Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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(KWWL) -- "A new analysis predicts Iowa will make it through the coronavirus pandemic without a shortage in hospital beds, if social distancing mandates are maintained.

The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation (IHME) released an interactive projection for every state.

As of Monday, that analysis found Iowa's peak resource use will come in 15 days, on April 15."
Every time I leave my house I wear gloves. I was just at the grocery store and noticed a number of people with gloves on and some had masks as well. Whenever I arrive back home I first wash my hands.

Have any of you been laid off from work and had to file for unemployment? I have not had that happen, yet. I have a part time and full time job. My part time is not letting us work now, but they are going to keep paying the employees. They sent us all a text message last week saying that we cannot file for unemployment because they will continue to pay us (I really like that system, getting paid to not work.) My full time job I am still working, but mostly from home. Am wondering if I will eventually get laid off.

When I hand my credit card to someone like at a drive in pharmacy I rub sanitizer on the card. When I get home I sanitize the medicine bottles.

I try to sanitize plastic coming from the store or wash it, wash fruit like bananas, oranges, and apples because the workers could have the disease and you dont know how sanitized they are.

I have mentioned it before that authorities might be ok letting businesses stay open in certain areas if there are no confirmed cases. I just looked at the JOhns HOpkins map and a several county area around Fort Dodge IA does not have any confirmed cases. There have been cases in Iowa for 4-6 weeks but it seems none in this pretty big area.

Maybe Fort Dodge and Webster City could have some businesses open. It would be a hard decision but Ohio's Gov made a hard, early decision to close down the state and it seems it is working as they are peaking at a low amount without straining their hospitals and maybe they stretched out the infection in a safer way.
Population by country

Boy, you would think China and India would have been hit even harder secondary to the amount of people.

I didn't realize Russia has about half the population of the US.

Well we know how China cut off Wuhan area to try to keep it from spreading. Good luck leaving that area back a month or two ago. But China still has 8-10 spots with about 1000 or more cases.

Yes, India mystifies me with 1,4 billion people and only one outbreak area on the John Hopkins map. Their prime minister did put some type of lock down and isolation on the population but maybe they are not testing much either to actually confirm cases.

I ve asked several times. Do you believe in the Deep State Conspiracy? Do you believe Trump is fighting the Deep State and thus is a Deep State issue?


This could be the new standard for office dress codes. Can you tell me if the tie goes on top of or underneath the suit coat?

TK, I saw that that was dated 3/9. Do you think his opinion may have varied since? Seems like a lot of others have since changed their stance.

Edit: I also see he's the inventor of email and a politician running for office. Interesting.
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TK, I saw that that was dated 3/9. Do you think his opinion may have varied since? Seems like a lot of others have since changed their stance.

Note the reference to the Deep State. That guy isn't going to change on that. What TK uses in some posts are references to Deep State causing this and the shutdowns and the hero in this is Trump as he fights the Deep State. Trump... As the concept goes had the Empire State Building lit up Red as a code to Patriots... Those who support him as a reference to the Am Revolution. A part of the Trump base of support comes from the Patriot movement. A part of the patriot movement involves right wing militias.
Note the reference to the Deep State. That guy isn't going to change on that. What TK uses in some posts are references to Deep State causing this and the shutdowns and the hero in this is Trump as he fights the Deep State. Trump... As the concept goes had the Empire State Building lit up Red as a code to Patriots... Those who support him as a reference to the Am Revolution. A part of the Trump base of support comes from the Patriot movement. A part of the patriot movement involves right wing militias.

You are correct that TK is putting out political propaganda every time he posts something about a deep state that is unproven and is a talking point of just a few people.
When I hand my credit card to someone like at a drive in pharmacy I rub sanitizer on the card. When I get home I sanitize the medicine bottles.

I try to sanitize plastic coming from the store or wash it, wash fruit like bananas, oranges, and apples because the workers could have the disease and you dont know how sanitized they are.

I have mentioned it before that authorities might be ok letting businesses stay open in certain areas if there are no confirmed cases. I just looked at the JOhns HOpkins map and a several county area around Fort Dodge IA does not have any confirmed cases. There have been cases in Iowa for 4-6 weeks but it seems none in this pretty big area.

Maybe Fort Dodge and Webster City could have some businesses open. It would be a hard decision but Ohio's Gov made a hard, early decision to close down the state and it seems it is working as they are peaking at a low amount without straining their hospitals and maybe they stretched out the infection in a safer way.

I worked in a school for 17 years so I'm used to washing my hands at least 25 times a day at minimum but like you said, I've become more aware of everything like using wipes on my phone, laptop, remotes, steering wheel, door handles several times a day. I'm sure I'm missing 10 times as many things that I'm not thinking of.

Also any container I get from a store. I buy 4 packs of Goose Island IPA and those each get the individual wipe treatment too.

