Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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I watched this snippet of video from the Trump Show about getting light inside people's body (I guess at the cellular level) and yes Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectants like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, who knows maybe Lysol.

One of the scientists at DHS said testing had showed the virus dies in bleach in a minute and isopropyl alcohol in 30 seconds. And the scientist says sunlight kills the virus. Well I posted on here about a month or 3 weeks ago that Dr Joseph Fair said UV light inactivates viruses, the word he used. So this is not new news.

So how did the leader of the free world go from the items in the paragraph above to the deduction that we can shine light inside people and inject them with caustic substances like bleach? I mean this is misleading and worse and just like the cloroquine item is someone going to shoot up bleach now at home??

First of all most humans or someone they know who have been out in the Sunlight and get a pretty bad sunburn know that the sunburn is only on their skin, the sunburn does not go to their blood vessels, or muscles , or burn up their liver. It is so easy to find out in a web search that takes a minute that all three type of ultraviolet light only penetrates the skin from .03 to 2 mm. That is mm as in millimeters. Two millimeters is not very long length measure, maybe as wide as one of these letters you are reading. So how is UV light going to get into all these cells in the body and maybe the lungs to kill/inactivate the virus.

Trump's comments are just shoot from the hip, spur of the moment, ramblings of a mad man. I can't imagine any doctor saying injecting bleach or some other disinfectant into humans is a good idea or will work. And not sure how you pump UV light on every cell that is infected in the whole body. If bleach kills viruses usually by chemically degrading their lipid and protein membranes and other parts and human cell membranes are also lipid and protein based then bleach and alcohol will kill human cells. Bleach as a high pH and will disrupt blood and cellular chemistry.

The DHS scientist said they were not looking at Trump's type of treatments.
Heck, Mountain Dew contains an ingredient found in paint thinner (which keeps the orange and citrus juice concentrates from pulping). Maybe we should all just do the Dew instead.

I watched this snippet of video from the Trump Show about getting light inside people's body (I guess at the cellular level) and yes Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectants like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, who knows maybe Lysol.

One of the scientists at DHS said testing had showed the virus dies in bleach in a minute and isopropyl alcohol in 30 seconds. And the scientist says sunlight kills the virus. Well I posted on here about a month or 3 weeks ago that Dr Joseph Fair said UV light inactivates viruses, the word he used. So this is not new news.

So how did the leader of the free world go from the items in the paragraph above to the deduction that we can shine light inside people and inject them with caustic substances like bleach? I mean this is misleading and worse and just like the cloroquine item is someone going to shoot up bleach now at home??

First of all most humans or someone they know who have been out in the Sunlight and get a pretty bad sunburn know that the sunburn is only on their skin, the sunburn does not go to their blood vessels, or muscles , or burn up their liver. It is so easy to find out in a web search that takes a minute that all three type of ultraviolet light only penetrates the skin from .03 to 2 mm. That is mm as in millimeters. Two millimeters is not very long length measure, maybe as wide as one of these letters you are reading. So how is UV light going to get into all these cells in the body and maybe the lungs to kill/inactivate the virus.

Trump's comments are just shoot from the hip, spur of the moment, ramblings of a mad man. I can't imagine any doctor saying injecting bleach or some other disinfectant into humans is a good idea or will work. And not sure how you pump UV light on every cell that is infected in the whole body. If bleach kills viruses usually by chemically degrading their lipid and protein membranes and other parts and human cell membranes are also lipid and protein based then bleach and alcohol will kill human cells. Bleach as a high pH and will disrupt blood and cellular chemistry.

The DHS scientist said they were not looking at Trump's type of treatments.

Maybe next he'll want us to drink cyanide. My oh my he just keeps getting worse and worse.
The fear of the unknown is what drove the actions of many governor's, etc. about a month ago. They knew there would not be a do-over, no second chance. Now much more is known. And three weeks from now much more will be known. We did not, and we will not, overwhelm our medical facilities. If anything, we are discouraging people with legit medical emergencies like heart attacks and strokes from going to the ER. And that's a stat the media will never publish. Unless they consider those deaths to be Covid-19 related.
I wouldn't be too sure about not overwhelming medical facilities. Let's say social distancing lowers the average spread rate from 2 people to 1 person. Meaning each person gives the virus to one other person instead of two. That's a very probably number. Let's do the math. If each person gives it to one person, then 1 turns to 2. 2 turns to 4. 4 turns to 8. 8 turns to 16. 16 turns to 32. 32 turns to 64. 64 turns to 128. After 7 "rounds" of spread, it went from 1 person to 128 people. Now let's do the math for 7 rounds of each person giving it to 2 people instead of 1. 1 to 3. 3 to 9. 9 to 27. 27 to 81. 81 to 243. 243 to 729. 729 to 2187. That is 7 rounds starting with one person. I wouldn't even want to do 7 rounds starting with the number of infected people we have right now.

