Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Stop cutting to the chase. It will not make you popular. (But thanks)
I would like to think that in the coming weeks (not months) that
  • We will have a handle on how this virus handles summer heat
  • We will have isolated those who have the virus but do not show symptoms with more comprehensive testing, and keep them from spreading it!
  • We will isolate entire "hot spots" and no longer have to shut down entire communities and entire states
  • People who have recovered from this virus (and those numbers will grow much faster than those who die or become seriously ill) will develop immunity and the paths of many virus cells will lead to dead ends
  • We will have learned to attack this son of a bitch instead of cowering in shelter for the next six, twelve, eighteen months waiting for a vaccine to be developed.
  • And who knows how many more exponential developments as experts get to know this virus better
You see, our understanding of the virus, how to attack it, and how to control it and eradicate large amounts of it can be as exponential and as compounding as these ominous doomsday graphs that people like to show in their posts.

Or we can be sheep and continue to live like them, with no faith in the discoveries our medical experts will make in the near future.
He wasn't healthy if he had sepsis (a disease based off a bacterial infection that I truly fear).

Getting your vital organs attacked by a bacterial infection does not sound like a fun way to go. And I can't believe it doesn't kill more people. It seems to be easy enough to diagnose.

Just what was reported. I can't for some reason copy the link, the the Global Sepsis Alliance has an article saying Covid 19 can cause sepsis which is not normal.

I so much want to get my daughter home fro m hospital before Covid 19 gets rampant where she is.
The next seven to ten days will tell us a lot.

We will know after seven to ten days if people have been practicing social distancing and using common sense.

Florida is just warming up with increasing numbers of cases and their Gov De Santis is a stupid idiot allowing people to run around freely.

Can you imagine all the saliva sharing during spring break craziness around FL beaches. Many of those people will now or already have flown back to their hometowns to spread the virus. You couldnt right a movie script better to make it scary.

The incubator has been cooking more virus and cases since Mardi Gras. It takes a few weeks for the cases to show up.

I just listened to a retired Harvard Med school professor and head of the HIV Aids dept who went to China and just returned. He said the numbers of cases are just like what they would expect with too little too late measures.

He also reiterated what some of us and secondarily posted that the US was very close only about 6 years ago with vaccines for SARS and many coronaviruses but the research work was stopped mainly because there was NO PROFIT model for pharma companies to complete the work and produce vaccine.

So stupid and shortsighted of our govt, both parties, that this is the kind of action/research the US Govt should finish and have available using tax dollars and owned by the Fed which really is all the citizens and for their protection.
I'm predicting one million positive confirmations in this country, which would put the death toll about 12-15k.

But wouldn't both numbers be less than a bad flu season?

How can you do any kind of predicting when there has been very low, very very low amounts of testing in this country.

Many top experts have said that people with symptoms but without getting tested indicate that there are 5 to 10 times the number of infected people than those with positive tests. If that is likely true because of so many who are also asymptomatic then the current number of approx 70,000 US cases is really 350K to 700K cases.

And I hope people will try to refrain from bringing up the seasonal influenza and how it kills 10000 to 60000 a year in the US because have you ever seen or heard of the seasonal flu swamping hospitals and using up all ventilators. I have never heard of that happening so with Covid 19 if you can keep the hospitals and ventilator use from being swamped you can probably limit deaths.

If Covid 19 is allowed to spread really fast which it can then huge numbers get it fast, swamp hospitals and tens of thousands might die who would not have needed to die. That is a huge difference.

Hell so many people in this country think call stomach vomiting and diarrhea Influenza by calling it the stomach flu. Those symptoms are not Influenza which is high fevers, cough, cold like symptoms and extreme cases are bad respiratory problems which can lead to pneumonia and death.

Just because you think it will be less deaths than flu doesnt mean we shouldnt try to limit the number of deaths.
Again, the next seven to ten days should tell us the story. We will know if those asked to shelter in place and practice social distancing did so.

It's the long incubation period that is the killer, and the lack of widespread testing. If we could get those that showed no symptoms but tested positive away from everyone else we would really have a leg up on this.

Now you are talking sense and stating what the main problem is. South Korea started testing in massive numbers very early, isolated and treated positive cases, and that kept the numbers of sick at a manageable number and rate.

There are people who have a really bad illness from this virus that are going to die even with top healthcare but it is really bad if we let people die just because we dont have hospital beds or ventilators.

There are high risk influenza patients who die even with the best medical care mainly because of bad respiratory underlying problems or reactions.
I thought Gov Cuomo said it best when he said build ventilators, make tests, make PPE and move the ventilators around to the hotspots, NY needs them now but if lockdowns slow it down there then ventilators can be sent to other locations.

