Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Yes, it sucks but I'd get by.
I get by with disability and that homebuilt shack is actually my
My Home Sweet Home! I save my money! SHHH I get B1G Network for free up in that little room.
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Clumsy and dumb comments but some in the media are making it out like he's telling people to go inject themselves with disinfectant. But that's how Trump rolls and that's how the Resistance media rolls.
I didnt think it was possible but I'm somehow not surprised that somebody would actually try to defend this shit. Hahaha unbelievable.

I watched this snippet of video from the Trump Show about getting light inside people's body (I guess at the cellular level) and yes Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectants like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, who knows maybe Lysol.

One of the scientists at DHS said testing had showed the virus dies in bleach in a minute and isopropyl alcohol in 30 seconds. And the scientist says sunlight kills the virus. Well I posted on here about a month or 3 weeks ago that Dr Joseph Fair said UV light inactivates viruses, the word he used. So this is not new news.

So how did the leader of the free world go from the items in the paragraph above to the deduction that we can shine light inside people and inject them with caustic substances like bleach? I mean this is misleading and worse and just like the cloroquine item is someone going to shoot up bleach now at home??

First of all most humans or someone they know who have been out in the Sunlight and get a pretty bad sunburn know that the sunburn is only on their skin, the sunburn does not go to their blood vessels, or muscles , or burn up their liver. It is so easy to find out in a web search that takes a minute that all three type of ultraviolet light only penetrates the skin from .03 to 2 mm. That is mm as in millimeters. Two millimeters is not very long length measure, maybe as wide as one of these letters you are reading. So how is UV light going to get into all these cells in the body and maybe the lungs to kill/inactivate the virus.

Trump's comments are just shoot from the hip, spur of the moment, ramblings of a mad man. I can't imagine any doctor saying injecting bleach or some other disinfectant into humans is a good idea or will work. And not sure how you pump UV light on every cell that is infected in the whole body. If bleach kills viruses usually by chemically degrading their lipid and protein membranes and other parts and human cell membranes are also lipid and protein based then bleach and alcohol will kill human cells. Bleach as a high pH and will disrupt blood and cellular chemistry.

The DHS scientist said they were not looking at Trump's type of treatments.
I think a lot of people are taking his thoughts completely out of context. He did not say "we can" do this as you stated above, he stated "we should look in to it". One thing you have to admit about Trump is he is a very inquisitive person. He challenges the status quo and is not afraid to think out of the box. Does he shoot from the hip? Sure, but that goes hand in hand with a person who does challenge the status quo. I kind of like that in a leader.

Regarding the UV therapy, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a valid therapy to do just what he said, not directly with an invasive procedure per say, but through blood therapy. It's been used successfully to treat a number of ailments including viruses. It would be interesting for the experts to test this vs. plasma treatments with antibodies which seems to be working pretty well based on early testing.

BTW, Cuomo's wife tweeted she was taking baths in Clorox the other day so she was way ahead of Trump on the disinfectant therapy. Topical treatment but that does soak in to the blood stream as well, depending on how long she is soaking.
If people are either that stupid or that afraid of this virus that they would inject harmful chemicals and disinfectants into their bodies then those people weren't rowing with both oars in the water to begin with.

But the way in which people will obey authority is frightening. Remember the controversial Stanley Milgram obedience experiment from nearly sixty years ago?

Well I hate to break it to you but we have some pretty dumb, non-logical thinking citizens. I hate to say it do you but we have all seen video and heard stories of stupid crooks and stupid people doing stupid things. Johnny Knoxville made a bunch of money doing it and yes people tried to duplicate his efforts. There is a valid reason why we have The Darwin Awards. Saw video yesterday of one of these protesters against a Governor shutdown screaming out his truck window that this is a conspiracy of the big corporations to maximize profit, yet when one thinks about it a pandemic can shit can a global economy so not a very logical argument. But I will eat my hat if someone proves a big Corp or some Corp consortium secretly released the virus in Wuhan. ( it will be a little hat made out of cake).

Yes, I know of the Milgram experiments but so long ago and at my age I confess I didnt remember the exact results but quickly updated myself. It is scary, those are scary results. The bigger question is the follow on experiments and hypotheses and findings as to why they react this way. I did not dive into that but it is interesting if people have found some nurture or nature reason why normal people will follow orders, instructions like that.
I think a lot of people are taking his thoughts completely out of context. He did not say "we can" do this as you stated above, he stated "we should look in to it". One thing you have to admit about Trump is he is a very inquisitive person. He challenges the status quo and is not afraid to think out of the box. Does he shoot from the hip? Sure, but that goes hand in hand with a person who does challenge the status quo. I kind of like that in a leader.

Regarding the UV therapy, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a valid therapy to do just what he said, not directly with an invasive procedure per say, but through blood therapy. It's been used successfully to treat a number of ailments including viruses. It would be interesting for the experts to test this vs. plasma treatments with antibodies which seems to be working pretty well based on early testing.

BTW, Cuomo's wife tweeted she was taking baths in Clorox the other day so she was way ahead of Trump on the disinfectant therapy. Topical treatment but that does soak in to the blood stream as well, depending on how long she is soaking.