Even if you don't agree with the numbers of each person giving it to 1 person instead of 2, try the math with a different number. 1 instead of 1.5 for example. It's amazing how big of a difference that contagion number makes. It pretty much has to stay at 1 or lower for the spread to not get out of hand.

I watched this snippet of video from the Trump Show about getting light inside people's body (I guess at the cellular level) and yes Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectants like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, who knows maybe Lysol.

One of the scientists at DHS said testing had showed the virus dies in bleach in a minute and isopropyl alcohol in 30 seconds. And the scientist says sunlight kills the virus. Well I posted on here about a month or 3 weeks ago that Dr Joseph Fair said UV light inactivates viruses, the word he used. So this is not new news.

So how did the leader of the free world go from the items in the paragraph above to the deduction that we can shine light inside people and inject them with caustic substances like bleach? I mean this is misleading and worse and just like the cloroquine item is someone going to shoot up bleach now at home??

First of all most humans or someone they know who have been out in the Sunlight and get a pretty bad sunburn know that the sunburn is only on their skin, the sunburn does not go to their blood vessels, or muscles , or burn up their liver. It is so easy to find out in a web search that takes a minute that all three type of ultraviolet light only penetrates the skin from .03 to 2 mm. That is mm as in millimeters. Two millimeters is not very long length measure, maybe as wide as one of these letters you are reading. So how is UV light going to get into all these cells in the body and maybe the lungs to kill/inactivate the virus.

Trump's comments are just shoot from the hip, spur of the moment, ramblings of a mad man. I can't imagine any doctor saying injecting bleach or some other disinfectant into humans is a good idea or will work. And not sure how you pump UV light on every cell that is infected in the whole body. If bleach kills viruses usually by chemically degrading their lipid and protein membranes and other parts and human cell membranes are also lipid and protein based then bleach and alcohol will kill human cells. Bleach as a high pH and will disrupt blood and cellular chemistry.

The DHS scientist said they were not looking at Trump's type of treatments.
The only way anyone would be dumb enough to shoot up bleach is if they wanted to kill a spouse and use everyone's hated for Trump to get away with murder like the lady from Arizona did.
I wouldn't be too sure about not overwhelming medical facilities. Let's say social distancing lowers the average spread rate from 2 people to 1 person. Meaning each person gives the virus to one other person instead of two. That's a very probably number. Let's do the math. If each person gives it to one person, then 1 turns to 2. 2 turns to 4. 4 turns to 8. 8 turns to 16. 16 turns to 32. 32 turns to 64. 64 turns to 128. After 7 "rounds" of spread, it went from 1 person to 128 people. Now let's do the math for 7 rounds of each person giving it to 2 people instead of 1. 1 to 3. 3 to 9. 9 to 27. 27 to 81. 81 to 243. 243 to 729. 729 to 2187. That is 7 rounds starting with one person. I wouldn't even want to do 7 rounds starting with the number of infected people we have right now.

Even if you don't agree with the numbers of each person giving it to 1 person instead of 2, try the math with a different number. 1 instead of 1.5 for example. It's amazing how big of a difference that contagion number makes. It pretty much has to stay at 1 or lower for the spread to not get out of hand.
Factoral numbers. I showed in two posts how it works, and the frightening rate of increase of geometric combinations and connections it makes as you increase number by number. Seven factoral is 5,040. Ten factoral is over three million.

That also explains how much quicker the virus can circulate through the masses and build up herd immunity if you put an end to this damn social distancing. Meanwhile people are
stuck working at home, if they haven't lost their jobs in the first place, are balancing stressful work life with bored kids, having meals interrupted by impromptu conference calls, getting e mails from clients at all hours of the day, expected to be available at the drop of a hat basically 24/7, and being worried stiff that they could be included in the next round of layoffs the whole time. But hey, our air and water are cleaner.

Welcome to the new America. Much of this isn't going away even when the Covid-19 crisis ends.
Maybe next he'll want us to drink cyanide. My oh my he just keeps getting worse and worse.

A very accurate description. I just saw the side angle camera of Trump talking about heat and light and disinfectant and Dr. Birx was in the frame. She was very visibly disturbed during his the talk of his ideas bowing her head, looking away, it just hurt to watch her and her time being wasted. Well maybe not wasted because she actually pushed back on these ideas.

