Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I thought I would never say this.....but, I'm getting tired of sitting on my recliner!

Now I know what it must be like to be retired. It's kind of boring.
Well I think if you listen to maybe some other news shows or read some other news outlets you will find many people saying how top leadership was very wrong to not take this seriously and to blow it off with comments back in Jan and Feb like it would go away in a couple of weeks. And a lot of news and opinion outlets are screaming about the crap coverage from top Fox News hosts and other crazy people like Falwell who told his students to come back to Liberty Univ for classes, and the Fl and TX Governors.

Once this pandemic does slow down, there is just too much news each day right now, there will be some serious history written about what actions were taken or not, memos and phone calls, and written orders will find the light of day.

It's very easy to look back and point the finger. We are talking 1-3 months ago. Are you saying the country should have been shut down in January. This is an unprecedented health situation literally seen every 1-2 centuries. EVERY country is going thru this VERY same thing and struggling. Yes, we can learn from this to help future generations, but nobody could really plan for something like this.

The health guru's and politician's have a fine line with many of the decisions including when it's fine to shut the country down, affecting lives, incomes, small businesses, causing panic, etc.. Not something that is easily done. It's easy to say, shit we should have shut down as a country in Jan. or Feb.., but, we know that would never happen because of selfish people in our society. I don't like it either uihawk82, but the train was eventually going to go through.
Yeah and I am half Italian on my dad's side so it is a country I always want to see prosperity in as I do really for everyone, but I also could never quite figure out why they have so much trouble with their govt and leaders. Maybe just too volatile and stubborn a bunch of people. They avg about a new govt every year since 1945

I don't keep track much but they do seem to have issues with government over there.

To make matters worse for them, the two states over here the most Italian-Americans, New York and New Jersey account for nearly half of all confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths in the entire county.
I see what you are saying, but tracking down and actually arresting would most likely be a moot attempt. There are too many stupid and selfish people in our society. Just too many people. Trying to limit the curve is probably and unfortunately the only real plausible attempt at this thing. The train's going to go thru. Hopefully we can limit the collateral damage.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking about a legal enforcement sort of thing. More like an information sort of thing (letting you know where/who to avoid, etc.). Not sure how the S. Korea system works, but this seems like a problem that someone smarter than me should be able to solve.
Yes, this does happen in the media once in a while and when an honest mistake they issue a correction. Maybe you have seen corrections before. Are you trying to make a big deal out of this?

I know a very few people who think the mass media is a total bunch of liars and my retort is 'if there are so many lying reporters, producers, journalists, etc then you would see many of them getting fired and being sued and losing big lawsuits.' And as I follow up I ask them how many reporters do you see getting fired, top news execs, etc.

Yes, you are going to see a Dan Rather once in awhile where he had an agenda against George Bush, a fellow texan, and Rather went out of his way to publish some info about Bush's National Guard record that then seemed to be 'shot down' , excuse the pun. Rather got dumped or was forced to step down or leave CBS.

I think the Guardian had a top reporter get sacked because it was proved that some of his top reports were fabricated.

I think compared to the Swift Boat liars, etc this post of yours is a non-story.

I honest to God do not ever turn on any national news anymore. I find the info so scewed and one-sided. It really is alarming, IMO.
It's very easy to look back and point the finger. We are talking 1-3 months ago. Are you saying the country should have been shut down in January. This is an unprecedented health situation literally seen every 1-2 centuries. EVERY country is going thru this VERY same thing and struggling. Yes, we can learn from this to help future generations, but nobody could really plan for something like this.

The health guru's and politician's have a fine line with many of the decisions including when it's fine to shut the country down, affecting lives, incomes, small businesses, causing panic, etc.. Not something that is easily done. It's easy to say, shit we should have shut down as a country in Jan. or Feb.., but, we know that would never happen because of selfish people in our society. I don't like it either uihawk82, but the train was eventually going to go through.

You have to know it's bad enough to justify shutting everything down before you can shut it down, and unfortunately, once it gets bad, it's too late. The only way you can stop it before that is if it originates in a different country and they are transparent about how bad it is. China screwed Europe and America bad because that's where the majority of people travel to. Other countries stood a better chance than us because the viruses didnt spread there as fast. Unfortunately, most people want to see it first hand before they believe it, so most will follow the same path as us.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking about a legal enforcement sort of thing. More like an information sort of thing (letting you know where/who to avoid, etc.). Not sure how the S. Korea system works, but this seems like a problem that someone smarter than me should be able to solve.
Mail fines like with traffic cameras. First offense smaller, then make them bigger.
It's very easy to look back and point the finger. We are talking 1-3 months ago. Are you saying the country should have been shut down in January. This is an unprecedented health situation literally seen every 1-2 centuries. EVERY country is going thru this VERY same thing and struggling. Yes, we can learn from this to help future generations, but nobody could really plan for something like this.

I disagree with this sentiment.

But I expect this narrative to be repeat until it's accepted as truth.
The testing fiasco was the original sin of America’s pandemic failure, the single flaw that undermined every other countermeasure. If the country could have accurately tracked the spread of the virus, hospitals could have executed their pandemic plans, girding themselves by allocating treatment rooms, ordering extra supplies, tagging in personnel, or assigning specific facilities to deal with COVID-19 cases. None of that happened. Instead, a health-care system that already runs close to full capacity, and that was already challenged by a severe flu season, was suddenly faced with a virus that had been left to spread, untracked, through communities around the country. Overstretched hospitals became overwhelmed. Basic protective equipment, such as masks, gowns, and gloves, began to run out. Beds will soon follow, as will the ventilators that provide oxygen to patients whose lungs are besieged by the virus.
It may not be but I bet you ESPN can't wait to cover it, an actual live sporting event. They must be getting sick of programming 2006 Little League World Series games and mogul skiing.

Couple of weeks ago ESPN had the World Dodge Ball Championship game: England vs Malaysia. I was bored and watched it for a while. It was alright, got intense as the game went on.....

You can watch it here if you have about 3 hours with nothing else to do.....

Mail fines like with traffic cameras. First offense smaller, then make them bigger.

I guess probably more of a retrospective thing. Have I come into contact with anyone who has tested positive? Oh oh, time to go in quarantine (voluntarily) for 2 weeks.
I'm noticing that some gas stations are shutting down their restrooms to the public. Makes it hard to road trip, take toilet paper with you if you need to do a long trip.
You have to know it's bad enough to justify shutting everything down before you can shut it down, and unfortunately, once it gets bad, it's too late. The only way you can stop it before that is if it originates in a different country and they are transparent about how bad it is. China screwed Europe and America bad because that's where the majority of people travel to. Other countries stood a better chance than us because the viruses didnt spread there as fast. Unfortunately, most people want to see it first hand before they believe it, so most will follow the same path as us.

A lady doctor in Wuhan, China came out a couple of weeks ago and spilled the beans on how China lied and tried to keep everything a secret. Now, she's disappeared.
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