My big problem is with testing but also below...
I disagree because it has been reported that our intelligence services gave out big warnings in early January about what was going on in China. This does not happen just every 1-2 centuries as we have had some chilling outbreaks of SARS, MERS, Ebola, and some stronger influenzas in just less than the last 20 years.
Oh and by the way I would call the AIDs epidemic a bad thing , very widespread, long lasting and deadly. So these viral outbreaks happen a lot.
So with the White House and Congress's Gang of 8 hearing from the intelligence people it is truly crazy and terrible that our testing program and response was so poor. The news reports say that the president/leaders of S Korea got their needed people in a meeting room in late January or early Feb and told them they want full blown testing in 1 week. And guess what in a week they were testing 20,000 people a day.
We still aren't to that level on March 31st. WTF!!!! You cannot make decisions without data.
The experts have said for 2 months we would need hundreds of millions of masks at least but they are not being manufactured to that level. Making masks and retooling to make masks is not nearly as difficult as retooling a car plant to make bombers. A lot of seamstresses including my wife are making masks.