I have heard that hundreds of ventilators still have not been releases from govt storage, WTF is up with that if true???

First of all this doesnt surprise as Vitamin C is just basically good for people. Vitamin C isnt known to cure the common cold but it does seem to help people fight off the cold in layman's terms. The news indicates that some people with covid 19 are being treated but probably not all. Maybe it can help a lot of people get over the virus's symptoms.

And if you do not know it Vitamin C is water soluble which means you can take a lot of it, more than the daily recommended dosages and you do not need fat in your digestive system to absorb the Vitamin C. It is recommended not to take massive doses for any extended time period.

And you should not get toxic levels of Vitamin C like you can with fat soluble vitamins that store in your body fat (yes you can get too much of some vitamins). Vitamin C being water soluble will be excreted in your urine if you have excess amounts. This info is from a university level nutrition class I took and the book for the class as well as further reading etc.
This was an article I read. Look how fast the infections in Spain spread in one day? Once this thing gets its claws dug in and rolling, it's a train.

NEW DELHI (AP) -- Spain has now the world's second-highest tally of coronavirus deaths after 738 more were reported Wednesday.

It was the country's deadliest toll in one day.

With 3,434 deaths of coronavirus patients, Spain surpassed China's toll of 3,285 dead.

Italy still has the most deaths of any nation in the world with 6,820 dying from the pandemic that is sweeping the world.

Infections in Spain also rose 20% from a day earlier to 47,610.

In India, the world's largest democracy is under the world's biggest lockdown, with 1.3 billion people ordered to stay home to stop the coronavirus.

If the numbers in China are true and if they took the Spanish Inquisition acts of forcing people into quarantine then that explains why China has really cooled off and lowered their infection rates. In China they can force people to do about anything which is normally bad but in this case can shut down spread.

Spain and Italy and the US are probably a little slower to react with stringent isolation because they are more open societies with more individual freedoms. But wow the UK really changed course fast and shut down as much as they could as they saw the spread getting exponential.
Climate change is going to kill us in about 11 and 1/2 years now anyway. We're all on borrowed time.

haha, we know how humans act and react very slowly to supreme crisis like climate change. Humans will probably do little to limit greenhouse gases and when the Earth really warms up and Iowa and other farming regions dry and heat up so crops fail.

When climate change gets really bad humans will start seeding the upper atmosphere with reflective micro materials and start relaxing smokestack emissions (where soot actually causes global dimming) in order to start cooling off the globe. Haven't heard of global dimming then go ahead and look it up as it is real.

Humans will wait and take a knee jerk reaction and then when temperatures cool too much we will have to figure out how to get all the micro metallic reflective material out of the upper atmosphere.
Florida is just warming up with increasing numbers of cases and their Gov De Santis is a stupid idiot allowing people to run around freely.

Can you imagine all the saliva sharing during spring break craziness around FL beaches. Many of those people will now or already have flown back to their hometowns to spread the virus. You couldnt right a movie script better to make it scary.

The incubator has been cooking more virus and cases since Mardi Gras. It takes a few weeks for the cases to show up.

Getting the infected but not symptomatic away from the rest of us as soon as possible is key to all of this. If we could isolate hot spots without having to shut down entire states better yet.

As for Florida that is an example where the feds should have stepped in and kee-boshed spring break. Trump has enough business acumen to know what compound interest is. And this flu is turning into compound interest. Like a person who abused their credit card and pays interest (and the interest the interest accrued) long after they destroyed the card these cases may spread long after we could have had it under control.

That's the nature of the slow spread of this damn thing, and why it may come back. We could have it stopped cold and the numbers will still increase for ten days. And the media will be all over it.
I know of couple people on this feed that can’t wait.

Certainly not most of us and I hope any of us. I for one just want to see the exponential spikes leveled under the swamp the healthcare system lines/amounts so the amount of death is limited. Some people are going to die no matter how much healthcare they get which is what the seasonal flu shows us.

Just try to put out the wildfires in the hot spots.

A high percentage of us are going to contract the the virus.

After a few more weeks, a couple of more weeks I could see places around Iowa and the nation going back to limited workforce participation where social distancing of 6 feet or so can be maintained and if materials are not handled by more than one person, maybe like keyboard and phone jobs. I am hard pressed to see how bars and restaurants can be reopened if there is even one known case and because of lack of testing.

If we would have had 10 million people tested in areas where known cases are at it would be much better way of knowing the data rates and whether to open up businesses just a little bit.
On a lighter topic..

Can we talk about how TK suggested our local law enforcement who are attempting to enforce stay-at-home orders are Nazi's?

I dont remember reading that so maybe you can point me to it or re-post it as that is a very interesting thought to say the least.
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