Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Today I've heard from 2 people who know someone who has it. I've heard of 2 other people before today. I still don't know anyone personally who has it, but it's creeping closer. I bet most everyone personally knows someone who has it in a week.
I went around and around with him last week. Got pretty ugly and I got out of hand a bit. Now I just chuckle reading his banter back and forth with others. I'm all about letting others have their opinion. I don't need to get into it with him or anybody else. Everybody has a right to an opinion. That's what a forum is for.

i get a chuckle out of it too. But I’m generally able to keep my cool about it.

While I literally have people going to donate blood to spite me or something.

i have TK proof reading my posts.

i mean, I don’t even need to say anything negative about any of them. They just dunk on themselves.
Today I've heard from 2 people who know someone who has it. I've heard of 2 other people before today. I still don't know anyone personally who has it, but it's creeping closer. I bet most everyone personally knows someone who has it in a week.
I found out yesterday that a classmate of mine from high school has it. On a ventilator; I don't know the specifics of his condition but being on a ventilator is not good from what we've all read. His wife and a couple of his grown kids have it as well although they are not hospitalized, just quarantined. Great guy and I'm wishing him the best.
Before long we will all know someone who has it. Hopefully not too many fatalities.
I make one post about exponential growth, and I have the entire TK fan club jumping on me about it.

And then I took PCHawks constructive feedback, and incorporated into my viewpoint.

Your not the only one laughing about this.

Join the club. The TK group is loud, vocal, know it all. And, thankfully a very small group largely ignored.
There is no evidence that UV rays kill this virus.
I can only think that it's because it hasn't been warm enough and the days haven't been long enough for sun light . in Iowa today it was cloudy, rainy and in the 30's. We need to get into the 60's consistently to see if the sun does it's magic, pray!!
I can only think that it's because it hasn't been warm enough and the days haven't been long enough for sun light . in Iowa today it was cloudy, rainy and in the 30's. We need to get into the 60's consistently to see if the sun does it's magic, pray!!
It has been warm in the Southern Hemisphere and to my knowledge, it has not been a benefit. Australia has been hit pretty hard by the virus.
I found out yesterday that a classmate of mine from high school has it. On a ventilator; I don't know the specifics of his condition but being on a ventilator is not good from what we've all read. His wife and a couple of his grown kids have it as well although they are not hospitalized, just quarantined. Great guy and I'm wishing him the best.
Before long we will all know someone who has it. Hopefully not too many fatalities.

Just found a friend has it. She works in health care, but not at a hospital. Or anything related to treating Coronavirus patients. But she was able to get tested because she does have patients still.

Mild symptoms. Headache. Mild cough. Runny noise. No difficulty breathing.

Would have thought nothing of it normally.
In normal situations, the sunlight is about people getting Vitamin D. Most people are indoors, so sunshine isn't going to have as large of an effect unless people get outdoors.
I'm confused... She has "some level of sanity in this whole thing. And trusts her states residents to exhibit common sense?" Wouldn't that example prove that she crazy for even thinking such a thing?
The numbers in my post, compared to states around us who are on stay at home orders, speak for themselves.

The numbers sure look to me like Iowans are exhibiting common sense.

People keep saying wait a week, wait two weeks. They keep moving the goal posts. Yet Iowa is on a manageable climb as it approaches it's peak.
They separated out plasma in the 1890's? Who knew.

Wonder what BioLife paid back then?
Dubuque pays $20/$50. You have to donate a second time in a week to get the $50 on the second donation.

Most months you will get extra on the seventh and eighth donations.

It pays more than many second jobs and takes a lot less time.
I was thinking about giving blood next week, but have never done it before. I don't even know my own blood type. Plus, I'm sure the people that would take my blood would want to know if I've been tested for the virus, which I haven't.
They will take your temperature for donating blood or plasma before you do anything else. That will tell them all they need to know.
At the start of March, we had 65 active cases in the US.
By the end of March, we had 177,000.
A 2700 fold increase.

We are starting the month of April with 5102 deaths...
By the end of April... You think 1,000,000 is unreasonable?
A 2700 fold increase would be 13.8 million.

I used stats from here:
We may reach 1 million cases. But we won't come close to 1 million deaths.

These are the same dinglesnorts who have said for forty years that global warming will make sea levels rise, that humans can affect climate change.

They haven't and we can't. We're not that powerful.

These are same milletoasts who tried unsuccessfully to impeach Trump, and now are willing to ride the economy into the gutter to get him to resign. Raise your hand if you think things would be back to normal in ten days if Trump resigned tonight.

No one reports how many negative tests are confirmed daily.

No one reports how many people have recovered from the virus.

No one reports how Trump ordered all incoming flights from China to cease, while Nancy Pelosi encouraged California resident to soak up Chinese New year parades/celebrations.

Remember how Trump was accused of xenophobia? Now he's accused of slow reaction.
I can only think that it's because it hasn't been warm enough and the days haven't been long enough for sun light . in Iowa today it was cloudy, rainy and in the 30's. We need to get into the 60's consistently to see if the sun does it's magic, pray!!
We need to get the UV index up to the eight, nine range. Then it won't matter how cloudy or cool it is.

You can get sunburn in Antarctica, or 29,000 feet up on Everest, if UV levels are sufficient.
People can have it, be asymptotic, and spread it.

Was it the Georgia governor that just learned that and ordered the state shut down.
They still prick your finger, at least before a plasma donation, and get your iron, protein and beta protein levels.

Not sure if they can determine a covid correlation off bad blood levels.
It has been warm in the Southern Hemisphere and to my knowledge, it has not been a benefit. Australia has been hit pretty hard by the virus.
you are now official
We need to get the UV index up to the eight, nine range. Then it won't matter how cloudy or cool it is.

You can get sunburn in Antarctica, or 29,000 feet up on Everest, if UV levels are sufficient.
John Carpenter's The Thing takes place there, but they filmed the movie in upper Canada. The sun's reflection off the snow onto Carpenters face while filming gave him skin cancer. By the way, if you have never seen The Thing, it's awesome! Rent It!!
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