Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I thought I would never say this.....but, I'm getting tired of sitting on my recliner!

Now I know what it must be like to be retired. It's kind of boring.

Yeah when it is colder and damp with nothing much to do outside and if you dont have a lot of indoor chores it can be boring. There is whittling wood you know.
This isn't specifically addressing you, but I find it interesting that so many people think that countries such as Russia and China are lying, but believe that the U.S. govt, CDC, & WHO are completely upfront. People should duckduckgo World Health Organization, fraud & corruption.

I cant remember if I already replied to this but I agree since we are a govt that has marked a whole lot of items as top secret. And a lot of items have been dug up during investigations etc to show that our govt has hidden or tried to hide info. Some people would say it has to be done so that things can get done. Others would say if you have to lie and coverup then it must have been the wrong thing to do in a democracy.
You don't get it. All these facilities have disaster and pandemic plans in place. It's the lack of resource or staff issue that comes into place with something of this magnitude.

I thought you were suggesting nothing could be done 1-3 months ago.

We were literally sending PPE to China out of our national stockpile in February.
I disagree with this sentiment.

But I expect this narrative to be repeat until it's accepted as truth.

That is a very good article, very on point about how bad
I warned people on here last weekend to go and get your haircut before all barbers and salons shut down. I was lucky to get in to Great Clips the day before they all shut down. I had the gal cut my hair much shorter than normal for fear that it could be 2-3 months before these places open back up for business.

I actually started letting my hair grow back in Nov. I wanted to see at my age of 68 how it compared to when my hair grew long from Sept 1970 to about 1974. My hair is still in grow mode
My big problem is with testing but also below...

I disagree because it has been reported that our intelligence services gave out big warnings in early January about what was going on in China. This does not happen just every 1-2 centuries as we have had some chilling outbreaks of SARS, MERS, Ebola, and some stronger influenzas in just less than the last 20 years.

Oh and by the way I would call the AIDs epidemic a bad thing , very widespread, long lasting and deadly. So these viral outbreaks happen a lot.

So with the White House and Congress's Gang of 8 hearing from the intelligence people it is truly crazy and terrible that our testing program and response was so poor. The news reports say that the president/leaders of S Korea got their needed people in a meeting room in late January or early Feb and told them they want full blown testing in 1 week. And guess what in a week they were testing 20,000 people a day.

We still aren't to that level on March 31st. WTF!!!! You cannot make decisions without data.

The experts have said for 2 months we would need hundreds of millions of masks at least but they are not being manufactured to that level. Making masks and retooling to make masks is not nearly as difficult as retooling a car plant to make bombers. A lot of seamstresses including my wife are making masks.

I agree with this. And to add to that, we should have started producing ventilators when this first reared it's head. But we waited until now.
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I agree with this. And to add to that, we should have started producing ventilators when this first reared it's head. But we waiting until now.

I totally agree on the ventilators and when any President wants to put in Defense Production Act then that president needs to take charge to TELL and ORDER businesses to do things and build things and work 24/7 etc etc and then the military can ship the stuff if needed along with the many great shipping businesses we have.

The key words are take charge and ORDER things done.
I remember when we used to come together in times of crisis. 9/11 happened and the country came together for a few months anyway. That's out the door now. Now, never letting a crisis go to waste politically is more important than what's best for the country.

I still see big segments of people doing the right thing, focusing on what's important and acting like human beings. For many it's still bringing out the best in people.

But I have to agree that the fringe elements have grown. This event has been a behavioral Rorschach test of sorts. You can see what someone's priorities are more clearly than ever...and the a-holes aren't shy about self-identifying. There are a couple people I see post ridiculous crap on FB who I just want to slap the shit out of...and I'm sure I'm not alone.
I still see big segments of people doing the right thing, focusing on what's important and acting like human beings. For many it's still bringing out the best in people.

But I have to agree that the fringe elements have grown. This event has been a behavioral Rorschach test of sorts. You can see what someone's priorities are more clearly than ever...and the a-holes aren't shy about self-identifying. There are a couple people I see post ridiculous crap on FB who I just want to slap the shit out of...and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I'm preparing myself to stomach a lot of "both sides" jargon, when it was really one side that was 100% wrong from the start.

Or a lot of, "well, there was nothing we could have done anyways".

When actually there is a lot that could have been done.
Some of you may be familiar with quinine. It is an anti-malarial treatment and also good against fevers. It originally came from around Peru from the bark of a certain type of tree. Europeans found out about it in the 1500s. I had heard about it long ago because if you read or watch shows about the Dutch British German and many explorers into swampy malaria heavy areas there is notation of the use of quinine. Quinine is in Tonic water that you can buy at the store. The Dutch and British in the East Indies would drink tonic, gin and tonic, or just take tonic. Explorers took the seeds of these trees back to Europe and it was used for malaria in Rome many years ago. It was used a lot in Africa against malaria and fevers.

Many thousands of Japanese and US soldiers died of fevers in WW2 because of loss of quinine supplies.

Where is this going? Well I wondered when I heard about hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment if hydroxychloroquine was related to quinine. I studied organic chemistry and biochemistry so I looked at their molecular forms and they have some distinct similarities with two connected 6-carbon rings in a very similar position with a couple of Nitrogen atoms in somewhat similar positions. They are very similar but hydroxychloroquine is a modified version of quinine. hydroxychloroquine has much less toxic side effects.

hydroxychloroquine is also used to fight fevers, malaria, lupus and some of the same uses as quinine. The WHO lists hydroxychloroquine as an essential world medicine.

It will be great if this already tested medicine is one way to cure or very much limit symptoms.
I agree with this. And to add to that, we should have started producing ventilators when this first reared it's head. But we waiting until now.
You know we'll eventually find out there were thousands of ventilators sitting around just like all the FEMA trailers not being used during Katrina.
My guess is airport. Major university. Younger population not caring as much. Major hospitals.
a family in Iowa city went on a Egyptian Cruise and was infected. They brought it back here and most likely has spread. Everyone around E. Iowa knows of this story
Just wondering how Story county didn't get hit with this with a large student population?

In the beginning of a virus spread, someone infected has to randomly make their way into a new area to start the spread there. Obvious, I know.... It's still early enough that not all areas have had someone infected go there yet. Or at least they haven't been there for more than a couple weeks. It takes awhile to get from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32. It can probably take a few weeks to get from 1 to 32. Then it would only take a couple more to get fron 32 to well over 100. Those counties that have very few cases probably just had the 1st person show up to start the spread a few weeks after the Iowa couties with the most.
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