Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Getting the infected but not symptomatic away from the rest of us as soon as possible is key to all of this. If we could isolate hot spots without having to shut down entire states better yet.

As for Florida that is an example where the feds should have stepped in and kee-boshed spring break. Trump has enough business acumen to know what compound interest is. And this flu is turning into compound interest. Like a person who abused their credit card and pays interest (and the interest the interest accrued) long after they destroyed the card these cases may spread long after we could have had it under control.

That's the nature of the slow spread of this damn thing, and why it may come back. We could have it stopped cold and the numbers will still increase for ten days. And the media will be all over it.

Saw a graph about how much social distancing helps. If you can cut the infection rate of 2.5 in half to 1.25, after 30 days there will be 15 infected instead of 406. People are so concerned with the death rate here (I was too). But it's the contagion rate that is what's so damaging. If its twice as contagious as the normal flu, it spreads like wildfire. I think the few people left that still don't believe this is bad are having a hard time comprehending that part.
Saw a graph about how much social distancing helps. If you can cut the infection rate of 2.5 in half to 1.25, after 30 days there will be 15 infected instead of 406. People are so concerned with the death rate here (I was too). But it's the contagion rate that is what's so damaging. If its twice as contagious as the normal flu, it spreads like wildfire. I think the few people left that still don't believe this is bad are having a hard time comprehending that part.

Social distancing is/can be affective, however it will only be practiced by those who see the severity of the pandemic and what this virus is capable of. Way too many people downplay the severity of what is going on, and follow their own "expert" advice and ignore the warnings from those that actually know what they're talking about. Those are the people that will continue to spread the virus because they're not willing to make necessary life changes if they see it as nothing more than a common cold or a flu.

If everyone was doing it I don't' feel that sates would be going to the extreme of making shelter in place declarations. Unfortunately not everyone takes this seriously and don't necessarily feel that its concerning enough to change how they conduct their day to day life. I simply don't think that social distancing alone is going to slow this down.
Saw a graph about how much social distancing helps. If you can cut the infection rate of 2.5 in half to 1.25, after 30 days there will be 15 infected instead of 406. People are so concerned with the death rate here (I was too). But it's the contagion rate that is what's so damaging. If its twice as contagious as the normal flu, it spreads like wildfire. I think the few people left that still don't believe this is bad are having a hard time comprehending that part.
Interesting, and a part of compounding interest and the combinations that can be made by factors of numbers.

Ten is not much bigger than seven. But multiply 7 by 6,5,4 and on down to 1, then do the same with 10x9, 8, and on down to 1. You will be blown away by the differences in final numbers.

That's why they needed to separate the infected but asymptomatic from the non infected and socially isolate THEM as soon as possible.

The answers to the above math equations are 3,628,800 vs 5,040. Mind blowing.
This is a great write up on the situation. How we got here, and a look forward.

Nothing new for those who've followed this closely. But might raise some eye brows of some because there is a lot of disinformation out there.

For instance, the attacks on the WHO are related to how bad we look regarding early testing. That is going to be a big political problem for this administration, as we compare our testing to the tests provided via Germany/WHO.

So people are getting out in front of that story by attacking the world health organizations credibility.
That's why they needed to separate the infected but asymptomatic from the non infected and socially isolate THEM as soon as possible.

This requires massive testing. And it is still hard to get tested when when you go to the hospital with symptoms.

So the idea that you can be asymptomatic, not famous, and get a test is still a pipe dream.

Not only should be be available now, for the reasons you stated, it should have been available in February. And it could have bought us so much time before this country would have needed to go into lock down mode.

Instead, we hit the fast forward button and just let it spread. It was going to spread no matter what. But if we need 12-18 months for a vaccine, it would have been nice if we could have suppressed the spread at least domestically for a bigger chunk of that time.
The Johns Hopkins dashboard shows China has about 10-15 hotspots with about or over 1000 known cases. I am sure they are locking down those areas
Cognitive Dissonance is strong here.

Dude, some people only believe conspiracy theories. They are just hardwired that way.

And that seems to be who you are.

And foreign governments who want to spread their propaganda love you guys, but you just eat that stuff up.
Dude, some people only believe conspiracy theories. They are just hardwired that way.

And that seems to be who you are.

And foreign governments who want to spread their propaganda love you guys, but you just eat that stuff up.
You literally just promoted a conspiracy theory. Ya can't make this shit up. Lmfao

Dude, some people only believe conspiracy theories. They are just hardwired that way.

I know a couple people like that in real life. It is hard not to have a conversation with them with your jaw dropped. Every single thing in life is somehow a conspiracy.
You literally just promoted a conspiracy theory. Ya can't make this shit up. Lmfao

Conspiracy Theory: Anything that doesn't comply with the approved primary message in major media or "conventional wisdom".

There is a thrill of these conspiarcy theories. Only you guys "get it". Makes you feel special.

But the #1 issue facing us is medical supplies and testing for the virus. Many many people are reporting it. So your not special if you see that problem.
There is a thrill of these conspiarcy theories. Only you guys "get it". Makes you feel special.

But the #1 issue facing us is medical supplies and testing for the virus. Many many people are reporting it. So your not special if you see that problem.
You're definitely a special person.
Conspiracy Theory: Anything that doesn't comply with the approved primary message in major media or accepted "conventional wisdom".

"Primary" is used loosely in that definition. Most conspiracy theories are where 99% of the population understand something as common sense and the other 1% try to spin facts and prove the opposite is true. Most of their theories make a little but of sense until you put a few seconds of thought into it.
I know a couple people like that in real life. It is hard not to have a conversation with them with your jaw dropped. Every single thing in life is somehow a conspiracy.

I listened to a Joe Rogan podcast, where he debates a person who believes the world is flat.

It went for an HOUR, and they made no progress.
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