Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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That’s happening everywhere and it’s become a complete utter JOKE!!!!! Have family members who work at Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mn 30,000 (Damn near HALF!!) Mayo workers forced to take pay cuts and or were Furloughed.
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Iowa's three major public universities are planning to resume in-person classes in the fall but are still working out the details of what that would look like during the coronavirus pandemic.

Iowa Board of Regents President Mike Richards said the schools will follow state and federal health guidelines as they develop plans to bring thousands of students back to the campuses of the University of Iowa, Iowa State University and Northern Iowa University.

University of Iowa officials announced the campus' first positive COVID-19 case in mid-March; a student in the college of dentistry. UNI officials announced their campus' first case, a staff member, on April 17."
That’s happening everywhere and it’s become a complete utter JOKE!!!!! Have family members who work at Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mn 30,000 (Damn near HALF!!) Mayo workers forced to take pay cuts and or were Furloughed.

The Rochester MN area didnt get hit hard and fast by Covid 19 did it?
A chart of daily US Covid deaths is below that I snipped from NBC News. Raw numbers since about April 5 seem to be an averaged plateau of about 2,000 deaths per day. The latest 4 days have all gone downwards and that would be great if it stayed down but it may be an oscillation around the mean like a few other dips in the chart. A week ago when the total was 40,000 a couple of our top leaders mentioned it might stop around 50-60K. We hit 50K 5-6 days later and are half way to 60K. I hope all the authorities have a good measure of all the hospital materials needed because as some areas open up they need to cool off hotspots fast. upload_2020-4-26_18-58-31.png

A chart of daily US Covid deaths is below that I snipped from NBC News. Raw numbers since about April 5 seem to be an averaged plateau of about 2,000 deaths per day. The latest 4 days have all gone downwards and that would be great if it stayed down but it may be an oscillation around the mean like a few other dips in the chart. A week ago when the total was 40,000 a couple of our top leaders mentioned it might stop around 50-60K. We hit 50K 5-6 days later and are half way to 60K. I hope all the authorities have a good measure of all the hospital materials needed because as some areas open up they need to cool off hotspots fast. View attachment 6732

View attachment 6732
When they were saying 40000-50000 deaths, I called bs. There was absolutely no data that showed it was even possible for it to slow down before it got to that point. I'm pretty sure that was just them setting the stage to open up because they know the economy can't last as long as it needs to last to make a difference. We will open up and numbers will sky rocket. There just isn't really a good option.
That’s happening everywhere and it’s become a complete utter JOKE!!!!! Have family members who work at Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mn 30,000 (Damn near HALF!!) Mayo workers forced to take pay cuts and or were Furloughed.

I am going to try to read your mind because when you start off your statement with the word "That" I am not sure what your subject is. I think you are saying after Rob Howe posted that tweet about PPE and hospital supplies that you think there is no shortage of hospital supplies and PPE and there havent been any overload of hospital services in areas of the country. You mention Mayo forcing paycuts and furloughing employees. I am saying if there is no big covid outbreak around Rochester then Mayo should still be operating as usual on all the sick people that go there and drive there and patients can still fly to Mayo. So why would Mayo be doing this?

Maybe you should ask Mayo. Maybe they are using this as a reason to cull their employees out. Ever think of that? It would not be the first time a US company has used some weird situation to get rid of emplyoees.

So did Rochester get hit with a huge spike of Covid?
Be more specific and not so vague! What’s your point?

And I forgot to use the JOhns Hopkins map and I just zoomed in to find Rochester has had 239 cases and 6 deaths. Besides Mayo Rochester has one or two other hospitals so I think they were probably not overwhelmed with Covid patients. So why did Mayo furlough and cut wages? Please tell us your point.
And I forgot to use the JOhns Hopkins map and I just zoomed in to find Rochester has had 239 cases and 6 deaths. Besides Mayo Rochester has one or two other hospitals so I think they were probably not overwhelmed with Covid patients. So why did Mayo furlough and cut wages? Please tell us your point.

Actually the MN city on the map is Olmstead but it looks very close to Rochester.
And I forgot to use the JOhns Hopkins map and I just zoomed in to find Rochester has had 239 cases and 6 deaths. Besides Mayo Rochester has one or two other hospitals so I think they were probably not overwhelmed with Covid patients. So why did Mayo furlough and cut wages? Please tell us your point.

The problem is the midwest went into shutdown before it got bad. You just can't do that without pissing people off. Then need to see the shitstorm first hand for it to justify a shutdown. I understand why they did it. They had no idea how spread it was. In hindsight, they probably should have waited a few more weeks before shutting down the midwest. Had they done that, we probably would have towed the healthcare line a lot closer. That would accomplish two things. One is we could hopefully get to herd immunity faster. And two is a lot of the people who are pissed now would be more understanding.

If they do an antibody test here, it would probably show somewhere between 5 and 10 percent have had it. They are going to open up with 90% of the people still susceptible to it and a few thousand carriers. When that happens, they will either shut down again after a month or two, or the next peak will be higher than this one. All that said, I do hope they open it up. Hopefully old people stay away for a few months and we will see what happens.
Here is a recent article on the Mayo Clinic furloughs and salary reductions. The article states they get 60% of their revenues from the type of elective surgeries and procedures that have been put on hold. As a whole they are running at about 35% of capacity. Besides Rochester they also have large facilities in Phoenix and Jacksonville that are impacted.

My son is a biomedical engineer working for a 3D Printing/Image Software company headquartered out of Belgium. Mayo and Cleveland Clinic are two of his biggest clients and he's been cut back to 3 days a week and 60% pay for the time being.
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