Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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"Primary" is used loosely in that definition. Most conspiracy theories are where 99% of the population understand something as common sense and the other 1% try to spin facts and prove the opposite is true. Most of their theories make a little but of sense until you put a few seconds of thought into it.
You're proving Drummer's point and you don't even know it. :rolleyes:
I've gotta find that.

I can't not recommend it enough.

They really believe that consensus is a sign we are all fooled. If there is any truth, it needs to be known by a small number of people.

If everyone believed the world is flat, these same people would start finding startling evidence the world might be round.
I have heard about the Spanish Flu, but no little about it. On the radio today they said it killed 50 million people and was a source that helped end World War I
"Primary" is used loosely in that definition. Most conspiracy theories are where 99% of the population understand something as common sense and the other 1% try to spin facts and prove the opposite is true. Most of their theories make a little but of sense until you put a few seconds of thought into it.

The truth few ever consider is this; the vast majority of what you "know" was actually told to you by someone else...and you're just taking it on faith. You "know" very little through first hand experience or personal investigation. Common sense comes from personal experience...conventional wisdom comes from the messages you've been fed throughout your life. They're quite different.

It's becoming increasingly evident that we're not always told the truth by supposedly credible sources. So the "conventional wisdom" we've all been programmed with...may not be as solid as we thought.
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I have heard about the Spanish Flu, but no little about it. On the radio today they said it killed 50 million people and was a source that helped end World War I

It didn’t end WWI. WWI did contribute to it with US troops taking it to Europe and soldier send off parades. anecdotally, St Louis didn’t get devastated and did cancel the parade. Philadelphia did not and was hit hard. More US soldiers died of the flu than German actions.

The amount peaked at the end of the war. The war ended because Germany was out of soldiers and men. The US played a relatively minor role in WW1, but did serve to push the Germans over the edge as France and Britain were at the tipping point as well.

War is about killing. The US had plenty of men and were in combat only in terms of months really. The losses sustained by US troops and the Germans at their hands was steep though. Army bases were devastated in the US. Nurses putting their lives on the line were heroes. Back then, doctors had the knowledge but did not have supplies to combat it.

The deaths from the flu weren’t that much different that what we are seeing now except the world had more peoples group that we’re still relatively isolated historically and had no immunity. The 2nd wave in the fall of 18 was worse than the 1st and 3rd. Like today there were pockets where up to 20 percent of victims died. Generally it was about 1%.
The truth few ever consider is this; the vast majority of what you "know" was actually told to you by someone else...and you're just taking it on faith. You "know" very little through first hand experience or personal investigation. Common sense comes from personal experience...conventional wisdom comes from the messages you've been fed throughout your life. They're quite different.

It's becoming increasingly evident that we're not always told the truth by supposedly credible sources. So the "conventional wisdom" we've all been programmed with...may not be as solid as we thought.
I agree with all of that. But what conspiracy theorists don't seem to understand is when a person lies to you, 99.99999999999% of the time there is a reason for it. I base my opinion on whether or not something is true on whether or not they have anything to gain by lying to me.
The Indy 500 has been moved to August 23rd. Will be weird having that and the Kentucky Derby in September when football season is pretty much upon us.
The truth few ever consider is this; the vast majority of what you "know" was actually told to you by someone else...and you're just taking it on faith. You "know" very little through first hand experience or personal investigation. Common sense comes from personal experience...conventional wisdom comes from the messages you've been fed throughout your life. They're quite different.

It's becoming increasingly evident that we're not always told the truth by supposedly credible sources. So the "conventional wisdom" we've all been programmed with...may not be as solid as we thought.

This is how the flat earth debate podcast went. Each one had their sources, and the other guy's sources weren't credible.

You know nothing unless you see it first hand. So the only people you can believe are the ones that are telling you that everyone else is lying to you.

No functioning society could be built like this. So luckily these guys are a minority.

And the "have to see it first hand" people are generally an experts in nothing. Because if they were, they would immediately see how in their own field, non-experts would just have to trust them.
This means nothing except what is is...I had a season basketball ticket, went to al
I listened to a Joe Rogan podcast, where he debates a person who believes the world is flat.

It went for an HOUR, and they made no progress.

damn. I was hoping a conclusion was finally reached. Keep me posted. Thanks!
If the numbers in China are true and if they took the Spanish Inquisition acts of forcing people into quarantine then that explains why China has really cooled off and lowered their infection rates. In China they can force people to do about anything which is normally bad but in this case can shut down spread.

Spain and Italy and the US are probably a little slower to react with stringent isolation because they are more open societies with more individual freedoms. But wow the UK really changed course fast and shut down as much as they could as they saw the spread getting exponential.

I'm not so sure that is what lowered the rates in China. Eventually the virus loses hosts. So, after a peak, it rates will slowly fall as the virus kind of burns out in that particular area. I think is has to do more with availability of hosts. If you trucked in 10 million new individuals that were not affected, the virus would find new hosts and live on longer.
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Social distancing is/can be affective, however it will only be practiced by those who see the severity of the pandemic and what this virus is capable of. Way too many people downplay the severity of what is going on, and follow their own "expert" advice and ignore the warnings from those that actually know what they're talking about. Those are the people that will continue to spread the virus because they're not willing to make necessary life changes if they see it as nothing more than a common cold or a flu.

If everyone was doing it I don't' feel that sates would be going to the extreme of making shelter in place declarations. Unfortunately not everyone takes this seriously and don't necessarily feel that its concerning enough to change how they conduct their day to day life. I simply don't think that social distancing alone is going to slow this down.

It is so selfish, the actions of these individuals. I'm not really concerned about my family so much although I could be classified as a bit higher risk but always have had the immune system of a horse. I'm more concerned about my parents and other elderly who wouldn't be able to handle or survive it. My step-mother would not survive getting this illness.

It's gotta be scary as hell knowing you have to dodge this thing for several weeks, knowing if you contract it you're screwed.
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