Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has tested positive. His co-worker Don Lemon wants CNN to not air the Presidents daily briefings on the virus. To me, that's sounds like what Communist would do.
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Cedar Rapids didn't have a case until about a week ago and now they just recently passed Johnson Co to be #1 in the state as far as confirmed cases.

It would also matter if the first people bringing the virus into a new area are in the 80% group that don't have symptoms. It could be spread for a couple weeks before anyone even got it who showed symptoms. Then it might be another week or two before they ended up in a hospital.
Assuming your asking the question given China not being able to suppress the spread of the virus outside their borders...

You can point to Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan as maybe a best case scenario.

They are by no means in the clear. And are fearful of a 2nd wave if there becomes complacency. They very aggressively tested their population to slow the outbreak.

Because all you can do is buy time.

One big problem for those countries, is you have countries like ours that will become virus exporters. China is putting people in 2 week quarantine when entering the country, even if you test negative with no symptoms.

Because ideally every country would have acted equally aggressive, so border closures wouldn't become common.

But you said perfect. So maybe federal support for programs to developing vaccines before the crisis. But that is a whole separate conversation. The issue of developing medicine that isn't expected to be commercially profitable, but is in the public interest to have. The type of stuff that would make a libertarian's skin crawl.

And I realize you asked for death counts and confirmed cases. But experts put in a lot of work to create those models. But no one is creating models for a "perfect" situation that never happened because we sat on our hands for 3 months.
In order for a perfect scenario situation, we would either have to be a country full of citizens who took this seriously before it smacked them in the face, or we would need a government that wasn't concerned at all about citizen's rights. We are the exact type of country that ends up with a worst case scenario because of those two things. People want to complain that Trump didn't do enough, but half the country will always want to do the exact opposite of what Trump says anyway.
Unfortunately, when someone did do the right move, he was called a "racist", predictably.
Yea that one was undeniable proof that Trump is going to get blasted no matter what he does. Closing the boarders was the obvious right choice, and everyone knew it. Yet people acted like it wasn't.
In order for a perfect scenario situation, we would either have to be a country full of citizens who took this seriously before it smacked them in the face, or we would need a government that wasn't concerned at all about citizen's rights. We are the exact type of country that ends up with a worst case scenario because of those two things. People want to complain that Trump didn't do enough, but half the country will always want to do the exact opposite of what Trump says anyway.

Leaders job is to lead. Not blame people for not taking it seriously while also not taking it seriously for months.

And people still want to get tested. Health care professionals want PPE.

So lets not blame teenagers on spring break for those failures.
Yea that one was undeniable proof that Trump is going to get blasted no matter what he does. Closing the boarders was the obvious right choice, and everyone knew it. Yet people acted like it wasn't.

This shouldn't be about the ego of the Dear Leader.

There are problems. He should focus on fixing them.
Leaders job is to lead. Not blame people for not taking it seriously while also not taking it seriously for months.

And people still want to get tested. Health care professionals want PPE.

So lets not blame teenagers on spring break for those failures.
My post wasn't saying our leaders have done good. It was to pointing out that best case scenario would be impossible in America because it has a government that stresses freedoms and people who want freedom. The steps neccessary to stop a virus are the exact opposite of freedom.
This shouldn't be about the ego of the Dear Leader.

There are problems. He should focus on fixing them.
If there's ever a time where a politician if focused on fixing a problem, its during an election year. Whether he's doing a good job or not is debatable (not here unfortunately) but you gotta assume he's trying. His next 4 years will be decided by how he does here.
but you gotta assume he's trying.

But you don't have to assume. We can check. What was he saying to the public?

Did he coordinate the acquisition of PPE at the federal level or did he tell the states to do it themselves?

And what did he do to the the CDC over the last 3-4 years. Proposing massive budget cuts? Eliminated the pandemic response team.

Legum stated in a follow-up tweet that “Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” That was partly true, according to 2018 news reports stating that funding for the CDC’s global disease outbreak prevention efforts had been reduced by 80%, including funding for the agency’s efforts in China.
Totally. White guys getting accused of racism has been a big problem in the country for a long time.

That’s what started the civil war.

Yeah, because white guys wanting to keep their slaves and enforcing a travel ban on China due to a pandemic are the same thing right.

But wait, a travel ban was placed on Europe too...never mind.
Linn County really jumped in the last 24 hours

It would also matter if the first people bringing the virus into a new area are in the 80% group that don't have symptoms. It could be spread for a couple weeks before anyone even got it who showed symptoms. Then it might be another week or two before they ended up in a hospital.

Exactly could be what happened in CR. Some very active person symptom-free roaming the town passing the virus, than a spike in people 2-3 wks later.
uihawk82 said:
Yeah when it is colder and damp with nothing much to do outside and if you dont have a lot of indoor chores it can be boring. There is whittling wood you know.

what is whittling wood? You must be like...old!;)

Is that what the young lads are calling it these days?

That is funny. I have 3 grandsons and if I live long enough to see them into their teens I will have to remember to greet them sometimes by saying "what you been doing whittling away on your wood"?

Well maybe many of you have never seen the old TV western show called Maverick. But in one episode that I distinctly remember Bret Maverick, played by James Garner who was the reason my two older sisters watched the show. was whittling away on some wood and said he would make a decision about some issue when he was done. Sort of the old Penelope wife of Oddyseus story. Yes people actually carved on wood to make sprear points, forks and spoons, bowls, plates and who knows what all.
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