Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Well I guess I will say that MLB is not important hardly at all in any respect at this time. You made a bunch of posts about how MLB could design their rosters and schedules to get the most out of their season. Yeah that is maybe something to talk about when the time comes that people can get out and congregate.

About the only thing important with sports right now is that with them being stopped a lot of working people are out of jobs and they probably do not make a ton of money anyway working concessions parking etc. So who cares if baseball players make money like movie stars. The other thing is that sports does give people an outlet especially in these types of times.

I would have no problem with the sports leagues playing their games in empty arenas but having them televised so that some of the people like support staff, camera people, some reporters etc could keep getting a paycheck. Anyone involved would have to sign a waiver covering they give up rights to sue for getting sick. The psychological positives from being couped up inside but having some live sports to watch could actually help a lot of people's mood.

What about assigning seats that are 10 feet apart and having a limited live audience. And then you would need the Seat Police in attendance to tell people to stay away from each other which would be more paychecks.

Players will still have contact.
Yes, I read a Univ of Minn Prof of Medicine is doing several trials one of which is the hydroxychoriquine, The professor said that with a lot of infected people and people in contact with infected people there is no shortage of getting people quickly into trials which can speed up results.

Yes, it sounds promising. Lots of medical professionals are investigating
The first year I can remember is 1971. I read about Mays in boy's life and watched the Giants on a black and white tv. No clue why I remember this , I remember Tito Fuentes taking an ankle high pitch over the fence.

In the end it's all rather random. Would still like to see a rule where a player has to be on a team over half a year. That would reduce teams unloading salary later in a year which makes the schedule less influential.

Willie Mays and The Catch

The Say Hey Kid


Doesn't really hurt to think about something other than Corvid 19. Too much dwelling on the pandemic might not be mentally sound

More info about hydroxychloroquine and COVID (exerpts from article below):

The University of Washington, the University of Michigan and other academic medical centers have added hydroxychloroquine to their treatment protocols. “Hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive and generally safe drug for short term use, with few drug-drug interactions,” the University of Washington protocol says. “While it is unknown if it is effective to treat COVID-19, there is a favorable risk:benefit and cost ratio. Multiple trials are ongoing, and this recommendation will be updated when further data is available.”


One small study in France seemed to suggest that hydroxychloroquine, combined with azithromycin, could work as a treatment for COVID-19. A different small study out of China suggests that hydroxychloroquine was not effective in patients compared with those who did not get the medication.​
Looks like the FDA is going to give it a shot on an emergency trial basis.

Our medical experts are no dummies. A lot can happen in a short amount of time.
Yesterday was the first day since the outbreak that the number of new confirmed coronavirus cases for that day decreased from the previous day's new cases.

19,452 on March 28
18,882 on March 29.

Also first day the number of new deaths decreased from the previous day's as well.

525 on March 28
264 on March 29
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