Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I live in Minnesota. Our Governor called a "shelter in place" order about a week ago. Plenty of people are still out and about...on the roads, in the parks, etc. The photo below is from one of the more popular lakes in the city of Minneapolis and it was taken yesterday. So much for social distancing.

Minnesota has gone democrat in every Presidential election since the 70s and has had 2 Republican Governors since 1980. Those are facts too. It's not as politically "clear" as you might think.


I can say from seeing firsthand, the Twin Cities metro area is not taking this virus very seriously. That combined with the increased number of unemployed people and people who "work from home" has led to a ton of people out and about. The only thing I've noticed that has really changed is a lot less traffic during the normal rush hour times.
If he bought the rights to it he was one shrwed businessman, which is likely because many of the great ones are. Look at Trump and Warren Buffet.

Gates and his partners were shrewed in that they got into an agreement with IBM to supply the DOS OS for their pc which you know sold a ton of pcs. Gates went out and bought QDOS and turned it into MS DOS . The story below indicates that this researcher used some tools to determine that the code was not stolen/copied from CP/M which was the first personal pc OS on those very first Atari's etc

The article says to remember that Jobs and Wozniak's third partner Ronald Wayne who sold his rights to Apple for $2300. Yikes

Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
Gates bought the rights to QDOS for $75 000 and hired Paterson to modify it into MS-DOS; that’s what he licensed to IBM for its PC as PC-DOS. The IBM PC became a huge success, and Microsoft soon displaced DRI as the leading microcomputer operating system company.

And that is that. Every lead brought me not to Bill Gates but to a dead end. QDOS was absolutely not copied from CP/M, and MS-DOS showed no signs of copying either. Kildall’s accusations about Bill Gates were totally groundless.
I dunno, maybe because she has some level of sanity in this whole thing. And trusts her state's residents to exhibit common sense.

Remember when trust used to mean something? Iowa has 12 counties with double digit confirmed cases.

Illinois has 17.

Wisconsin has 22.

Schools, bars, restaurants, and most non essential businesses are closed in Iowa. What is she supposed to do, order people to live like animals?

Pritzker is headed for trouble the first stretch of three seventy degree days in a row. You think people are going to stay inside? Hell no.

We have a total of three confirmed cases in our (southwestern Wisconsin) county and yet our schools are likely to be banged for the year, and some posters are already questioning next year. Who knows when the economy will bounce back, or how much taxes will go up.

Bottom line. Order people not to do something and many will do the opposite out of spite. Let's see the media bubs post a curve for THAT.

I'm confused... She has "some level of sanity in this whole thing. And trusts her states residents to exhibit common sense?" Wouldn't that example prove that she crazy for even thinking such a thing?
I dunno, maybe because she has some level of sanity in this whole thing. And trusts her state's residents to exhibit common sense.

Remember when trust used to mean something? Iowa has 12 counties with double digit confirmed cases.

Illinois has 17.

Wisconsin has 22.

Schools, bars, restaurants, and most non essential businesses are closed in Iowa. What is she supposed to do, order people to live like animals?

Pritzker is headed for trouble the first stretch of three seventy degree days in a row. You think people are going to stay inside? Hell no.

We have a total of three confirmed cases in our (southwestern Wisconsin) county and yet our schools are likely to be banged for the year, and some posters are already questioning next year. Who knows when the economy will bounce back, or how much taxes will go up.

Bottom line. Order people not to do something and many will do the opposite out of spite. Let's see the media bubs post a curve for THAT.

Well, ok, I guess.
I realize, and posted, that 10-15 % of number x from a few days ago I different from 10-15% of number y from today. Still, to reach 100,000 Iowa cases we would either have to start seeing thousands of cases a day for weeks at a time or the peak would have to be revised.

Yea, 100,000 is hard to believe. I'm going guess somewhere around 50,000 - 60,000. Will see how close I am. I think Iowa's doing a decent job of this distancing thing and we just don't have the density of people like on the east and west coast.
I live in Des MOines, IA Polk County and with non essential businesses etc shut down there is not a lot of people out. Some, some are still out walking and exercising but I havent heard of big crowds. Johnson County IA with Iowa City and the Univ of Iowa had an early spike from some vacationers returning from a cruise or vacation in Eqypt as they were already traveling when this hit. Those people have been isolated and I think that county is doing pretty well. Polk County has been rising slowing with cases. Western Iowa is very rural and not very populated. Linn County has a lot of residents and I think some large spread in a care center was mentioned for their bigger numbers.

I have been to a couple of big box stores to get stuff for projects at home and they are pretty empty.

I dont see a lot of contact of people going on except at essential places like grocery stores and pharmacies yet it is not huge crowds. And people who live together could go take a walk together but just not make a crowd.

I think the Gov could start a stay at home except for a few situations as a few people living together could go for a walk together.

I had to go into work just for a bit to check on our fax machine, mail etc.. Driving by the Menards in Iowa City, I was shocked and disappointed with how full the parking lot was. People want to do projects while they are home. Hell, I'm the same. I want to build my wife some hanging cabinets for our laundry room. I may hold off on that until this passes though. When I did go to get some stain the past couple weeks, I went at obscure hours when wasn't that busy at Lowes and didn't pizz around. In, got what I needed and kept my distance and out.
I was talking about normal breathing which is the 6 foot safe distance. You are correct that coughing and sneezing can expel these droplets 5 to 200 times farther but 30 feet is a good assumption from NIH articles I read.

Plus if you are out on a windy day the wind will carry the droplets farther as gravity takes them to the ground. The few times I have talked to people outside during this pandemic I have tried to have all the people with me line up on a parallel line with the wind.

