This virus is different in a couple ways which makes it extraordinarily contagious and unprecedented. This virus has such an active life cycle when living on surfaces or even in the air. It apparently can live 3hrs in the air, like 4 hours on copper, 24 hrs on cardboard and up to 3-4 days on plastic and stainless steel.
When you add into that, that people can have the virus symptom-free for 1-2 weeks, while going around and touching all the surfaces and sneezing, it is a recipe for a disaster. This is why it spreads so rampant. Just a nasty virus to try to control.
Many have stated that what we need is heat. I'll take anything at this point or any kind of hope, but, this virus is so weird that there is no given that heat will kill it off like other "more typical" viruses. I think it has proven to spread in pretty hot climates in a couple countries. Whose to say this virus can't tolerate the heat. This seems to be a rather rugged and robust virus. Hopefully the heat can knock it down, though.