Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm preparing myself to stomach a lot of "both sides" jargon, when it was really one side that was 100% wrong from the start.

Or a lot of, "well, there was nothing we could have done anyways".

When actually there is a lot that could have been done.

I'm curious. If everything went absolutely perfect in your eyes as far as preparedness goes, what would your projections be for the cases confirmed and death rate in the US when this is all said and done?
Some of you may be familiar with quinine. It is an anti-malarial treatment and also good against fevers. It originally came from around Peru from the bark of a certain type of tree. Europeans found out about it in the 1500s. I had heard about it long ago because if you read or watch shows about the Dutch British German and many explorers into swampy malaria heavy areas there is notation of the use of quinine. Quinine is in Tonic water that you can buy at the store. The Dutch and British in the East Indies would drink tonic, gin and tonic, or just take tonic. Explorers took the seeds of these trees back to Europe and it was used for malaria in Rome many years ago. It was used a lot in Africa against malaria and fevers.

Many thousands of Japanese and US soldiers died of fevers in WW2 because of loss of quinine supplies.

Where is this going? Well I wondered when I heard about hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment if hydroxychloroquine was related to quinine. I studied organic chemistry and biochemistry so I looked at their molecular forms and they have some distinct similarities with two connected 6-carbon rings in a very similar position with a couple of Nitrogen atoms in somewhat similar positions. They are very similar but hydroxychloroquine is a modified version of quinine. hydroxychloroquine has much less toxic side effects.

hydroxychloroquine is also used to fight fevers, malaria, lupus and some of the same uses as quinine. The WHO lists hydroxychloroquine as an essential world medicine.

It will be great if this already tested medicine is one way to cure or very much limit symptoms.

My guess is airport. Major university. Younger population not caring as much. Major hospitals.

In all seriousness, it's the diversity in the Iowa City area. Many oversee national students, in particular, from Asia. I am not saying this started from the Asian population as I want to make that clear. I'm just pointing out their are many students studying abroad from many different countries. Ironically, the first cases in Johnson county were identified as cruise vacationers on that Greek cruise.

I'm sure many of the students and population in Iowa City (Johnson county area) traveled back home for Thanksgiving and Christmas prior to coming back on break.
In the beginning of a virus spread, someone infected has to randomly make their way into a new area to start the spread there. Obvious, I know.... It's still early enough that not all areas have had someone infected go there yet. Or at least they haven't been there for more than a couple weeks. It takes awhile to get from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32. It can probably take a few weeks to get from 1 to 32. Then it would only take a couple more to get fron 32 to well over 100. Those counties that have very few cases probably just had the 1st person show up to start the spread a few weeks after the Iowa couties with the most.

Cedar Rapids didn't have a case until about a week ago and now they just recently passed Johnson Co to be #1 in the state as far as confirmed cases.
You know, public swimming pools will opening in two months from now. I wonder if they will be open or closed come Memorial Day weekend?

they won't be opening if this thing is still lingering around. I don't believe they will even be filled until the all clear is given. Sure they will be sure to disinfect them well prior to filling them.
they won't be opening if this thing is still lingering around. I don't believe they will even be filled until the all clear is given. Sure they will be sure to disinfect them well prior to filling them.

Agreed. As long as their is an emphasis on social distancing and no gatherings of 10 or more people I don't see pools in the foreseeable future. I have a feeling summer is not going to feel like summer.
I'm curious. If everything went absolutely perfect in your eyes as far as preparedness goes, what would your projections be for the cases confirmed and death rate in the US when this is all said and done?

Assuming your asking the question given China not being able to suppress the spread of the virus outside their borders...

You can point to Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan as maybe a best case scenario.

They are by no means in the clear. And are fearful of a 2nd wave if there becomes complacency. They very aggressively tested their population to slow the outbreak.

Because all you can do is buy time.

One big problem for those countries, is you have countries like ours that will become virus exporters. China is putting people in 2 week quarantine when entering the country, even if you test negative with no symptoms.

Because ideally every country would have acted equally aggressive, so border closures wouldn't become common.

But you said perfect. So maybe federal support for programs to developing vaccines before the crisis. But that is a whole separate conversation. The issue of developing medicine that isn't expected to be commercially profitable, but is in the public interest to have. The type of stuff that would make a libertarian's skin crawl.

And I realize you asked for death counts and confirmed cases. But experts put in a lot of work to create those models. But no one is creating models for a "perfect" situation that never happened because we sat on our hands for 3 months.
"The City of Marshalltown said three of its employees tested positive for COVID-19.
Citing privacy regulations, the city said it would not release information about employees or the job.
The city said it is deep cleaning its office areas and workspaces.
“We recognize that many functions of local government are essential, and we are listening to our team members to determine the safest way to continue operations during this time period,” City Administrator Jessica Kinser said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have tested positive as well as their families.”
Many employees are working from home.
The City of Marshalltown’s facilities are closed to the public, but many services are still available by phone or email."
The female blonde anchor at KCRG-TV was reading a story about seniors being taken care of food wise. She screwed up and said "Seniors are being fed semen." I was like "what?!?!"
I'm preparing myself to stomach a lot of "both sides" jargon, when it was really one side that was 100% wrong from the start.

Or a lot of, "well, there was nothing we could have done anyways".

When actually there is a lot that could have been done.
White House spinner Kellyanne Conway has offered a new defense of Trump that telegraphs the coming strategy. It doesn’t rest simply on the idea that Trump’s handling of coronavirus has been a decisive success, but also on the crucial idea that this crisis could not have been anticipated.

Also hearing that impeachment prevented Trump from focusing on the virus.
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