.. Now you're going to ask those people to pack ham salad sandwiches? Right!
At what point anywhere did I say "suddenly". I love it when people make things up that they think other people said to try to fit their narrative. So no, you aren't reading this correctly. You said the restaurant industry was a necessity, I disagreed. People can eat without the existence of restaurants. Then you tried to use my phrasing to claim that cars are a luxury. Sure, to many they are. They are expensive. In many places they aren't a necessity. Large cities that have good mass transit systems (obviously now is not the time to use it) or where all of their needs are located in a small radius, cars aren't a necessity. I'd say cars are a luxury for some, a necessity for many others.

As for them economically supporting a large percentage of the population with jobs and income? Of course that's true, but you could say the same for every type of job out there - those jobs are a necessity to the people that work them, short term. Most restaurant jobs are not "skilled" - you could make the case for a top of the line chef, or an exceptional bartender here or there, but over time you would see them allocate into other professions. Look at the decline in the number of retail jobs over the last several years from the growth of Amazon. Those people didn't all just stop working, many of them just changed professions.
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As someone who had a serious viral lung infection which went to bacterial pneumonia let's not forget the 15% of people seriously ill who survive who will take probably a long time to really recover. During Jr High and High School I ran a lot of long distances, 6 to 10 miles, and seemed to be able to go forever until I needed water. I was in Univ of Iowa student health for 2 weeks 2nd semester of my freshman year. While being released the doctors showed me the shadowy scarring in my lower lungs where I had the illness. I dont know if I ever had my full breathing and endurance for running back afterwards.

Covid attacks the whole lungs from what was reported. Some of these survivors I think are going to have continued respiratory issues.

Boy, you'd think your parents would have moved closer to school.
I'd argue that the doctors, nurses, and first responders being exposed to it shift after shift, yet doing what they can to save lives while risking their own are "heroes". But maybe you were referring to political heroes and I misunderstood.

So are the people working at our grocery stores. I've never had more respect for those people, many kids.
There are still news articles wondering about the infection counts in India. PM Modi, iirc, did shut them down a couple of weeks ago but the Johns Hopkins site only shows reporting of about 6500 infections in well over a billion people.

Are they not testing, not reporting, very lucky, what??? I mean I am glad if they dont get much of it.

India is a terrible place for the poor. Those likely won't get tested or treated. I couldn't imagine this even in a place like Manila. Poor people by millions living on top of each other in shanty neighborhoods.

Saw an article on virus being in waste. Their rivers are sewers and they live basically on the rivers. It's hard to imagine if you ve never seen it.
India is a terrible place for the poor. Those likely won't get tested or treated. I couldn't imagine this even in a place like Manila. Poor people by millions living on top of each other in shanty neighborhoods.

Saw an article on virus being in waste. Their rivers are sewers and they live basically on the rivers. It's hard to imagine if you ve never seen it.
I would like this post because it speaks the truth, but can't because of how terrible that truth is.
There are still news articles wondering about the infection counts in India. PM Modi, iirc, did shut them down a couple of weeks ago but the Johns Hopkins site only shows reporting of about 6500 infections in well over a billion people.

Are they not testing, not reporting, very lucky, what??? I mean I am glad if they dont get much of it.

It would surprise me if they do not get hit. I heard the other day they are weeks behind us as far as peak goes. Maybe they don't have all the testing. I could see a huge lack of testing there. The numbers are probably scewed.
I would like this post because it speaks the truth, but can't because of how terrible that truth is.

Had some time and went to a Jeepney factory right next to a dump. Little kids digging in the trash with lots of burning going on. Lots of chemicals running out of the trash. Putrid. Took photos but can't get myself to look at them since... Was 2012.

The US military cemetery was also moving. So big.
Boy, you can't just print money. If a country gets to the point of having to print money, that's about the worst sign economically-speaking there is.

Actually, most/all countries print money. Ours does for sure. To be the only major country that didn't do this would be very problomatic.

That is what decreases the value of a dollar. That is economic death and the reason countries try to avoid that as much as possible. Research countries that have done that and the outcomes. Not good.

1) Comparative interest rates between governments is probably the biggest direct factor of the value of one currency to another. But it's more of a balance, rather than A causes B.

Look at it more like supply and demand. There is a big demand for US currency. If we paid a higher interest rates on our bonds, that would increase demand for those bond, thus increasing demand/price of our currency.

We don't offer good interest rates on our bonds, because we don't have to. There is a high demand for them anyways, especially in times of crisis like now.

2) Some countries actually want the value of their currency to be worth less. China has seen massive year over year gdp growth for the last 20 years or so, and was criticized for the whole time by our government for artificially pegging the value of their currency too low.
We could discuss the implications that this is going to have on the economy going further.
I saw a guy on TV that made some interesting points.

Air Travel

Will air travel ever get back to the level it was, especially for business. After this isolation, he questioned if many businesses will use remote meetings from now on after pretty much the entire nation has done it now. Will that become more mainstream? Instead of spending $$ on air travel, meet using Zoom.

Restaurants - At least for those staying in business

once the hunker down order is lifted they will slowly go back to the norm. Will restaurants have to only let a few people in at a time with distancing of patrons. Will the have to re-configure their dining areas to accommodate less people, taking away revenue. Then that causes layoffs of staff to cut overhead.

These are only a couple examples of what it might be like after. There are many more. This isolation and freezing the economy has a snowball effect to many areas and will be slow to climb out of. There will be a "new normal" in many areas.
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