Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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ABC News just showed that if you have the Coronavirus and you sneeze, that it could travel up to 27 feet.

Laredo, TX now must wear a mask if you leave your home or be fined $1,000.
I know a guy who did the UPS holiday shift for about a month. He said the first week was brutal because he wasn't in good enough shape to keep up with the UPS driver.
Our drivers are starting to get dirty looks for being on people's property-from the people who ordered the merchandise. I have had dogs intentionally sicced on me about a half dozen times now.

Others are frantically waving us away from the house and toward the shed, the garage, the edge of the driveway, anywhere but near the front door. I expect all of our drivers to be required to wear masks any day now.

Anyone who orders a package for my route and then siccs a dangerous dog on me may get their social distancing wish-and their package in the ditch on the side of the highway.
I'm a staunch opponent of all this overreaction and even I knew that.

I have posted a dozen times that being asymptomatic and contagious is the most dangerous combination in this whole crisis, and separating those people and isolating them would be huge in lessening, not slowing but lessening, the corona spread. If only we had enough testing to do it.
Thank you. I'm hoping for some kind of college football season, even if abbreviated with no fans in the stands.
WSCR, the biggest sports talk radio station in Chicago, was forced to furlough several on air show hosts today, and more furloughs may be coming. Ratings have to be down, and with lower ratings comes less advertising revenue.
I know a guy who did the UPS holiday shift for about a month. He said the first week was brutal because he wasn't in good enough shape to keep up with the UPS driver.
UPS during holiday peak is even more intense than Fed Ex or other courier services. Their drivers in December basically have two choices. Haul ass all day or be out there until eight o clock or later.

I saw a headline earlier today that stated only 20% of patients who were put on ventilators actually survived. Scary.
Question from a die hard Hawk who resides in Wisconsin. Why in the billy hell has Iowa’s governor not declared stay at home measures? I think only one of only 11 states? I think all of them are Republican. Not political, just factual information. If I am wrong, let me know and I will apologize.
I live in Minnesota. Our Governor called a "shelter in place" order about a week ago. Plenty of people are still out and about...on the roads, in the parks, etc. The photo below is from one of the more popular lakes in the city of Minneapolis and it was taken yesterday. So much for social distancing.

Minnesota has gone democrat in every Presidential election since the 70s and has had 2 Republican Governors since 1980. Those are facts too. It's not as politically "clear" as you might think.

I'm a staunch opponent of all this overreaction and even I knew that.

I have posted a dozen times that being asymptomatic and contagious is the most dangerous combination in this whole crisis, and separating those people and isolating them would be huge in lessening, not slowing but lessening, the corona spread. If only we had enough testing to do it.
You really still think it's an overreaction? Most people think the country underreacted.
Question from a die hard Hawk who resides in Wisconsin. Why in the billy hell has Iowa’s governor not declared stay at home measures? I think only one of only 11 states? I think all of them are Republican. Not political, just factual information. If I am wrong, let me know and I will apologize.
I dunno, maybe because she has some level of sanity in this whole thing. And trusts her state's residents to exhibit common sense.

Remember when trust used to mean something? Iowa has 12 counties with double digit confirmed cases.

Illinois has 17.

Wisconsin has 22.

Schools, bars, restaurants, and most non essential businesses are closed in Iowa. What is she supposed to do, order people to live like animals?

Pritzker is headed for trouble the first stretch of three seventy degree days in a row. You think people are going to stay inside? Hell no.

We have a total of three confirmed cases in our (southwestern Wisconsin) county and yet our schools are likely to be banged for the year, and some posters are already questioning next year. Who knows when the economy will bounce back, or how much taxes will go up.

Bottom line. Order people not to do something and many will do the opposite out of spite. Let's see the media bubs post a curve for THAT.
I live in Minnesota. Our Governor called a "shelter in place" order about a week ago. Plenty of people are still out and about...on the roads, in the parks, etc. The photo below is from one of the more popular lakes in the city of Minneapolis and it was taken yesterday. So much for social distancing.

Minnesota has gone democrat in every Presidential election since the 70s and has had 2 Republican Governors since 1980. Those are facts too. It's not as politically "clear" as you might think.

That looks like Lake Como. I've walked around that lake before.

That's a compressed shot. Many of those people aren't as close together as the appear, with the exceptions of couples walking together, and I see couples walking everywhere-city roads, country roads, parks, neighborhoods, everywhere.
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