Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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No, it would be a bigger story. I understand you don't get that. As an example 1 person locally tested positive as a Target employee. One at a local star bucks. 50 something at a packer. Which got more coverage earlier? I know the answer. Two stories were immediate. One we d been hearing rumors about for several weeks. On story gets less space than the other 2.

According to your position....your guess would be wrong. My guess is that if Wendys didn't know where the beef was you wouldn't hear about the one. At first they were only reporting an uptick in the county. Then they did mention the minority dominated community. Target and star bucks.... Immediate.

There have been over 1 million positive cases in the US. Of course there are going to be a handful of stories where outbreaks start in an area. You act like they do a new story for every individual white person who tests positive.
Some reasonable people don't agree with your definition.
My definition only matters to me. I get that. It's not like I'm out starting riots because people don't agree with my definition. I'm simply stating my opinion when I see something that is so different from what I believe.

We are to the point now where a virus is racist when it kills I higher percentage of minorities. If it's true that black people are a higher risk, than maybe we should protect them and the elderly instead of everyone. I'm happy with that logic. I just don't see the logic of blaming white people when black people die, when white people are dying right along side with them.
There have been over 1 million positive cases in the US. Of course there are going to be a handful of stories where outbreaks start in an area. You act like they do a new story for every individual white person who tests positive.

Just accept some think your position is not correct, even a form of white privilege. You seem to want to deny racism exists in forms not straight forward.
My definition only matters to me. I get that. It's not like I'm out starting riots because people don't agree with my definition. I'm simply stating my opinion when I see something that is so different from what I believe.

We are to the point now where a virus is racist when it kills I higher percentage of minorities. If it's true that black people are a higher risk, than maybe we should protect them and the elderly instead of everyone. I'm happy with that logic. I just don't see the logic of blaming white people when black people die, when white people are dying right along side with them.

PC, I actually like you. Your statements make a lot of leaps and accusations.
This is bound to ruffle some feathers, get panties in a bunch - etc


“How many deaths and how much suffering are you willing to accept to get back to what you want to be, some form of normality, sooner rather than later?”
Whether or not to wear a mask is a personal choice in most locations, not mandatory

The decision whether or not to wear a mask when out in public basically is rolling dice with the grim reaper

Even if the mask is non-medical, it just might catch malignant airborne particles

Without a mask, the particles have easy access to your system

It is simply common sense

Fill a spray bottle with water, put a mask on and spray

Then take the mask off, spray again, and notice the difference

I wear a black cloth mask, not medical, that is reusable

I wash it with antibacterial Dawn when I return home

Hang it up to dry, and ready to go next time

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Whether or not to wear a mask is a personal choice in most locations, not mandatory

The decision whether or not to wear a mask when out in public basically is rolling dice with the grim reaper


And potentially rolling the dice for others as well, even that person is wearing a mask. I don't understand why somebody would want to risk another person's life because "freedom"
The article lists reasons why wearing can compromise the user or side effects. It does not say they are pretty much useless...

(1) Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security and make people adopt a reduction in compliance with other infection control measures, including social distancing and hands washing.[3]

(2) Inappropriate use of face mask: people must not touch their masks, must change their single-use masks frequently or wash them regularly, dispose them correctly and adopt other management measures, otherwise their risks and those of others may increase.[3,4]

Other potential side effects that we must consider are:

(3) The quality and the volume of speech between two people wearing masks is considerably compromised and they may unconsciously come closer. While one may be trained to counteract side effect n.1, this side effect may be more difficult to tackle.

and so on

Dude, if you continue posting the same misinformation on here over and over again, you're gone. I'm done with it.
I posted this earlier. If you think a 3% effectiveness isn't pretty much useless than I guess we just disagree on that. This is a peer-reviewed study. How is it misinformation?

I don't understand why you have to threaten me. Since you last warned me, I have been entirely civil. With all due respect, it appears as if you're moving the goalposts on me.

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.

The rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm, with the rate of ILI statistically significantly higher in the cloth mask arm (relative risk (RR)=13.00, 95% CI 1.69 to 100.07) compared with the medical mask arm. Cloth masks also had significantly higher rates of ILI compared with the control arm. An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%.
And that study was 2015. I posted a recent MAYO clinic article on the masks.

And the story you posted today saying masks were useless did not say that. It showed side effects of mask.

It's misinformation.
Is this a buzz from people you are directly talking to? Do they mean 'staying at home, social distancing' 'not going to work'. Or is this buzz from social media sites or news reporting sites?
Yes, yes and no.

I will check the news app on my smart phone but with the weather nicer and daylight increasing I'm not watching much news on TV. I will catch ten or fifteen minutes of Rachel Maddow once in a while (speaking of misinformation) just to laugh at her. She once tried to report that the current Covid-19 count represented how many active cases we had, conveniently forgetting things like recovery rate.
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Could the suppliers of Alpaca hold the key to block Coronavirus from infecting cells

Meet Winter


The global search for a treatment targeting the novel coronavirus has led to an unlikely potential savior: a cocoa-colored llama named Winter, whose blood could hold a weapon to blunt the virus.

