Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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How important is a 6' rule when you're trapped inside a subway with a bunch of other people anyway? Is there even a small difference in odds of getting the virus if someone is 5' away instead of 6? You're all still breathing the same air and touching the same things.

And if we had had 100 times more testing or even 50 times more testing in the last 7 weeks, maybe 20 to 30 million people in larger cities and hot spots, then we could be re-opening sooner rather than later with more knowledge that fewer people are around to catch it and get sick.

People should be demanding the Feds coordinate and get testing done at a huge level.

And I see Bloomberg is going to head up a NY State level testing program. I hope it works really well just to show the Fed leaders it could be done earlier.
You make it sound like Bloomberg is doing it all and the Feds are doing nothing for New York. First it was ventilators, now solved ... then beds, problem solved ... now testing, problem too be solved as we move through the next few weeks.

From CNBC ....

"Bloomberg will contribute “upwards of $10 million” to the state’s testing, tracing and isolating effort, according to Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor. Cuomo added that $1.3 billion in federal funding is available to the state for contact tracing."

Don't get me wrong, I applaud Bloomberg for helping out but financially it's a drop in the bucket. The Senate had already approved $25 billion for testing alone in the most recent package that Nancy has been dragging her feet on and finally got through the House today.
Why are people glossing over the Antibody test and how many people are being turned away with symptoms and not testing not to waste a test on someone not extremely sick. It’s happening everywhere in every state.
"FOX News: President Trump and public health officials argued on Thursday that higher temperatures and humidity, as well as direct exposure to sunlight, quickly kills the coronavirus, leading to hopes that the threat of the contagion could drastically recede during the summer months.

Bill Bryan, the head of the science and technology directorate at the Department of Homeland, said that solar light along with high temperatures and humidity have a “powerful effect” of creating environments less favorable for the virus to survive.

A chart released by during the White House coronavirus task force by the DHS showed that the novel coronavirus dies within two minutes in hot summer humidity while on surfaces and a minute and a half while in the air.

"Coronavirus dies at a much more rapid pace when exposed to sunlight and humidity,” Bryan said during the White House briefing. “The virus dies the quickest in direct sunlight. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds."

Bryan, however, warned that the results from a DHS study were still in the nascent stages and cautioned Americans to continue practicing social distancing and other hygiene measures outlined by the federal government."

Viruses can be badly affected by UV light per some expert DRs I heard say it. And that can be helpful if those times for it to be inactivated on surfaces is correct.

But what is the main form of transmission, it is breathing in respiratory droplets from people near you as the most direct way and person to person physical contact. The main form of transmission takes a second or so or maybe longer with physical contact and taking the virus to the face. They will make whatever decisions on the economy but if lots of people who are infectious are in close proximity crowds with other people who can catch it, many will catch it. That is how it was spiking all over the world into huge outbreaks before social distancing type ways were employed.
Why would I do that when they all have half the population of Sweden?

And New York (19 mil) has a population much larger than Sweden (10 mil) including a density per square mile that is much higher (as discussed earlier in the thread). There is no comparison. Why would we not compare Sweden to other countries in the geographical area?

And, I noticed you did not react to the fact that (see below)... what say you to that?

And New York has a population much larger than Sweden including a density per capita that is much higher (as discussed earlier in the thread). There is no comparison. Why would we not compare Sweden to other countries in the geographical area?

And, I noticed you did not react to the fact that ... what say you to that?

I think Sweden is doing it right just my opinion and I stated that. The numbers Sweden is putting up isn’t scary. 16,000 cases and 2,000 deaths currently and not shutdown. Carry on! IN my opinion when this all shakes out just take a look at Sweden a country that kept living its life and didn’t allow fear to move them. I watch there numbers everyday. Just like I will watch Georgia’s numbers as well.
I think Sweden is doing it right just my opinion and I stated that. The numbers Sweden is putting up isn’t scary. 16,000 cases and 2,000 deaths currently and not shutdown. Carry on!

That's great! My opinion is different, and that's OK too. People can disagree. :)

So, you still haven't answered the original question ... what do you think about Sweden withdrawing their report you referenced from the day before because there were errors (admitted).

During yesterday’s press conference, the deputy state epidemiologist Anders Wallenstein announced the report based on data models that indicated the spread of the coronavirus was much higher than previously thought. Among the claims were that for every one person tested positive for COVID-19, up to 999 others could also have the infection without knowing.

Swedish journalist Emanuel Karlsten queried this during a Q&A session at the press conference. Given there are more than 15,000 confirmed cases, the Agency’s estimate would mean that the total number of likely infections would be greater than the entire population of Sweden.


The controversy about the report will only add weight to the arguments from scientists that Sweden is taking risks with its relatively relaxed coronavirus strategy. At the time of writing, the total death count from COVID-19 stands at 1,765, significantly higher as a proportion of the population than all Sweden’s Nordic neighbors.
I think Sweden is doing it right just my opinion and I stated that. The numbers Sweden is putting up isn’t scary. 16,000 cases and 2,000 deaths currently and not shutdown. Carry on! IN my opinion when this all shakes out just take a look at Sweden a country that kept living its life and didn’t allow fear to move them. I watch there numbers everyday. Just like I will watch Georgia’s numbers as well.