And I wonder what the DHS scientist and Dr. Birx are thinking when the scientist used a heat range of 75-90 degrees on inanimate surfaces and then Trump spun that into heat on the body?

But the human body inside is at around 98.6 degrees and the cells are already warmer than 90 degrees. Someone on this thread and people elsewhere have already brought up the temps of the human body and then people develop fevers. And Dr. Birx rightly said the fevers show the body is fighting against the illness.

And it is like a bad dream when you read the announcement below:

WASHINGTON — The manufacturer for Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product, issued a statement warning against any internal use after President Donald Trump suggested that people could get an "injection" of "the disinfectant that knocks (coronavirus) out in a minute."

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," said a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, in a statement to NBC News.
Factoral numbers. I showed in two posts how it works, and the frightening rate of increase of geometric combinations and connections it makes as you increase number by number. Seven factoral is 5,040. Ten factoral is over three million.

That also explains how much quicker the virus can circulate through the masses and build up herd immunity if you put an end to this damn social distancing. Meanwhile people are
stuck working at home, if they haven't lost their jobs in the first place, are balancing stressful work life with bored kids, having meals interrupted by impromptu conference calls, getting e mails from clients at all hours of the day, expected to be available at the drop of a hat basically 24/7, and being worried stiff that they could be included in the next round of layoffs the whole time. But hey, our air and water are cleaner.

Welcome to the new America. Much of this isn't going away even when the Covid-19 crisis ends.

Factor in the death rate, I'll use Iowa's which is 2.3%. In PC's first scenario of 1 to 1 infect rate only 2-3 people die in that 7 day window instead of 50 not to mention how that death rate probably goes up due to the extra burden on our health care system and his 1 to 4 was VERY generous as this thing spreads like nothing we've ever seen before. Are those extra lives worth saving or is it too much of a inconvenience to try and work with the family running around or are living off unemployment instead of working?
Just as an anecdotal exercise imagine in your minds eye on a cold wintry day what you breath looks like when you breathe out. You see this cloud of water vapor droplets freezing into a fog going out a couple of feet or more. And a smaller amount of droplets are going usually a few feet farther. I would rather have the president and some experts describe this physical process of exhaling water vapor droplets than go off into bizarre musings about disinfectant injections and describing the Fed testing program as excellent when States and other agencies are doing most of the testing which is still going very slowly for 330 million people.
Factor in the death rate, I'll use Iowa's which is 2.3%. In PC's first scenario of 1 to 1 infect rate only 2-3 people die in that 7 day window instead of 50 not to mention how that death rate probably goes up due to the extra burden on our health care system and his 1 to 4 was VERY generous as this thing spreads like nothing we've ever seen before. Are those extra lives worth saving or is it too much of a inconvenience to try and work with the family running around or are living off unemployment instead of working?

Have you tied living off unemployment?

One income families you can likely get Medicaid. 2 income w one on employment maybe..maybe the kids qualify.

Otherwise out of pocket med coverage including premiums are 1500 per month conservatively speaking. Our safety net is a joke. If you have a car loan....not possible....any debtt not possible.

IL in other big recession cut back state police 25%. One county had a police car repoed. We had a bridge over the freeway that had a partial deck collapse... 4 years to repair. IL may be given the green light to default on pensions being 130 billion in red prior to this that alone as it was ... Was borderline maybe fixable. Anyone on a state pension gets the ss cut drastically.

Why the hell borders weren't shut in Jan is beyond me. We are at 22% unemployment now, not counting self employed. The recovery instead if a V iwill be more like the Nike swosh.

We gave our daughter a choice ..quit day care job or find an apt as she is off bring sickness home. She doesn't count as unemployed. Younger daughter worked in an after school daycare program thru the school. It closed but she still gets paid

If IL declares bankruptcy per Trump, medical bills.... Still unpaid. For those who can't afford that.
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Factor in the death rate, I'll use Iowa's which is 2.3%. In PC's first scenario of 1 to 1 infect rate only 2-3 people die in that 7 day window instead of 50 not to mention how that death rate probably goes up due to the extra burden on our health care system and his 1 to 4 was VERY generous as this thing spreads like nothing we've ever seen before. Are those extra lives worth saving or is it too much of a inconvenience to try and work with the family running around or are living off unemployment instead of working?
You will end up having deaths in other ways. You can't extend these shelter in place mandates deep into the summer. There has to be another way. Natural immunity, plasma injections, medical breakthroughs.

