Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Yes, a medical mask is better than a cloth mask. The study being citing is from April of 2015 for the flu.

Here's a recent one from Mayo: LINK

Can face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the disease.

I use cloth because I don't want to order medical masks that can go to health care workers.
Hy Vee is selling medical mask for about $10 per pack
So Perry Iowa, population about 8000 has 730 positive cases which is about 10% (maybe all do not live in Perry, but what the hell). There are 730 infected out of 1238 or so employees at this plant.

So let us do a little math. Not counting the fact that Tyson was holding back info on test results to have a couple of extra days to process without having to say how infected the workforce was, we could say on one day they had less than 10% infections which would be less than 124 cases and then magically the next day the number zooms up to 730.

Roughly 600 new cases in one plant in one day which would be close to matching the biggest state daily increase. Maybe some people need to be charges with negligence of some sort.

I’m asking because I don’t know, how many of the 730 positive cases were asymptomatic?

Here In the KC area, Triumph Foods in St. Joseph, MO has over 400 asymptomatic positive cases. Similar results in a food plant in Dodge City.

Why, when there is a massive testing of an entire group of people, there are large numbers of asymptomatic positive tests? With the increased testing capacity, why isn’t the government doing large sample size random tests to get an accurate estimate of the actual infection rate? Common sense leads me to believe that A LOT of people either have or have had the virus and don’t know it. We need to do the random testing and the serology tests immediately to get accurate data. Otherwise, everyone will just continue to speculate and make decisions out of irrational fear or reasonable abundance of caution, depending on who you ask. After being under a stay at home order for over 7 weeks, I’m starting to question the government’s motives for not doing the testing.
Yes, a medical mask is better than a cloth mask. The study being citing is from April of 2015 for the flu.

Here's a recent one from Mayo: LINK

Can face masks help prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the disease.

I use cloth because I don't want to order medical masks that can go to health care workers.

It's one of those deals that its better than nothing. It really can't hurt, can it? At least it will stop droplets from a sneeze or something.
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I’m asking because I don’t know, how many of the 730 positive cases were asymptomatic?

Here In the KC area, Triumph Foods in St. Joseph, MO has over 400 asymptomatic positive cases. Similar results in a food plant in Dodge City.

Why, when there is a massive testing of an entire group of people, there are large numbers of asymptomatic positive tests? With the increased testing capacity, why isn’t the government doing large sample size random tests to get an accurate estimate of the actual infection rate? Common sense leads me to believe that A LOT of people either have or have had the virus and don’t know it. We need to do the random testing and the serology tests immediately to get accurate data. Otherwise, everyone will just continue to speculate and make decisions out of irrational fear or reasonable abundance of caution, depending on who you ask. After being under a stay at home order for over 7 weeks, I’m starting to question the government’s motives for not doing the testing.

Welcome to Wacko Land. Yes thanks for jumping on the We Need Testing bandwagon. You are asking questions that thousands of people maybe millions have been asking for weeks.

The experts, using their own equations and observations, say that just multiply the number of positive cases by 10 to get a conservative number for the actual number of infections.

My question was why is it racist to let black people still work essentials jobs but its completely fine to let white people still work them. Is your answer black people seem to be higher risk for some reason? If that's your answer, then my new question is why is it racist to allow black people to still work essential jobs but its completely fine to let other high risk people like elderly and over weight work essential jobs? These meat packing plants are considered essential and it's my opinion that they would have stayed open even if they had 100% white staff working there. Are you of the opinion that they only stayed open because they viewed minorities as expendable?
Hy Vee is selling medical mask for about $10 per pack
Yep. I bought a pack last week, at my HyVee they were on a stand right by the check out lanes where you would be standing in line. Fairly good quality at a reasonable price. I would assume they also have some back in the pharmacy area.
I’m asking because I don’t know, how many of the 730 positive cases were asymptomatic?

Here In the KC area, Triumph Foods in St. Joseph, MO has over 400 asymptomatic positive cases. Similar results in a food plant in Dodge City.

Why, when there is a massive testing of an entire group of people, there are large numbers of asymptomatic positive tests? With the increased testing capacity, why isn’t the government doing large sample size random tests to get an accurate estimate of the actual infection rate? Common sense leads me to believe that A LOT of people either have or have had the virus and don’t know it. We need to do the random testing and the serology tests immediately to get accurate data. Otherwise, everyone will just continue to speculate and make decisions out of irrational fear or reasonable abundance of caution, depending on who you ask. After being under a stay at home order for over 7 weeks, I’m starting to question the government’s motives for not doing the testing.

