Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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We may reach 1 million cases. But we won't come close to 1 million deaths.

These are the same dinglesnorts who have said for forty years that global warming will make sea levels rise, that humans can affect climate change.

They haven't and we can't. We're not that powerful.

These are same milletoasts who tried unsuccessfully to impeach Trump, and now are willing to ride the economy into the gutter to get him to resign. Raise your hand if you think things would be back to normal in ten days if Trump resigned tonight.

No one reports how many negative tests are confirmed daily.

No one reports how many people have recovered from the virus.

No one reports how Trump ordered all incoming flights from China to cease, while Nancy Pelosi encouraged California resident to soak up Chinese New year parades/celebrations.

Remember how Trump was accused of xenophobia? Now he's accused of slow reaction.

You are supposed to keep your political bias to yourself.
The numbers in my post, compared to states around us who are on stay at home orders, speak for themselves.

The numbers sure look to me like Iowans are exhibiting common sense.

People keep saying wait a week, wait two weeks. They keep moving the goal posts. Yet Iowa is on a manageable climb as it approaches it's peak.
Yes the numbers are raising slower in Iowa, probably in large part due to the people being smart. That doesn't help the arguement that it's over reacting to be smart.
You are supposed to keep your political bias to yourself.
There are exceptions for this one thread. It's only the biggest story of all our lifetimes.

I will keep my bias to myself when others stop relying on these stupid graphs and charts that project nothing but sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I found out yesterday that a classmate of mine from high school has it. On a ventilator; I don't know the specifics of his condition but being on a ventilator is not good from what we've all read. His wife and a couple of his grown kids have it as well although they are not hospitalized, just quarantined. Great guy and I'm wishing him the best.
Before long we will all know someone who has it. Hopefully not too many fatalities.

Is his general health good or does he have some of the chronic co-morbid conditions? Age? Hope he makes it through.
We may reach 1 million cases. But we won't come close to 1 million deaths.

These are the same dinglesnorts who have said for forty years that global warming will make sea levels rise, that humans can affect climate change.

They haven't and we can't. We're not that powerful.

These are same milletoasts who tried unsuccessfully to impeach Trump, and now are willing to ride the economy into the gutter to get him to resign. Raise your hand if you think things would be back to normal in ten days if Trump resigned tonight.

No one reports how many negative tests are confirmed daily.

No one reports how many people have recovered from the virus.

No one reports how Trump ordered all incoming flights from China to cease, while Nancy Pelosi encouraged California resident to soak up Chinese New year parades/celebrations.

Remember how Trump was accused of xenophobia? Now he's accused of slow reaction.
They are reporting every one of those things you mentioned.
There are exceptions for this one thread. It's only the biggest story of all our lifetimes.

I will keep my bias to myself when others stop relying on these stupid graphs and charts that project nothing but sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Charts or graphs are not political.

They may not agree with whatever political narrative you have in your head. But you just need to keep that stuff to yourself.

I mean, you brought up climate change. Whatever tolerance we have to get close to political stuff related to this virus, you went way past it.
I can only think that it's because it hasn't been warm enough and the days haven't been long enough for sun light . in Iowa today it was cloudy, rainy and in the 30's. We need to get into the 60's consistently to see if the sun does it's magic, pray!!

I wish I could recall the source on this one. I would not have posted it if I was not confident of its accuracy. Yes, I have been wrong before, and hope it is true. Any port in a storm.
Charts or graphs are not political.

They may not agree with whatever political narrative you have in your head. But you just need to keep that stuff to yourself.

I mean, you brought up climate change. Whatever tolerance we have to get close to political stuff related to this virus, you went way past it.
Then stop posting crazy stuff such as 13.8 million people will lose their lives.

If projected peaks of mid to late April are accurate and people continue to social distance that number is next to impossible.

I will however, get off my political soapbox and stay on point regarding the virus so I don't risk offending anyone else. You still won't have any question as to what side of the fence I sit on this matter.
You are supposed to keep your political bias to yourself.

The dangers of climate change are not political, they are science. Anyone who does not recognize the imminent crisis likely would also try to convince you that the world is flat.
Not a shot at Go Hawks. Just facts.
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They are reporting every one of those things you mentioned.
If so, then they should know potential loss of life is on the low end of the projections, because they are basing projections on proliferation of confirmed cases without the independent variable of negative or recovered cases.

Their projections don't take any of that into the equation.
The numbers in my post, compared to states around us who are on stay at home orders, speak for themselves.

The numbers sure look to me like Iowans are exhibiting common sense.

People keep saying wait a week, wait two weeks. They keep moving the goal posts. Yet Iowa is on a manageable climb as it approaches it's peak.

Northside, I was not going to respond further to your views. You may want to recognize that 90% of the US population is now under shelter at home requirements. Iowa’s governor is like the mother watching her son in the marching band...”Oh look! Everyone is out of step but my Johnny.” There are some various versions of shelter. In WI I can go to the grocery store, the pharmacy, and a few other “essential” venues. I can go for a walk. I can drive around in my car, fill up with gas, etc. Out of respect for others, I will shelter as much as possible. Just so we are clear, I was born and raised in Iowa and it will always be my home. That is why I care.
Then stop posting crazy stuff such as 13.8 million people will lose their lives.

If projected peaks of mid to late April are accurate and people continue to social distance that number is next to impossible.

Giving examples of exponential growth went over some people's heads. I totally get that. I will try to do better.

But it wasn't political. That's where you need to do better.
Then stop posting crazy stuff such as 13.8 million people will lose their lives.

If projected peaks of mid to late April are accurate and people continue to social distance that number is next to impossible.

I will however, get off my political soapbox and stay on point regarding the virus so I don't risk offending anyone else. You still won't have any question as to what side of the fence I sit on this matter.
If there is one thing I know about Iowa is it's always behind the rest of the country. Places like New York might hit there peak in the next 2 weeks, but Iowa will be at least a month behind. Expect the death numbers to double every 3-5 days for at least another month. You're right tho, 13 mil won't happen.
It's extremely hard to get testing done even if showing symptoms because of the lack of test kits.

The US healthcare system is such a joke.

The US healthcare system is not ranked very high for good outcomes and a lot of that is health insurance limiting testing patients, etc, cost cutting.

But dont blame this lack of testing on the healthcare industry but on decisions made by decision makers to not use available tests like the WHO test.
I don't know, me and my family have gotten great care all these years when needed, and in a timely fashion. Who would you say has better or would you prefer to get care?

I think the US is ranked in the thirties for healthcare outcomes of only the top 50 industrialized countries. Not good. Lots of people die of staph infections in hospitals in this country. Dont go get cut unless you absolutely have to.
If so, then they should know potential loss of life is on the low end of the projections, because they are basing projections on proliferation of confirmed cases without the independent variable of negative or recovered cases.

Their projections don't take any of that into the equation.
A negative test result doesn't mean that person is never going to get it. The only thing it shows is not a lot of the population has it yet. Which we should all already know considering there was 1 case of it a short couple months ago. And if you want to talk about recovered cases, that's not going to put this in a good light. You have confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. Look at the number of recovered vs number of deaths and it's a horrible percentage. Add in the 80% of people who probably never got tested because they never showed symptoms and it's still a pretty ugly number.
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