Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Dr Fauci just said there was already community spread in the US at that time. So a travel ban wasn't nearly going to be enough.

And that travel ban didn't stop everyone. It was reported that something like 40k travelers still came over after that "ban".

But yes, travel "ban" helped. This shouldn't be about deflecting criticism.

Someone asked Trump what they did in February, with the time the travel ban bought them. They didn't have anything to list.

Ok, imagine what his opponents would have said if he shuttered the entire country down at that time. Democrats and everybody would have went ballistic. He was nailed for the travel ban to Asia. What do you think would have happened if he shuttered all sports, restaurants, etc.. He would have been viewed as a dictator.

He's going to get criticism no matter what he does.

Yes, this whole thing sucks but let's keep it real.
I hope you are not stating "we have now tested more than any other country" based on raw numbers? Raw total numbers of tests have to be data reduced down to at least percentage of total population/number per X number per capita.

Some people say driving on 2 lane hiways is much safer that driving on multi-lane divided hiways based on number of deaths. That is a meaningless stat based on the premise unless you reduced the data down at least to deaths per X miles of passenger travel per each type of road.

The US has tested 1% of the population and that is if every test has gone to only one person, but probably not the case. Almost 99% of rational people, experts, say we are woeful in our testing.

You can make and claim whatever excuses for this Admin you want but the current and after action reviews of the top Fed leadership will totally cry out "terrible job"
I was saying raw numbers as that is how he stated his issue originally. I agree all these numbers should be looked at on a per million basis ... including deaths because we are such a large country in comparison to most countries in Europe for example. Our death rate per million is much lower than the EU that's for sure and you really can't trust the death figures in China.
I was saying raw numbers as that is how he stated his issue originally. I agree all these numbers should be looked at on a per million basis ... including deaths because we are such a large country in comparison to most countries in Europe for example. Our death rate per million is much lower than the EU that's for sure and you really can't trust the death figures in China.

yes, I have been looking at the US lower death rate than say Italy and maybe people have figured out why but I am wondering if Italy has or had an older population in the northern regions and they were not very healthy for some reasons. I know Mediterraneans can be very insulin resistant and diabetic and also have cardiovascular problems at a high rate but many of their villages and cities are pretty healthy.
yes, I have been looking at the US lower death rate than say Italy and maybe people have figured out why but I am wondering if Italy has or had an older population in the northern regions and they were not very healthy for some reasons. I know Mediterraneans can be very insulin resistant and diabetic and also have cardiovascular problems at a high rate but many of their villages and cities are pretty healthy.
Italy definitely has an older population than most. Median age of 45.5 vs. 38.1 for the U.S. There was some talking head on TV a couple weeks ago that said the average age for people who died from COVID in Italy was 84. What's interesting to me is that Germany is even older at 47.1 median but their death rates so far is much lower than Italy. I'm sure there will be some study after the fact on these differences around the world once the dust settles.
We've now tested more than any other country. Far more than countries in Europe or Asia. I agree, some of the initial testing was not sufficient but to say we are behind now is factually inaccurate. Europe had the same issue with some inferior China sourced tests. One of the reasons we have more reported cases than any other country is we have done more testing than any other country.

The problem is that our testing is not targeted, we're mainly testing people who have symptoms. We are doing minimal contract tracing and testing of those people. We're just chasing the virus at this point, 2 days to 2 weeks behind it. We are doing nothing to get in front of it that I've seen.
I've always wanted to see a tornado, from a distance. I missed out on the one that hit IC in April of 06 I believe, was too dark and too many houses in the way.

You can find the hook image on even phone radar and come in behind. Day time is best and flat land. I've seen something like 18.

The Albert Lea one was not intentional except for going in to get my camera as my new bride jerked on my arm. It was an awesome sight. The damage incredible. Obviously felt bad for the victims, but wow...

