Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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I totally agree on the ventilators and when any President wants to put in Defense Production Act then that president needs to take charge to TELL and ORDER businesses to do things and build things and work 24/7 etc etc and then the military can ship the stuff if needed along with the many great shipping businesses we have.

The key words are take charge and ORDER things done.

We haven't had a ventilator issue in the country yet. We can't really say they screwed that one up until doctors have to start choosing who to give them to. Also a lot of people in this country still don't believe it's going to get huge, and it would have to get huge to end up running out of ventilators, so building 100 thousand ventilators 2 months ago probably seemed extreme to most.
We haven't had a ventilator issue in the country yet. We can't really say they screwed that one up until doctors have to start choosing who to give them to. Also a lot of people in this country still don't believe it's going to get huge, and it would have to get huge to end up running out of ventilators, so building 100 thousand ventilators 2 months ago probably seemed extreme to most.

Are you sure? I will check into it again but I heard reports of hospital staff altering the air tubing so that one ventilator can be used on two or more people. The problem with multi user ventilators is they say you cant set the air flow differently for each person. Now maybe that was in Italy and not the US but I am pretty sure it was in some NYC hospitals.

I read that some doctors in Europe are taking the full face scuba masks and attaching a BiPAB positive airflow machine on the scuba mask where the snorkle normally attaches. This seemed to work well for them.
We haven't had a ventilator issue in the country yet. We can't really say they screwed that one up until doctors have to start choosing who to give them to. Also a lot of people in this country still don't believe it's going to get huge, and it would have to get huge to end up running out of ventilators, so building 100 thousand ventilators 2 months ago probably seemed extreme to most.

I didnt mention making 100,000 ventilators but that is what some experts predict. Where the hell are even 100 new ventilators, or 500, or 1000????

As I type this I am listening to Dr Corwin who heads up NY Presbyterian Hosp Systems say that they need a lot more ventilators especially by about April 10th. He says they have already converted or created another 1000 ICU rooms for virus patients. He says they are also running out of healthcare workers as they get sick.
Are you sure? I will check into it again but I heard reports of hospital staff altering the air tubing so that one ventilator can be used on two or more people. The problem with multi user ventilators is they say you cant set the air flow differently for each person. Now maybe that was in Italy and not the US but I am pretty sure it was in some NYC hospitals.

I read that some doctors in Europe are taking the full face scuba masks and attaching a BiPAB positive airflow machine on the scuba mask where the snorkle normally attaches. This seemed to work well for them.
I'm not positive, but as soon as our doctors are choosing who lives and who dies, I'm sure we will hear about it. I haven't heard about it happening yet.
I didnt mention making 100,000 ventilators but that is what some experts predict. Where the hell are even 100 new ventilators, or 500, or 1000????

As I type this I am listening to Dr Corwin who heads up NY Presbyterian Hosp Systems say that they need a lot more ventilators especially by about April 10th. He says they have already converted or created another 1000 ICU rooms for virus patients. He says they are also running out of healthcare workers as they get sick.
They just sent a huge ship to New York. Did that thing really not have ventilators on it?
This is why the US Govt needs to set up Fed tax-payer owned industries in certain areas of life and death needs:

The New York Times
The U.S. Tried to Build a New Fleet of Ventilators. The Mission Failed.

The article says this push started around 2006 after close calls with SARS, MERS, Avian flu etc. Feds wanted a new, smaller, less expensive model created and built in the thousands. A small company was given the contract but a bigger company bought them up and soaked up the money. The project was restarted in 2014 so about 5-6 years were lost. Now a new ventilator model's schematic is ready but needs to be built.

This is a focused, one asset type business that is medically necessary that would have been better handled by being owned and run by taxpayers. Maybe surgical masks and PPE should now be controlled by the Fed. Get the profit motive out of absolute necessary medical gear.

Oh, and the article says not one ventilator from the current stockpile has been shipped. Edit: I am not sure if the previous sentence means current older models from the stockpile have not been shipped or if it means any newer smaller easier to operate ventilators mentioned in the article have been shipped.
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They just sent a huge ship to New York. Did that thing really not have ventilators on it?

I am sure that ship does have some ventilators but you haven't heard that the powers that be said only non-covid 19 patients are going to be on that ship. That ship is going to be a general purpose hospital for the generally ill people or for general and emergency surgeries. Usually military hospital ships are more for war trauma. But I think the ship had more general medical staff added.
I am sure that ship does have some ventilators but you haven't heard that the powers that be said only non-covid 19 patients are going to be on that ship. That ship is going to be a general purpose hospital for the generally ill people or for general and emergency surgeries. Usually military hospital ships are more for war trauma. But I think the ship had more general medical staff added.
I had not heard that but it's a great idea. Keeps people that dont have it away from the ones who do.
Oh, and the article says no one ventilator from the current stockpile has been shipped.

I thought I heard California got a shipment of ventilators. The story was that they were all broken but they were able to send them to a company that could fix them, which they did.
I'm preparing myself to stomach a lot of "both sides" jargon, when it was really one side that was 100% wrong from the start.

Or a lot of, "well, there was nothing we could have done anyways".

When actually there is a lot that could have been done.

Unfortunately, when someone did do the right move, he was called a "racist", predictably.
You know, public swimming pools will opening in two months from now. I wonder if they will be open or closed come Memorial Day weekend?
I guess the crutch of our debate is pretty much
Dean R Koontz appeared to have a glimpse of the impending future


Published 1981



F that sent chills up my back. EEEERY!!
uihawk82 said:
Yeah when it is colder and damp with nothing much to do outside and if you dont have a lot of indoor chores it can be boring. There is whittling wood you know.

what is whittling wood? You must be like...old!;)

Is that what the young lads are calling it these days?
I still see big segments of people doing the right thing, focusing on what's important and acting like human beings. For many it's still bringing out the best in people.

But I have to agree that the fringe elements have grown. This event has been a behavioral Rorschach test of sorts. You can see what someone's priorities are more clearly than ever...and the a-holes aren't shy about self-identifying. There are a couple people I see post ridiculous crap on FB who I just want to slap the shit out of...and I'm sure I'm not alone.

What about that dude in Maryland that went on two trips during this, then came home and hosted a party for about 60 people. Completely selfish.
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