Just because a couple medical experts say we could be 12-18 months from a vaccine shouldn't automatically be a set in stone date. We may never have a vaccine. This virus is here to stay, like cancer. The key is getting to know it better, how it behaves. Much of what has driven the past six weeks has been rooted in a fear of the unknown. Now it is getting to be more known.
You will end up having deaths in other ways. You can't extend these shelter in place mandates deep into the summer. There has to be another way. Natural immunity, plasma injections, medical breakthroughs.

Just because a couple medical experts say we could be 12-18 months from a vaccine shouldn't automatically be a set in stone date. We may never have a vaccine. This virus is here to stay, like cancer. The key is getting to know it better, how it behaves. Much of what has driven the past six weeks has been rooted in a fear of the unknown. Now it is getting to be more known.

So you deflected the question by suggesting that people will die in other ways. smh
You will end up having deaths in other ways. You can't extend these shelter in place mandates deep into the summer. There has to be another way. Natural immunity, plasma injections, medical breakthroughs.

Just because a couple medical experts say we could be 12-18 months from a vaccine shouldn't automatically be a set in stone date. We may never have a vaccine. This virus is here to stay, like cancer. The key is getting to know it better, how it behaves. Much of what has driven the past six weeks has been rooted in a fear of the unknown. Now it is getting to be more known.

Agree. We have two deaths going on right now. 1) Death of humans. 2) Death of families and their economic lives. There is not way we can live hunkered down for an extended period of time. We are going to have to live alongside this thing until there is a scientific or medical breakthrough.
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Maybe next he'll want us to drink cyanide. My oh my he just keeps getting worse and worse.

Clumsy and dumb comments but some in the media are making it out like he's telling people to go inject themselves with disinfectant. But that's how Trump rolls and that's how the Resistance media rolls.
A very accurate description. I just saw the side angle camera of Trump talking about heat and light and disinfectant and Dr. Birx was in the frame. She was very visibly disturbed during his the talk of his ideas bowing her head, looking away, it just hurt to watch her and her time being wasted. Well maybe not wasted because she actually pushed back on these ideas.

And I wonder what the DHS scientist and Dr. Birx are thinking when the scientist used a heat range of 75-90 degrees on inanimate surfaces and then Trump spun that into heat on the body?

But the human body inside is at around 98.6 degrees and the cells are already warmer than 90 degrees. Someone on this thread and people elsewhere have already brought up the temps of the human body and then people develop fevers. And Dr. Birx rightly said the fevers show the body is fighting against the illness.

And it is like a bad dream when you read the announcement below:

WASHINGTON — The manufacturer for Lysol, a disinfectant spray and cleaning product, issued a statement warning against any internal use after President Donald Trump suggested that people could get an "injection" of "the disinfectant that knocks (coronavirus) out in a minute."

"As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)," said a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the United Kingdom-based owner of Lysol, in a statement to NBC News.
If people are either that stupid or that afraid of this virus that they would inject harmful chemicals and disinfectants into their bodies then those people weren't rowing with both oars in the water to begin with.

But the way in which people will obey authority is frightening. Remember the controversial Stanley Milgram obedience experiment from nearly sixty years ago?
Have you tied living off unemployment?

One income families you can likely get Medicaid. 2 income w one on employment maybe..maybe the kids qualify.

Otherwise out of pocket med coverage including premiums are 1500 per month conservatively speaking. Our safety net is a joke. If you have a car loan....not possible....any debtt not possible.

IL in other big recession cut back state police 25%. One county had a police car repoed. We had a bridge over the freeway that had a partial deck collapse... 4 years to repair. IL may be given the green light to default on pensions being 130 billion in red prior to this that alone as it was ... Was borderline maybe fixable. Anyone on a state pension gets the ss cut drastically.

Why the hell borders weren't shut in Jan is beyond me. We are at 22% unemployment now, not counting self employed. The recovery instead if a V iwill be more like the Nike swosh.

We gave our daughter a choice ..quit day care job or find an apt as she is off bring sickness home. She doesn't count as unemployed. Younger daughter worked in an after school daycare program thru the school. It closed but she still gets paid

If IL declares bankruptcy per Trump, medical bills.... Still unpaid. For those who can't afford that.
An Illinois governor riding his state's budget into the mud and asking for federal help. Never seen that one before!
Good news, guys! We are getting so close to a cure
Seriously thought it was an The Onion headline. It wasn't.

Spoken like a true doctor. Not taking too big a shot at him as I didn't have a chance to hear what was said before him, but I can't take anything he just said seriously without laughing. Is it possible that he can put more thought into his delivery to possibly sound remotely educated about the subject.
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