Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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You do realize that Trump imposed a travel ban from China on 30 January ... and Biden and Pelosi called him a racist for doing it?

Dr Fauci just said there was already community spread in the US at that time. So a travel ban wasn't nearly going to be enough.

And that travel ban didn't stop everyone. It was reported that something like 40k travelers still came over after that "ban".

But yes, travel "ban" helped. This shouldn't be about deflecting criticism.

Someone asked Trump what they did in February, with the time the travel ban bought them. They didn't have anything to list.
Very good post. I posted a couple of weeks ago that scientists at Tulane Univ used some sort of genetic material science to determine to a very high confidence level that the initial Covid virus strains developed naturally. There work was vetted and agreed on by the NIH director and scientists.

The article I read did not go into the deep scientific details except to say the scientists can look at the molecular level and notice natural vs artificial man-made changes to genetic material. I do know that human chromosomes have proteins and other molecules like histones iirc 'wrapped' around the DNA and maybe these molecules are what is hard to reproduce in a lab vs modifying the DNA base pairs.
Keep in mind though, even a naturally created virus (from bats) can still be in the Wuhan lab. I don't believe it was an engineered virus either but knowing the quality control issues they have all over China it's quite possible the virus accidentally escaped from the lab. Either from an animal to human infection and the human then going out and spreading human to human. As gruesome as it sounds, another theory is the lab workers at the lab may have been selling lab animals at the wet market in Wuhan. Those lab techs in China are not highly paid and it's not out of the realm of possibilities they were selling animals to make some extra cash.
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Someone asked Trump what they did in February, with the time the travel ban bought them. They didn't have anything to list.

If you don't think the CDC, NIH, hospitals, labs,etc. were doing things in February to prepare your pretty gullible. We know the WHO was doing very little except believing the propaganda out of China, they were also opposed to the 30 January travel ban.
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You do realize that Trump imposed a travel ban from China on 30 January ... and Biden and Pelosi called him a racist for doing it?

40,000 people traveled from China to the US after Trump “banned” the Chinese. We already knew Trump was a racist from past actions.
40,000 people traveled from China to the US after Trump “banned” the Chinese. We already knew Trump was a racist from past actions.
The vast majority of that 40,000 were U.S. Citizens (not in Wuhan) trying to to get back home. We should never leave Americas behind.
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If you don't think the CDC, NIH, hospitals, labs,etc. were doing things in February to prepare your pretty gullible. We know the WHO was doing very little except believing the propaganda out of China, they were also opposed to the 30 January travel ban.

You are not aware that the US is massively behind in testing versus other countries?

The WHO had a test much sooner than we did, as the CDC had constant problems creating their own test. That test was used by other countries to ramp up testing much sooner and at greater volume than we were able to accomplish.

That the federal government didn't start trying to obtain PPE equipment until March? Eventually telling the states in March to get it on their own.

All this stuff has been widely reported/confirmed.
The vast majority of that 40,000 were U.S. Citizens (not in Wuhan) trying to to get back home.

1) Virus doesn't care what your passport says

2) Yes, it's reasonable to assume that the 40k from China would have been from all parts of China. Predominately from the big cities, of which Wuhan is just one.

3) There was already US community spread. So at best, it only helped buy time. But they couldn't list anything done in February that the administration did.

But #3 is really that only thing that matters as for as the successful of the ban. Time gained, then time wasted.
You do realize that Trump imposed a travel ban from China on 30 January ... and Biden and Pelosi called him a racist for doing it?

Oh the travel ban from China that let another 40,000 documented people to travel from China to the US after that date. Who were these people? Why did they get let into the US? Were they US citizens and if so they should have been quarantined for 14 days. etc etc. Pretty leaky travel ban. And if you havent heard the East Coast is ravaged mostly by a Covid variant from Europe.
Yes I do. There is an art to it. My job gets me out in the country a lot. Where I live you can see a long ways.