I'm not going to expand on this too much to avoid making it too political, but the biggest problem I have with this is the fact that he's a self-proclaimed "expert" that constantly goes on record telling us how he "knows a lot" or knows "more than the experts or anyone else knows" yet continues to do this time and time again. He does himself, his supporters, and the country absolutely no favors when thinks out loud or shoots from the hip. Stop thinking out loud and take the time to put together a series of thoughts that aren't going to be taken out of context so easily.
That's great! My opinion is different, and that's OK too. People can disagree. :)

So, you still haven't answered the original question ... what do you think about Sweden withdrawing their report you referenced from the day before because there were errors (admitted).

During yesterday’s press conference, the deputy state epidemiologist Anders Wallenstein announced the report based on data models that indicated the spread of the coronavirus was much higher than previously thought. Among the claims were that for every one person tested positive for COVID-19, up to 999 others could also have the infection without knowing.

Swedish journalist Emanuel Karlsten queried this during a Q&A session at the press conference. Given there are more than 15,000 confirmed cases, the Agency’s estimate would mean that the total number of likely infections would be greater than the entire population of Sweden.


The controversy about the report will only add weight to the arguments from scientists that Sweden is taking risks with its relatively relaxed coronavirus strategy. At the time of writing, the total death count from COVID-19 stands at 1,765, significantly higher as a proportion of the population than all Sweden’s Nordic neighbors.

health officials pulled back whoop Dee doo and those Projected Models blah blah blah!!!!

The Doom and gloom we all heard from all these states Governor’s early on isn’t happening. Health experts Where I live in Minnesota, predicted 40,000 deaths in the state and hundred of thousands cases. NY missed the mark by hundred of thousands as well. Florida Health officials projected 465,000 Floridians would be hospitalized and they have slightly more than 2,000. It goes on and on Robowe.
I think a lot of people are taking his thoughts completely out of context. He did not say "we can" do this as you stated above, he stated "we should look in to it". One thing you have to admit about Trump is he is a very inquisitive person. He challenges the status quo and is not afraid to think out of the box. Does he shoot from the hip? Sure, but that goes hand in hand with a person who does challenge the status quo. I kind of like that in a leader.

Regarding the UV therapy, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a valid therapy to do just what he said, not directly with an invasive procedure per say, but through blood therapy. It's been used successfully to treat a number of ailments including viruses. It would be interesting for the experts to test this vs. plasma treatments with antibodies which seems to be working pretty well based on early testing.

BTW, Cuomo's wife tweeted she was taking baths in Clorox the other day so she was way ahead of Trump on the disinfectant therapy. Topical treatment but that does soak in to the blood stream as well, depending on how long she is soaking.

Should we look into it? Really? Inquisitive? Even my 5 year old would understand that his suggestions are idiotic. He's a person who is completely disconnected with how the world actually works and has the scientific background of a preschooler. You're right though, challenging the status quo and thinking outside the box are terrific traits. Generally those are best used when the suggestions have a least some semblance of reality. Trump's generally do not. These suggestions are bat shit crazy. Heat and humidity kill the virus too, maybe we should look into inhaling boiling hot steam? Would you consider that an "outside the box" suggestion, because it falls exactly along the lines of thought Trump suggested?

Don't try to justify terrible ideas suggested by the leader of the free world by pointing to "natural" remedies used by the wife of a news anchor. Hopefully nobody follows her treatment ideas either.
I didnt think it was possible but I'm somehow not surprised that somebody would actually try to defend this shit. Hahaha unbelievable.
He actually didn't defend his comments one bit. He condemned his comments then also condemned the media's response to them. Condemning the latter doesn't defend the former.
Well I hate to break it to you but we have some pretty dumb, non-logical thinking citizens. I hate to say it do you but we have all seen video and heard stories of stupid crooks and stupid people doing stupid things. Johnny Knoxville made a bunch of money doing it and yes people tried to duplicate his efforts. There is a valid reason why we have The Darwin Awards. Saw video yesterday of one of these protesters against a Governor shutdown screaming out his truck window that this is a conspiracy of the big corporations to maximize profit, yet when one thinks about it a pandemic can shit can a global economy so not a very logical argument. But I will eat my hat if someone proves a big Corp or some Corp consortium secretly released the virus in Wuhan. ( it will be a little hat made out of cake).

Yes, I know of the Milgram experiments but so long ago and at my age I confess I didnt remember the exact results but quickly updated myself. It is scary, those are scary results. The bigger question is the follow on experiments and hypotheses and findings as to why they react this way. I did not dive into that but it is interesting if people have found some nurture or nature reason why normal people will follow orders, instructions like that.

Didn't you learn anything. I thought it was already established that the hand-sanitizer and toilet paper manufacturers of the world are responsible for wreaking havoc on us all.
health officials pulled back whoop Dee doo and those Projected Models blah blah blah!!!!