More wind than TK and Dean combined:confused: even.
The problem is that our testing is not targeted, we're mainly testing people who have symptoms. We are doing minimal contract tracing and testing of those people. We're just chasing the virus at this point, 2 days to 2 weeks behind it. We are doing nothing to get in front of it that I've seen.
I agree with that.
That the federal government didn't start trying to obtain PPE equipment until March? Eventually telling the states in March to get it on their own.

I was listening live when Trump said this and was blown away by the media's response to it. It was so obvious what Trump was saying. He said that he will help wherever help is needed but also encourages states to try to go out and get what they can on their own. He basically was saying we will help you when and if you need it, but don't just sit around doing nothing and wait for help because it's faster if you can do it yourself. He was very clear with that message and the media completely took it out of context on purpose. I have always heard they did that, but that was the first time I've ever listened to something live, completely understood the message, then heard the media purposely twist it into something it wasn't.

All of what I said wasn't to argue on the job Trump has done. It was just to point out the obvious true meaning of what he said at the time, and how it was warped into something else that people are quoting on message boards.
We can at least agree that it would be good if that was true.

Well, obviously that's not true, just from the perspective of the national stockpile. In this circumstance, obviously it is meant for the states.

You really just think the Federal government is just a spectator? You think the power of defense production act lies with the states?

Are you hearing state governments say we they don't want Federal governments help? Everyone is requesting help.

But yes, because of the shutdown, concern for running out of PPE has lessened. But guess what is one of the things we need to address before ending the shutdown?

All the things you think aren't a problem, are actually the problems we need to fix to end the shutdown.

Yeah, it would really be a good idea to have 50 states in charge of addressing a global pandemic.
My opinion on the travel ban is you have to let those 40,000 people come home. You also have to quarantine them. Do we know that they didn't?
I was listening live when Trump said this and was blown away by the media's response to it. It was so obvious what Trump was saying. He said that he will help wherever help is needed but also encourages states to try to go out and get what they can on their own. He basically was saying we will help you when and if you need it, but don't just sit around doing nothing and wait for help because it's faster if you can do it yourself. He was very clear with that message and the media completely took it out of context on purpose. I have always heard they did that, but that was the first time I've ever listened to something live, completely understood the message, then heard the media purposely twist it into something it wasn't.

All of what I said wasn't to argue on the job Trump has done. It was just to point out the obvious true meaning of what he said at the time, and how it was warped into something else that people are quoting on message boards.

I agree, Trump used pretty soft language when he said that. Ironically, I think the media usually getting persuaded by nice words, while missing the true meaning that underlies them.

But in this case, they did not.

And there is plenty of examples to point to, that how the media covered it, was how things played out.
I agree. Every state is different so every state needs to be in charge. I hope it never comes down to Trump telling Iowa what to do.

The national stockpile of PPE, was largely distributed to commercial entities. Not the states.

The states then had to bid against one another for those supplies.
I agree, Trump used pretty soft language when he said that. Ironically, I think the media usually getting persuaded by nice words, while missing the true meaning that underlies them.

But in this case, they did not.

And there is plenty of examples to point to, that how the media covered it, was how things played out.
I gotta disagree there. He used software words when talking out the commendable job China was doing with the virus a few months ago and the media is all over those soft words pretending they were exactly what he said when he was almost certainly trying to be political.
The national stockpile of PPE, was largely distributed to commercial entities. Not the states.

The states then had to bid against one another for those supplies.
Which I think is wrong to do if they actually did. Like I said in my post tho, it wasn't to argue on the job Trump has done. It was to argue on the meaning of his point when he said that.
yes, I have been looking at the US lower death rate than say Italy and maybe people have figured out why but I am wondering if Italy has or had an older population in the northern regions and they were not very healthy for some reasons. I know Mediterraneans can be very insulin resistant and diabetic and also have cardiovascular problems at a high rate but many of their villages and cities are pretty healthy.

It could be due to that or also could be how Italy is declaring deaths to COVID-19 compared to the US or other countries. We've had debate how it is stated on the death certificate and so forth. So, classification could play into the numbers as well.
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