Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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There's empirical data backing up that this virus is spreading exponentially and is fatal to a fairly large percentage of people who contract it.

This has nothing to do with opinion. These are facts.
This thread was never about having fun. It's about presenting all sides and opinions on the matter, so we can understand it better. Your opinion is in line with what the mainstream media has told you and that's fine. My opinion is from taking an objective view as well as a historical perspective. Shutting down the conversation doesn't serve anyone.

Your view isn't objective and you have no idea how to comprehend historical perspective based on you comparing a couple months of one virus in its beginning stages to an entire history of another virus.
Your view isn't objective and you have no idea how to comprehend historical perspective based on you comparing a couple months of one virus in its beginning stages to an entire history of another virus.
All you've provided is telling everyone you saw a graph. You need to turn your TV off for awhile.
TK, seriously, where do you think all of these extra patients are coming from. These hospital workers have been there for years and see relatively close to the same numbers all the time. Then there is a story of a new virus, and a couple months later more and more people start showing up with the exact same issues that the virus causes. It's not hard to connect the dots. These doctors are living it all day every day. You think they need a test to know? Sure it's possible they could be wrong here and there, one way or the other. But for the most part, they know who has it by now. The down right stupidity is amazing.
TK, seriously, where do you think all of these extra patients are coming from. These hospital workers have been there for years and see relatively close to the same numbers all the time. Then there is a story of a new virus, and a couple months later more and more people start showing up with the exact same issues that the virus causes. It's not hard to connect the dots. These doctors are living it all day every day. You think they need a test to know? Sure it's possible they could be wrong here and there, one way or the other. But for the most part, they know who has it by now. The down right stupidity is amazing.
I'm done with your stupid ass. If I did a 180, you'd do it too just so you could argue. That's been your MO since you've been on this board. You're annoying.
All you've provided is telling everyone you saw a graph. You need to turn your TV off for awhile.
If you can't make sense of a graph that shows exponential growth then I don't know what to tell you. It's really not hard. A few people are sick, then more people are sick, then way more people are sick, until something stops it. After your million posts about this, I'm not even sure how you see this playing out. I'm half wondering when the day comes where you finally laugh and say you were fucking with us.
If you can't make sense of a graph that shows exponential growth then I don't know what to tell you. It's really not hard. A few people are sick, then more people are sick, then way more people are sick, until something stops it. After your million posts about this, I'm not even sure how you see this playing out. I'm half wondering when the day comes where you finally laugh and say you were fucking with us.
Just stop with this stupid end of the world shit. So fucking annoying.
I'm done with your stupid ass. If I did a 180, you'd do it too just so you could argue. That's been your MO since you've been on this board. You're annoying.
Lol at you doing a 180. I guarantee you've never changed your mind on something in your life. My thoughts on thos subject have adapted as more info has come out. You are still saying the exact same thing as 2 weeks ago, even tho a shit ton has changed in 2 weeks.
Speaking of how fast things are progressing. Some family had a trip planned for New York and decided to cancel 2 or 3 weeks ago. Looking back, I remember it was a tough decision. Now New York is on the verge of being in really bad shape. In my mind when the decision was made, I had no idea it would be like this so soon. Part of me still thinks Iowa will be fine because the lower population, and part of me wonders if I'm naive to not know for sure it's coming.
Article didn't really go into why... He says because he doesn't like old and young people quarantining together.

But if young and old people are living together already, you want the young people to spread it around during the day, then bring it home at night?

Maybe it's the realization the state is going to go bankrupt over this, and they can't print they're own money like at the federal level. If the house/senate stimulus didn't include enough money for the states... They might force the states hand in undoing the self isolation policy. But he didn't say he was undoing that policy either.

Just hoping for more testing...
Brings back memories of New York City nearly going bankrupt in the seventies and Mayor Koch begging Ford for a federal bailout.
Rob, I recommend the removal of this thread. We’re really past the point of fun/interesting debate and it’s clear that some viewpoints expressed here can do damage.
It’s time to stop giving voice to posters whose denial cause public harm.
Do you really think the opinions and observations posted by the schmucks on this board, like myself, are that influential and should be deemed as dangerous propaganda?

Come on dude. You're smarter than that. You remind me of some of the cable TV public access users I dealt with in the nineties.

Your viewpoints, by this logic, are just as capable of doing damage as anyone else's. Don't accuse the kettle of being black when you're the pot, or come in here riding on your holy high horse.
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There's empirical data backing up that this virus is spreading exponentially and is fatal to a fairly large percentage of people who contract it.

This has nothing to do with opinion. These are facts.

See sorry this is the fear mongering that is not needed. .. You say fatal to a fairly Large percentage of people who get it? What is this fairly large percentage of people? We have data that right now That states the complete opposite. Sorry but Those are the Facts.
Now, just like everything else, the US leads the world.

This doesn’t surprise me because of the amount of people we are testing. This has its positives as well because it will finally get us closer to a better mortality rate and limit those testing positive to self isolate. It also has it disadvantages because it brings on fear and overreaction. The game changer IMO will be when we can test for the Antibodies In individuals to see who’s had it and never knew they did or thought was the flu, that’s going to really open people’s eyes, to how widespread this Covid19 really was.
Rob, I recommend the removal of this thread. We’re really past the point of fun/interesting debate and it’s clear that some viewpoints expressed here can do damage.
It’s time to stop giving voice to posters whose denial cause public harm.

If I felt like the people posting on here were causing public harm, I would remove the thread From what I can tell, nobody's mind is being changed by other posters. Kind of business as usual around here.

Let's face it, none of knows exactly what's going on. We're gathering information we trust and drawing our own conclusions. I'm someone open to hearing all sides. I just wish TK didn't feel the need to use 1,000-point fonts.

Exactly, the state of MA started lockdown, shelter in place, social distancing, etc or whatever you want to call it some 10-14 days ago and numbers of cases are increasing. They are increasing maybe because of more test results coming out and because of viral spread. Either way, imagine if they had not shut down human contact,
Tulane Univ announced their findings of the viral genone and protein study and concluded covid-19 is a natural variant or mutation of just a small amount of protein molecules. The article I read didnt explain the detailed science except to say they have the genone and structure of all coronaviruses and did some comparisons and also looked at how viruses are altered in labs as a contrast. Tulane said about 95% of the virus is like those from bats and it may have a small mutation from that armadillo type animal.

The head of the Nat Institute of Health and his team peer reviewed and agreed with the Tulane findings.

I type this for the conspiracy theorists aspects. And if you think about it, if a country is going to weaponize a virus they would want to vaccinate all of their own population first and also release the virus in the countries you want to attack rather than their own country. Just think about it and I would be amazed
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