Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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After all this is over, I hope people have learned a few things about how fragile this planet is.

I'm not a tree hugger and staunchly support Capitalism, but I firmly believe that we don't own this planet's resources, we rent them.

Every now and mother nature will give us a stark reminder of this very fact.

If we continue to abuse the privilege, we can be eliminated from this planet as quickly as the dinosaurs were. There are volcanoes all over this world, and beneath this world, that could bring hell to breakfast if they ever erupt. Fault lines could send the whole West coast into the Pacific. Tsunamis could wipe out low lying coastal areas. There are asteroids out there.

Mother nature can be a cold ugly witch if she has to be.

as George Carlin said, "The planet will be fine, the people are f***ed".
Cuomo admits his decision to quarantine everyone at once was 'not the best strategy' and that he is 'working on' release of coronavirus antibody test that will allow people to go back to work

Article didn't really go into why... He says because he doesn't like old and young people quarantining together.

But if young and old people are living together already, you want the young people to spread it around during the day, then bring it home at night?

Maybe it's the realization the state is going to go bankrupt over this, and they can't print they're own money like at the federal level. If the house/senate stimulus didn't include enough money for the states... They might force the states hand in undoing the self isolation policy. But he didn't say he was undoing that policy either.

Just hoping for more testing...
I'm not so sure that is what lowered the rates in China. Eventually the virus loses hosts. So, after a peak, it rates will slowly fall as the virus kind of burns out in that particular area. I think is has to do more with availability of hosts. If you trucked in 10 million new individuals that were not affected, the virus would find new hosts and live on longer.

Yeah but have you looked at the Johns Hopkins map of China as there are 15-20 potential hotspot wildfire areas with around a 1000 or more cases. There are 1.3 billion people there so I doubt they have run out of new humans to infect but I highly assume they are taking radical measures to isolate and quarantine anyone with a fever or other symptoms and also isolating anyone who had contact with an infected person. Otherwise they would have another huge spike or multiple ones.
Closing down online schools? I guess the corona's infecting computers now. o_O

So maybe virtual charter schools have 3 to 10 to 15 kids in the same room or a few rooms. There is no onsite surveillance of how many kids could be infecting each other and the teachers. Think about it.

A virtual school is different than home schooling where your own kids are the only ones there and they would be living there no matter what. Please think about it.
Closing down online schools? I guess the corona's infecting computers now. o_O

What are you hearing in your state about bears, mountain lions, wild animals in general populating and foraging in cities and neighborhoods because everyone is socially isolating? They don't fear the human presence as much because there isn't much of one at the present time.

I could see other issues with deer, coyotes, even snakes.
What are you hearing in your state about bears, mountain lions, wild animals in general populating and foraging in cities and neighborhoods because everyone is socially isolating? They don't fear the human presence as much because there isn't much of one at the present time.

I could see other issues with deer, coyotes, even snakes.
Haven't heard anything yet. I know more people have been hanging out in the mountains though.
So maybe virtual charter schools have 3 to 10 to 15 kids in the same room or a few rooms. There is no onsite surveillance of how many kids could be infecting each other and the teachers. Think about it.

A virtual school is different than home schooling where your own kids are the only ones there and they would be living there no matter what. Please think about it.
That's not how it works. Someone actually tweeted about it.
Rob, I recommend the removal of this thread. We’re really past the point of fun/interesting debate and it’s clear that some viewpoints expressed here can do damage.
It’s time to stop giving voice to posters whose denial cause public harm.
Rob, I recommend the removal of this thread. We’re really past the point of fun/interesting debate and it’s clear that some viewpoints expressed here can do damage.
It’s time to stop giving voice to posters whose denial cause public harm.
This thread was never about having fun. It's about presenting all sides and opinions on the matter, so we can understand it better. Your opinion is in line with what the mainstream media has told you and that's fine. My opinion is from taking an objective view as well as a historical perspective. Shutting down the conversation doesn't serve anyone.
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