The Doom and gloom we all heard from all these states Governor’s early on isn’t happening. Health experts Where I live in Minnesota, predicted 40,000 deaths in the state and hundred of thousands cases. NY missed the mark by hundred of thousands as well. Florida Health officials projected 465,000 Floridians would be hospitalized and they have slightly more than 2,000. It goes on and on Robowe.

I'm not implying that they didn't miss the mark, but is there any chance that the policies and procedures they put in place had something to do with missing the marks on their initial projections?
Factoral numbers. I showed in two posts how it works, and the frightening rate of increase of geometric combinations and connections it makes as you increase number by number. Seven factoral is 5,040. Ten factoral is over three million.

That also explains how much quicker the virus can circulate through the masses and build up herd immunity if you put an end to this damn social distancing. Meanwhile people are
stuck working at home, if they haven't lost their jobs in the first place, are balancing stressful work life with bored kids, having meals interrupted by impromptu conference calls, getting e mails from clients at all hours of the day, expected to be available at the drop of a hat basically 24/7, and being worried stiff that they could be included in the next round of layoffs the whole time. But hey, our air and water are cleaner.

Welcome to the new America. Much of this isn't going away even when the Covid-19 crisis ends.
I've got no problem with what you say here (although I think you are really under calculating how bad pushing through will be) but how can you believe what you said here and also say our hospitals won't be overwhelmed?

It took New York City two months to get through 20% of their population with social distancing. End it today and it will take a couple more to get through most of the other 80%. That means the next two months would be 4 times worse than the hell they've already lived through. It would be complete chaos. It sure would be nice for it to be over in a couple months tho. I'll give you that.
I think a lot of people are taking his thoughts completely out of context. He did not say "we can" do this as you stated above, he stated "we should look in to it". One thing you have to admit about Trump is he is a very inquisitive person. He challenges the status quo and is not afraid to think out of the box. Does he shoot from the hip? Sure, but that goes hand in hand with a person who does challenge the status quo. I kind of like that in a leader.

Regarding the UV therapy, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a valid therapy to do just what he said, not directly with an invasive procedure per say, but through blood therapy. It's been used successfully to treat a number of ailments including viruses. It would be interesting for the experts to test this vs. plasma treatments with antibodies which seems to be working pretty well based on early testing.

BTW, Cuomo's wife tweeted she was taking baths in Clorox the other day so she was way ahead of Trump on the disinfectant therapy. Topical treatment but that does soak in to the blood stream as well, depending on how long she is soaking.

We disinfect with a 5-10% solution of bleach and water around the house all the time. I wonder how strong Cuomo's bath water is in bleach. Maybe need to know that before we declare her bat shit crazy. ;)

UBI I hadnt heard of but just read about it. Interesting as one method the blood is extracted out of the body into a container so the UV light can get to the blood while still circulating, or a UV scope can be inserted by blood vessels , or UV light may be able to get to blood in those people who have highly raised blood vessels by their skin. Not used much anymore maybe because of antibiotics, costs??, other therapies, anti virals, . And maybe this UBI also kills good cells??? It seems that the procedure works on small amounts of blood at any time which is what it does. I will have to find out how many viruses are being replicated in one's body during a small amount of time.

But ok after we make lots of swabs, tests, masks, PPE, ventilators, etc lets start making the UV lights, containers, scopes, etc.

It still doesnt change the fact that what the hell is Trump riffing about for hours that do not include facts; disinfectants, heat, UV. Just the facts ma'am.
Didn't you learn anything. I thought it was already established that the hand-sanitizer and toilet paper manufacturers of the world are responsible for wreaking havoc on us all.

Oh Gawd excuse me, I didnt even think of that, yes Purell and Kimberly Clark are trying to capture and rule the world more that the carbon industries. Thanks for setting me straight
Should we look into it? Really? Inquisitive? Even my 5 year old would understand that his suggestions are idiotic. He's a person who is completely disconnected with how the world actually works and has the scientific background of a preschooler. You're right though, challenging the status quo and thinking outside the box are terrific traits. Generally those are best used when the suggestions have a least some semblance of reality. Trump's generally do not. These suggestions are bat shit crazy. Heat and humidity kill the virus too, maybe we should look into inhaling boiling hot steam? Would you consider that an "outside the box" suggestion, because it falls exactly along the lines of thought Trump suggested?

Don't try to justify terrible ideas suggested by the leader of the free world by pointing to "natural" remedies used by the wife of a news anchor. Hopefully nobody follows her treatment ideas either.

What sounds more crazy, finding a way to safely inject disinfectants into the body to fight a virus, or shooting the body with deadly radiation to fight cancer? What sounds crazy today might not be so crazy tomorrow. That's not to defend Trump for saying what he did tho. He sounded like a complete idiot.
While Media Mocks Trump for Suggesting Light Treatment for Coronavirus Patients, Bio-Tech Company Working With FDA and Cedars-Sinai on UV Light Treatment to Kill the Virus in Patients

The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus. The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Beyond the initial pursuit of a coronavirus ICU indication, additional data suggest broader clinical applications for the technology across a range of viral and bacterial pathogens. This includes bacteria implicated in ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP).
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