Without wind the droplets accelerate and fall to the ground just like any projectile shot out horizontally. The NIH site had a Wells chart to show this fall to the ground based on droplet size which is affected by air resistance.

Like with peeing, you want to be upwind of everyone else!
My wife and I got out on 3 or 4 mile walks pretty much every day. It really helps us physically and mentally.

There are quite a few others out doing the same. We all make sure to spread out when passing each other, usually walking into the grass on each side of the sidewalk.

My wife found out yesterday that she was having her pay cut 20 percent at least through July. Others at her job were furloughed, so we lucked out. And we kept all of our health insurance.

Rob and wife were in our neighborhood yesterday.

I am not going to comment on anything except about 'how much taxes will go up'.

We in America have a really good life and we do not pay very high taxes. Many of us make good money and with deductions etc we pay adjusted taxes at a 10% rate. Yet we have a very good interstate system, good public schools, etc . We know the country has slipped in education and healthcare ratings and both those areas are so important we should probably have a higher progressive tax to make those two areas better.

The basic needs of people though are generally well met in food, fairly potable water, housing, clothing, sewage control, etc. I am many times amazed at the amount of really good fresh food in our stores when we see what happens in the rest of the world.

If you do not know it the personal wealth in this country is about $87 trillion dollars and about 24% of it is in the hands of a few percent of americans. So believe me there will plenty of DOUGH to be taxed to pay for this problem.

The citizens of the US could pay off the national debt of 23 trillion in a very short time and still have well over $60 trillion in wealth or about $180,000 per man, woman and child.

The US and state govts can put in tolls and slightly increased use taxes on fuel, cigs, vapes, etc and help pay for this problem.

I am not worried about paying some more taxes and we are on social security.

It is just a matter if people have the guts to do it and that is a big question mark.

Nice post and puts it into perspective. I admit I typically lean towards the right secondary to how I think the economy should be ran with private business and capitalism, etc.. But, I'd be willing to pay more in taxes, tolls (tax), etc.. to get dig out of this mess for the health of our nation as a whole.

The US is only as strong as its economy. The only way the US can be crippled is by crippling or tanking the economy to make us susceptible. That is our biggest strength.
From CBS Sports on former Jaguars All Pro Offensive Tackle Tony Boselli.............

"Tony Boselli, one of the greatest offensive lineman of his era, recently spent five days in the hospital after he and his wife, Angie, tested positive for the coronavirus. While his wife never needed to be hospitalized and has made a full recovery, Boselli says that he is still in recovery after spending time in the ICU unit.

Boselli, a five-time Pro Bowler and three-time All-Pro during his seven seasons with the Jacksonville Jaguars, first felt ill when had a runny nose in mid-March, thinking he had a cold or sinus infection. But it turned bad in a hurry when he started to get flu-like symptoms and then found out he had been around somebody who tested positive for Covid-19. A day after that, Boselli got tested and he found out he had the Covid-19.

"When I first got sick, I thought it wasn't a big deal," Boselli told CBS Sports. "I was 47 and healthy. I thought I'd be back to myself. It went the wrong way quickly."

On his first night in ICU, getting oxygen pumped into him in an attempt to try to get levels up, the doctor told him if that didn't work, they would have to try something else. Like a machine – but Boselli wasn't sure if it was a ventilator they had in mind. He just knew it didn't sound good.

"In the back of my mind, since I was already in ICU and hooked up to oxygen, I wondered what if it goes wrong, (with the new treatment)" Boselli said. "Bad thoughts come into your head. I tried not to have them cross my mind, but they do. You lay there alone with your thoughts and nobody can see you. The scariest thing was not knowing what was next. I was anxious. I didn't want it to be the way it goes for me. I didn't want to die there. But they got it turned around. The health professionals (at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville) were great."

Boselli is back home now and is recovering, and plans to ride his bike soon on the advice of his doctors to get his lungs back in shape.

"I'm getting there," he said. "This was so much worse than I could have imagined."

His advice to those who aren't taking it seriously?

"It's real, and it's bad for some people," Boselli said. "Look at me. I didn't think it was a big deal at first, and look how it turned out for me. This is a bad virus and people have to take it seriously."

Wow. This is scary. This is an ex-athlete taken down. What is the normal Joe blow packing 35 extra pounds gunna do?
I heard they were going to make it so you don't get in trouble for not making payments on things like houses and vehicles. Have they not done that?
Yes that is generally true. Good catch. When the feds lowered the prime to virtual zero on March 15, on a Sunday no less, they were preparing for the worst.
Interesting. Good info.

I've been walking regularly at this distance for about a year or so. I actually was up around 5 or 6 miles a day last summer before cutting back during football season. Now it's just offsetting my beer intake. I think I benefit most from a mental aspect of being outside, hearing the birds and seeing other people, even from a distance.

You mention hearing the birds.

During this health crisis, that is one of the most eery times of day, the morning. It's weird because we know this virus is out there lingering around and its so still and quite in the morning but can hear the birds. I noticed it the other day and thought this is so eery. Nice to hear the birds, definitely. Knowing the virus is out there and waiting for the impending storm is a weird feeling.
We have been trying to get out as a family too, but that one really nice this week the sidewalks were CROWDED. Makes me wish I was up with my parents, out in the country. I could use 200 acres of unoccupied woodland right about now.

You know who doesn't have to worry about this thing too much right now. Those people up in Canada and Alaska living off the grid. Doesn't sound too bad right now.
Well, ok, I guess.
You dont think there is potential for lawless anarchy if you continue to treat the general populace like prisoners, with their one hour a day of "yard time"?

Wait until some militant tries to take out Dr. Fauci (which is why he has requested more protection). Or Trump himself. You WILL see martial law if that happens. People are not animals, or prisoners.
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