The new normal I guess.
New report from CDC showing near proof demonstration of infection from asymptomatic people which was thought to be the case. Makes it much harder to stop and control. Need testing in huge numbers. Need data.

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If there was a huge amounts of tests available and you had not shown symptoms would you want to get a test to find out if you have already had it?? I would, I would want to know if I have antigen immunity so I could go outside with my test results with me if in case any authorities wanted to stop me.

If I was no longer contagious I wouldnt stay at home but could go see family and friends and even volunteer or work somewhere. If I was immune and I could help at a hospital or get trained to do tests myself I would do it.

I could also right in a golf cart with another person.
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As I posted awhile back (you will have to go look up the links, I am too lazy to repost), a small French study showed that it was effective in improving illness outcome, and a small Chinese study found it had no impact on outcome.

More work has probably been published (open-source) in the last few days, but I haven't seen it.

As this is considered an "essential" drug by WHO for its role in fighting malaria, I wonder if there is concern about creating resistant forms of pathogens? Not really sure, but lots of groups seem to be trying this out right now, so we should hear fairly definitively if it helps pretty soon.

Here is John's Hopkins data on chloroquine:

Chloroquine(CQ) or hydroxychloroquine(HCQ)
  • Reported to have some efficacy in vitro and in limited, very low-quality evidence for COVID-19 pneumonia, the mechanism may be by interfering with cellular acidification in the phagolysosome.[14],[15]
    • Much hype and preliminary reports of efficacy are from press releases or small studies.
  • Gautret et al. suggest decreased SARS-CoV-2 shedding in non-RCT of 36 patients; 6 patients in a post-hoc analysis who received HCQ combined with azithromycin had further viral carriage reduction.[11]
    • Small sample size, lack of clinical outcomes, exclusion of patients who died or went to ICU, lack of paired stepwise statistical comparison means clinicians ought to not base decisions on these limited results, despite the widely interpreted lay conclusion that that HCQ + AZ is an effective combination.
  • Chen et al in an unpublished RCT of 30 patients did not find HCQ provided benefit.[26]
    • The study suggests that if HCQ has an impact, it is likely small.
  • Chloroquine not generally available in the U.S., many reporting shortages of hydroxychloroquine.
  • HCQ may cause prolonged QT, and caution should be used in critically ill COVID-19 patients who may have cardiac dysfunction or if combined with other drugs that cause QT prolongation.
I think most would agree with you. That said, I think what you will here a great deal about is how this fallout both in terms of mortality rate and economic impact could have been much lower had it been handled differently and taken much more seriously earlier on.

I said in other posts that I still don't know where I stand on shutting things down, however if that is the best course of action and in the best interest of our country at this time I support it. However, from a medical, economical and social perspective, if shutting down the country is the answer I think the question should be; "did we wait to long to do it?". In a situation like this its all hindsight as we don't know how the situation will play out going forward, but we do know that every day that things are shut down will impact our future. I guess my opinion is would we have been better off as a country to "jump the gun" and shut everything down two weeks ago to try to get a handle on things or have things play out where half the country has shelter in place established indefinitely while the rest of the country is still buying into the idea?

I think closing everything early might be flattening the curve too much. It would just delay the start of the outbreak more than anything, probably putting an even bigger strain on the economy. I also wonder if we just tried to power through it with no social distancing, it would end up crippling the economy just as bad. Once it got real bad, everyone would be scared to go to work anyway.
Well we know how China cut off Wuhan area to try to keep it from spreading. Good luck leaving that area back a month or two ago. But China still has 8-10 spots with about 1000 or more cases.

Yes, India mystifies me with 1,4 billion people and only one outbreak area on the John Hopkins map. Their prime minister did put some type of lock down and isolation on the population but maybe they are not testing much either to actually confirm cases.

How did those two countries get that damn many people anyway? Do they have much larger families on average? I don't get it. I mean I don't think of Asian families with 5-6 kids each.
New report from CDC showing near proof demonstration of infection from asymptomatic people which was thought to be the case. Makes it much harder to stop and control. Need testing in huge numbers. Need data.

That's been the whole problem with this robust virus, the long incubation period coupled with asymptomatic people unknowingly roaming around passing the virus. Add into that the virus lives so long in the air and on surfaces, it is a recipe for a disaster, which is what we are currently living.

It's almost like this baby was manufactured and got out into the wild. I was going to bring this up to discuss in this thread. Guess might as well do it now. I'm usually NOT of the conspiracy theory type and usually side on the side of science and/or evolution, but, China has been really trying to hide this thing and does not want their named tied to it which really makes one wonder. We know countries work on developing germs for germ warfare. Was this a situation where a scientist may have accidentally got infected in the lab and brought it to the outside world? This virus is a different dog secondary to the above paragraph.
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