She lives at a research farm in Belgium with about 130 other llamas and alpacas. And like all of them, she produces a special class of disease-fighting antibodies — tiny, even by antibody standards — that show early promise in laboratory tests in blocking the novel coronavirus from entering and infecting cells.
This is bound to ruffle some feathers, get panties in a bunch - etc


“How many deaths and how much suffering are you willing to accept to get back to what you want to be, some form of normality, sooner rather than later?”

After Trump yesterday said they will disband the Covid 19 task force it had all the sights and sounds of giving up or thinking it is over, you dont actually win in this type of thing when so many are dead and seriously affected. It also has the sights and sounds of George W. Bush so prematurely standing on the aircraft carrier deck with the "Mission Accomplished" sign behind him saying "We did it and it is over."

Today Trump again for about the millionth time walks back his decision/or statement and says something like the task force will still be working. The prez hasn't gotten anything accomplished in nearly 3 1/2 years so why would we expect anything working well here.

I thought this passage was really strong "They (Repub leaders) actually seem to have actually stopped trying to fight it with the required urgency.Releasing a triumphant and militaristic campaign ad Tuesday that paints his virus response as unfailingly effective, Trump all but declared victory over the ongoing pandemic. He clearly wants to look like a wartime president, and a winning one. He is neither."
Whether or not to wear a mask is a personal choice in most locations, not mandatory


You mention using the mask to not get it from others.

But the main reason for wearing the mask is for the wearer not to infect others, just read what the experts say.

So I think it is just being rude and careless of people to not wear a mask because of some right they think they have yet in a pandemic they could be infecting others. And if you are walking around in public and no one is around pull your mask down but be ready to put it back on.

Some of these people think they are being macho for not wearing the mask but they have the whole reason backwards.
North , I get it and am sorry for what your family deals with. The Iowa culture is generally not overtly racist. It shows up in things like you described. Iowa doesn't have a large minority population except for pockets like Waterloo and Lone Tree for examples. Even Iowa s 3 big universities are not very diverse and minorities there generally come from higher economic levels than the general minority population. So people aren't exposed. Also being in a low minority area means you aren't as likely to be a victim of a crime by a minority person. There isn't a lot of fuel.

When my blond haired bio daughter was 13 we came across the border from Mexico. Immigration pulled her aside and grilled her about her ID and who I was. I had gone ahead of her and they pulled up in the weeks before I had traveled abroad to several countries including Ukraine which is terrible for human trafficking. They were checking to see if I was sneaking a trafficked child across the border.

I've been in countries in rural areas where I was by far in minority. Been stopped by police who aren't nice humans. I've led groups overseas which included U S green cards and saw how badly they were treated by US immigration. Was at Detroit ready to leave for Amsterdam on a 747 shortly after the shoe bomber and they pulled every middle eastern looking person aside including wives and kids. The police were rough with the males and wives and kids were terrified and crying. It was unnerving. We got to the runway and they pulled us back along w three other 747s bound for Europe saying they all 3 had the same mechanical issue. Most didn't get out for 4 days. Over 1000 people. Maybe it saved lives but what happened to those families was terrible.

One of my two adopted daughters has a strong accent and vendors really try and take advantage of her a lot.

Racism is there. If the people mostly getting sick at meat plant were friends and neighbors public reaction would be different. There are plenty of stories online of how sick minorities are treated compared to whites.
I once got asked to step aside at the border patrol in Port Angeles Washington. They were training new patrol dogs and they thought the dog sniffed something on me or my bag. My wife, who was ahead of me, turned to see where I was and was literally shoved along. Neither of us said anything because we were warned not to joke with the border patrol. Of course it was a false alarm and it was on board the ferry to Victoria British Columbia without further incident.

This was in May, 1999. Later that year, with Y2k putting borders on high alert, this same border patrol foiled a potential plot to blow up Seattle's Space Needle. They asked the suspect why he took a ferry from Vancouver to Victoria, then another one to Port Angeles, when it would have been much quicker to drive from Vancouver to Seattle. The suspect couldn't hold his water and the ruse was uncovered. That didn't stop the Seattle mayor from cancelling New Years Eve plans at the Seattle Center, where the Space Needle is located (and where the famous Kurt Cobain public memorial was held)

As for me and the novice dogs, I did have buffalo wings, chicken strips, and a beer for lunch. I also took Dramamine for the ninety minute ferry ride in three to six foot swells. Maybe that's what the dogs sniffed. I never had a chance to tell border patrol. I never had a chance to tell them much of anything.

That year or the next year a movie called "Brokedown Palace" came out. Two American women were jailed in Thailand after they left a bag unattended long enough to be stashed with illegal narcotics, then we're busted by the border patrol.
If people by now haven’t seen through the bullshit of this, then I feel sorry for you!!

And if stock could be purchased in a message board thread 82 would be a millionaire!!!
If people by now haven’t seen through the bullshit of this, then I feel sorry for you!!

And if stock could be purchased in a message board thread 82 would be a millionaire!!!

The bullshit of what, exactly? The 1.2+ million people who have tested positive? The 73,000+ that have died as a result of the virus? I feel sorry for the people who honestly think this virus is no big deal and that we should all be living our lives like normal.
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