The misconception is that Sweden is still going about their business living their life. They aren't on mandatory lockdown and they have done a little less than the US for closing some businesses, but it's not like they're just living normal over there.
They also know that many more people have been infected than initially thought and did not end up sick, or at least not seriously ill. It's likely that the % of deaths to infections is much lower than being reported.

At first they were between 3 and 5%. Now it's pretty clear it's around. 5 to 1% at worst. Being less deadly but more contagious doesn't really equal less deaths tho unfortunately.
I’ve always agreed with the premise that we need to let this play out. It’s my opinion on this matter. I feel we will look back on how we handle this and regret it and personally feel we will create a far greater problem. I hope I’m wrong but do think our actions will Cause us to lose more lives. Our Government and a lot of state Govenors living in fear! We created this fear and now the end game will be far more catastrophic.

Sweden rolled the dice and showing signs it might be working. Kudos to them..
Chicago is a ticking time bomb. Perhaps seeing his biggest city in an uproar will get Pritzker's attention.

Perhaps seeing a few states try to start things back up will finally give us a dependent/independent variable set up. Lots of eyes will be on Georgia and Tennessee. We will know soon enough if it was the right move, or if the last three weeks have been the wrong one.
"FOX News: President Trump and public health officials argued on Thursday that higher temperatures and humidity, as well as direct exposure to sunlight, quickly kills the coronavirus, leading to hopes that the threat of the contagion could drastically recede during the summer months.

Bill Bryan, the head of the science and technology directorate at the Department of Homeland, said that solar light along with high temperatures and humidity have a “powerful effect” of creating environments less favorable for the virus to survive.

A chart released by during the White House coronavirus task force by the DHS showed that the novel coronavirus dies within two minutes in hot summer humidity while on surfaces and a minute and a half while in the air.

"Coronavirus dies at a much more rapid pace when exposed to sunlight and humidity,” Bryan said during the White House briefing. “The virus dies the quickest in direct sunlight. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds."

Bryan, however, warned that the results from a DHS study were still in the nascent stages and cautioned Americans to continue practicing social distancing and other hygiene measures outlined by the federal government."
I heard the same report on the radio. And yet many politicians insist people are safer where the virus survives the longest. Go figure.
It is basic triage...take care of the thing that is most likely to kill you immediately, and then try to worry about the other stuff later. The other effects of the lockdown are more likely to have there impacts years down the road, and we can always hope we can find other ways to head those off before then.

I agree with your basic premise that we need to have a more rational discussion of the costs of our preventative measures. I have said from the start, and I stand by this: a conservative approach is wise when there are so many unknowns. But as we have a better handle on exactly what we are dealing with, we need to start having tough conversations.

Some want to frame it as "lives" vs, "economy", but that is an over-simplified ploy to try to win an argument based upon people's emotions. The economy and our ways of life greatly influence health, so it is really "lives if we go this route" vs. "lives if we go this other route." The tough part is that no matter which way you choose, some will end up with the short-end of the stick, and that sucks. But that is the reality when you are trying to decide not just what is best for 1 person, but what is best for 330 million people.
The fear of the unknown is what drove the actions of many governor's, etc. about a month ago. They knew there would not be a do-over, no second chance. Now much more is known. And three weeks from now much more will be known. We did not, and we will not, overwhelm our medical facilities. If anything, we are discouraging people with legit medical emergencies like heart attacks and strokes from going to the ER. And that's a stat the media will never publish. Unless they consider those deaths to be Covid-19 related.
Good news, guys! We are getting so close to a cure
Seriously thought it was an The Onion headline. It wasn't.

I watched this snippet of video from the Trump Show about getting light inside people's body (I guess at the cellular level) and yes Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectants like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, who knows maybe Lysol.

One of the scientists at DHS said testing had showed the virus dies in bleach in a minute and isopropyl alcohol in 30 seconds. And the scientist says sunlight kills the virus. Well I posted on here about a month or 3 weeks ago that Dr Joseph Fair said UV light inactivates viruses, the word he used. So this is not new news.

So how did the leader of the free world go from the items in the paragraph above to the deduction that we can shine light inside people and inject them with caustic substances like bleach? I mean this is misleading and worse and just like the cloroquine item is someone going to shoot up bleach now at home??

First of all most humans or someone they know who have been out in the Sunlight and get a pretty bad sunburn know that the sunburn is only on their skin, the sunburn does not go to their blood vessels, or muscles , or burn up their liver. It is so easy to find out in a web search that takes a minute that all three type of ultraviolet light only penetrates the skin from .03 to 2 mm. That is mm as in millimeters. Two millimeters is not very long length measure, maybe as wide as one of these letters you are reading. So how is UV light going to get into all these cells in the body and maybe the lungs to kill/inactivate the virus.

Trump's comments are just shoot from the hip, spur of the moment, ramblings of a mad man. I can't imagine any doctor saying injecting bleach or some other disinfectant into humans is a good idea or will work. And not sure how you pump UV light on every cell that is infected in the whole body. If bleach kills viruses usually by chemically degrading their lipid and protein membranes and other parts and human cell membranes are also lipid and protein based then bleach and alcohol will kill human cells. Bleach as a high pH and will disrupt blood and cellular chemistry.

The DHS scientist said they were not looking at Trump's type of treatments.
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