I do not know the answer to your question on how many at this Perry plant are asymptomatic. Experts have said looking at testing data elsewhere that maybe 40-50% of infections are asymptomatic, about 20-30% have very mild symptoms like a "cold" and 20% get seriously ill.
I’m asking because I don’t know, how many of the 730 positive cases were asymptomatic?

Here In the KC area, Triumph Foods in St. Joseph, MO has over 400 asymptomatic positive cases. Similar results in a food plant in Dodge City.

You ask a lot of very important questions.

How many total positive tests and infected people were found at the Triumph Foods plant?

Why, when there is a massive testing of an entire group of people, there are large numbers of asymptomatic positive tests? Scientists may not know this answer yet until they have time to compare groups. It could be a blood or immune system factor common to many but missing in some. I haven't heard any reports of a reason.

With the increased testing capacity, why isn’t the government doing large sample size random tests to get an accurate estimate of the actual infection rate? I posted on this thread results from Stanford U and USC antibody test results in both LA and Santa Clara counties in California that showed infection rates were 20 to 40 times higher than what the other swab PCR type tests, being performed at lower rates, were showing. Santa Clara county has a little over 2 million residents. At that time they may have had about say 1,000 positive confirmed cases but this study would say the real number was about 20,000 to 40,000.

Common sense leads me to believe that A LOT of people either have or have had the virus and don’t know it.
True and you have to ask yourself who in the United States has the power to really ramp up testing, order companies to make the swabs, reagents and machines necessary to do PCR testing. The White House hs this power, the WH has these newer rapid result swab PCR test and test everyone coming into the WH. You are right that we need hundreds of millions of these tests being made and experts say over 5 million performed each day to find infections, isolate, quarantine, let healthy people keep working and get sick people past being contagious.

We need to do the random testing and the serology tests immediately to get accurate data. Otherwise, everyone will just continue to speculate and make decisions out of irrational fear or reasonable abundance of caution, depending on who you ask. After being under a stay at home order for over 7 weeks, I’m starting to question the government’s motives for not doing the testing.

Really high actual numbers of infected people with a really good testing program does not maybe fit the narrative of sending people back to work. Other countries are now showing the opposite is true that mass testing lets you control the situation just like you say. It is crazy
I've thought about doing that and may in the future. I'll definitely look into it.
It's actually incredibly convenient, I always hate shopping and getting stuck behind slow walkers annoys the crap out of me. I'll probably continue to use it after all this crap is over!
The same CBS that used hospital footage from Italy to show "footage" from NYC? No way, I don't believe it. :rolleyes:

The same CBS that pawned off fake documents about Dubya's military record? You lie. 'Member that time NBC faked those videos of Chevy trucks exploding?
My question was why is it racist to let black people still work essentials jobs but its completely fine to let white people still work them. Is your answer black people seem to be higher risk for some reason? If that's your answer, then my new question is why is it racist to allow black people to still work essential jobs but its completely fine to let other high risk people like elderly and over weight work essential jobs? These meat packing plants are considered essential and it's my opinion that they would have stayed open even if they had 100% white staff working there. Are you of the opinion that they only stayed open because they viewed minorities as expendable?

Nobody said other higher-risk workers were completely fine working. Here's the quote I think you're referring to:

Waterloo city councilman: “We were failed by people who put profit margins and greed before people, predominantly brown people, predominantly immigrants, predominantly people who live in lower socioeconomic quarters.”


I've seen your posts on racial topics in the past. You downplay that racism is an issue and you're all about "whataboutism." I'm not going down the road with you because your mind is made up.

Racism isn't a problem in your world and there's no such thing as white privilege or any problems with the system being set up against certain segments of the population.
Well folks, im starting to hear a buzz out there about how people are "getting used to this".

Even in jest, that's the last thing we need to hear. Even if things will never go back to where they were, even if we have to sacrifice an entire summer, we cannot let that mentality permeate our psyches.

There are too many do-gooders out there with nothing better to do that will absolutely prey on that mentality. Because they think they are doing it for our own good.
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