Boy, you can't just print money. If a country gets to the point of having to print money, that's about the worst sign economically-speaking there is. That is what decreases the value of a dollar. That is economic death and the reason countries try to avoid that as much as possible. Research countries that have done that and the outcomes. Not good.
I'm not saying I don't want lives saved, but when do you and some on here accept "natural selection" or evolution? Unfortunately, we have to live with epidemics, pandemics. People choose to live with chronic disease or unfortunately have genetic conditions that do not do well with certain viruses. Maybe this is all above us and a larger plan that we have little control over. Some may feel a lot of this is out of our control and we are at the mercy of the higher above.
I hate to be blunt about it, but I'm a realist. I may not think that when I get older and higher risk. It has to be an uncomfortable feeling so I understand your fear. Sorry about that.