Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Dr Fauci was throwing darts at the wall, just like the rest of us.

I had no problem with shutting down sports and places where large crowds gathered. I was never in favor of shutting diwn the economy.

I don't anyone made a conscious decision to connect the virus with the economy, but stumbled into it along the way. They decided to overreact on numerous fronts. Now the fatality projections are dropping daily and the Fauci's of the world want to look like they had the answers no matter which way it went.

I really don't get your take. The whole point of shutting down the economy was to get less deaths. Now as soon as it comes out that we are going to have less deaths, it was pointless to shut down the economy. Not to mention you don't believe any projections this whole time, but as soon as they predict something that aligns with your predictions, suddenly you believe them. I'm guilty of that now tho too. Now that the predictions don't align with mine, I don't think I believe them. I just can't wrap my head around how something can spread like crazy for a month, then just stop spreading for no reason at all. I question if they are starting to realize the economy can't handle what needs to be done so they are setting the stage to give up and let it play out. That is one thing I do agree with tho. I don't think the economy can take what needs to be done.
Since Feb. 28 to today 16,399 in 40 days. So that is 1/9th of a year which projects out to 149,640 deaths in a year if death levels somewhat level off and there are repeated cycles of peaks and spikes in deaths in other states. And this is with travel bans, lock up society type measures. Just some numbers. But I have never heard of the flu in my long lifetime killing that many people in 40 days. A lot of nursing homes are getting hit hard now since we are seeing the symptoms a couple of weeks after visitors were still showing up at nursing homes a while back and maybe a staff member got sick and went to work. Need to get a lot of test kits out for people involved in nursing homes and not all residents there are about to die.
What should have been done.

Shut down international traffic immediately.

Isolate nursing homes and those with underlying issues.

Years ago put tax teeth behind healthy weight.

Think of it this way. The Navy Captain of the Carrier. He did the political expedient thing. He allowed his ship and crew to go to DaNang which was real close to a nation in Crisis that had reason to to want a US carrier out of the area. DaNang is a major city in a non transparent nation.

A real hero would have bucked command to keep his crew safe. That would have been a real hero who would have silently been a hero. He allowed his men ashore to mix with the locals for political purposes.

How our nation is being handled a lot like that. Now we're are in trouble. The Fed bailout will come at a high cost. Why stop there. Why not give everyone 25k.

We are screwed due to inept leadership across political lines. Now it's about Band-Aids.

As far as those who thinks it's not that bad or will get far worse. Not a one of you knows. Not one

Fact is we had no heroes.

You out to see the RN recruiting boards recruiting young naive ladies with the lure of you can be a hero and make 13k per week. And the number of RN deaths is not slight.

It is about getting exposed but even much you are exposed.
Remember just a day or two ago the Feds/Fema HHS announced they were going to shut down all their testing sites. They were retreating basically and going into backup mode.

Well tonite NPR again with this story breaks the news that Feds Fema etc have had second thoughts and are not going to do this. Gee, they got shit shamed by citizens and other authorities to the point they had to reverse the decision. This administration has reversed course so many times in 3 years with badly thought out plans but even worse during a pandemic.

One of these testing sites in a big country around Philadelphia was testing more people and it was showing 1500+ cases which was a high number compared to many tests. So again maybe the first decision to shut them down was to keep down the real numbers but then Retreating didnt seem to have very good optics.
Social distancing is Essential and is certainly working

If folk can stay home the possibility of catching the virus is extremely low

Not that easy for some, perhaps most people, but there are ways of making if less prisonlike

Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu

Watching a series on Netflix right now that is very good: Bordertown, Scandanavian Noir

Like the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

I really don't get your take. The whole point of shutting down the economy was to get less deaths. Now as soon as it comes out that we are going to have less deaths, it was pointless to shut down the economy. Not to mention you don't believe any projections this whole time, but as soon as they predict something that aligns with your predictions, suddenly you believe them. I'm guilty of that now tho too. Now that the predictions don't align with mine, I don't think I believe them. I just can't wrap my head around how something can spread like crazy for a month, then just stop spreading for no reason at all. I question if they are starting to realize the economy can't handle what needs to be done so they are setting the stage to give up and let it play out. That is one thing I do agree with tho. I don't think the economy can take what needs to be done.

You just can’t keep this economy shutdown. No damn way! I get the seriousness but just no way we can not keep this economy down.. the impact Of that would be far greater than this virus. Minnesota was predicting 2 weeks ago 30,000 deaths in the state! I honestly found that just hard to believe.
You made your point in a very asshole way.
I would wager that more people died in snowmobile accidents in Minnesota this year.

You know what is asinine? When someone dies of this disease or anything else and they're not allowed to spend their final hours at home, and loved ones aren't allowed to say their final goodbyes. When that opportunity is gone it's gone forever. If my mom or dad got this and perished you bet I would risk contacting the virus in order to be at their bedside.

But God forbid we have to have social distancing in every situation. It's like the zero tolerance rule with medication in schools. People who are forced to make these calls are going to have a lot on their conscience, and they're going to end up being the real PTSD victims in all this. Doctors and nurses around the world are already offing themselves and there will be more where that came from.
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You seem to lack perspective.
Lack perspective?

You posted on the board at eleven o'clock last night and again at ten to four this morning.

Do you sleep?:). Or are you traveling abroad for your job right now?

BTW hope your daughter is recovering and doing better!
I really don't get your take. The whole point of shutting down the economy was to get less deaths. Now as soon as it comes out that we are going to have less deaths, it was pointless to shut down the economy. Not to mention you don't believe any projections this whole time, but as soon as they predict something that aligns with your predictions, suddenly you believe them. I'm guilty of that now tho too. Now that the predictions don't align with mine, I don't think I believe them. I just can't wrap my head around how something can spread like crazy for a month, then just stop spreading for no reason at all. I question if they are starting to realize the economy can't handle what needs to be done so they are setting the stage to give up and let it play out. That is one thing I do agree with tho. I don't think the economy can take what needs to be done.
Social distancing served it's purpose well for the past 2-4 weeks, but it's going to be difficult to do it much longer, as the weather gets nicer and people get restless. It could cause reverse effects especially in big cities. I've been consistent with that viewpoimt from the get go.
I sure hope you are right. And, I would add, you better be.
Dr. Fauci better be right, for his own sake, or he's going to have a lot to answer for. Starting with his own personal safety. There's a reason he's asked for secret service protection. I'm not going to don a tin foil hat on this board more than I already have but I will be glad to PM you or anyone else as to what MIGHT really be happening here.
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