I did have one form right over me a couple of can read the signs about where to be. Right on top is rather random though.

My dad was a cop and I would tag along...was hooked.

The Albert Lea one was a few blocks away from my home at the time,ut b the winds were so strong I couldn't get away from the basement steps to get a better view due to trees and houses. Some of the trees were bent to the ground.

It was awesome. One house in the middle of the destruction looked fine until I realized it was on the other side of their pool.

We all have a vice. This is mine aside from playing mind games with Dean
I've always wanted to see a tornado, from a distance. I missed out on the one that hit IC in April of 06 I believe, was too dark and too many houses in the way.
You are not aware that the US is massively behind in testing versus other countries?
We've now tested more than any other country. Far more than countries in Europe or Asia. I agree, some of the initial testing was not sufficient but to say we are behind now is factually inaccurate. Europe had the same issue with some inferior China sourced tests. One of the reasons we have more reported cases than any other country is we have done more testing than any other country.

You do realize having sufficient stock piles of PPE is also an obligation of the states and hospitals? They were simply telling states and hospitals to use existing sources for PPE that they already had established. It would not make sense for the Federal Gov't to take stock from those same sources only to redistribute to the states. Why created another middle man? That would just create more delays in the supply chain. Ramped up manufacturing of PPE and ventilator issues does not happen overnight but these are basically resolved now. Ventilators were the biggest concern a month ago and nobody has an issue now.
The vast majority of that 40,000 were U.S. Citizens (not in Wuhan) trying to to get back home. We shouldnever leave Americas behind.
Yes, we should not leave them out in the cold.
But, do you think the virus had not spread throughout all of China?
Do you think it was good to just release these people out into the wild, or should we have had some sort of comprehensive plan so that if those people were infected they wouldn't have been able to worsen the situation.
Oh the travel ban from China that let another 40,000 documented people to travel from China to the US after that date. Who were these people? Why did they get let into the US? Were they US citizens and if so they should have been quarantined for 14 days. etc etc. Pretty leaky travel ban. And if you havent heard the East Coast is ravaged mostly by a Covid variant from Europe.
Answers to all your questions were out there on 3 February ...
We've now tested more than any other country. Far more than countries in Europe or Asia. I agree, some of the initial testing was not sufficient but to say we are behind now is factually inaccurate. Europe had the same issue with some inferior China sourced tests. One of the reasons we have more reported cases than any other country is we have done more testing than any other country.

We can at least agree that it would be good if that was true.
The U.S. has now finally ratcheted up testing and the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 stood at 337,646 as of April 06, 2020 at 3am EST according to the Johns Hopkins University. Despite the improvement, the U.S. still lags behind other countries in testing and according to the latest data published by Worldometers, it had conducted 5,355 tests per million inhabitants by April 06.

You do realize having sufficient stock piles of PPE is also an obligation of the states and hospitals? They were simply telling states and hospitals to use existing sources for PPE that they already had established. It would not make sense for the Federal Gov't to take stock from those same sources only to redistribute to the states. Why created another middle man? That would just create more delays in the supply chain. Ramped up manufacturing of PPE and ventilator issues does not happen overnight but these are basically resolved now. Ventilators were the biggest concern a month ago and nobody has an issue now.

Well, obviously that's not true, just from the perspective of the national stockpile. In this circumstance, obviously it is meant for the states.

You really just think the Federal government is just a spectator? You think the power of defense production act lies with the states?

Are you hearing state governments say we they don't want Federal governments help? Everyone is requesting help.

But yes, because of the shutdown, concern for running out of PPE has lessened. But guess what is one of the things we need to address before ending the shutdown?

All the things you think aren't a problem, are actually the problems we need to fix to end the shutdown.
We've now tested more than any other country. Far more than countries in Europe or Asia. I agree, some of the initial testing was not sufficient but to say we are behind now is factually inaccurate. Europe had the same issue with some inferior China sourced tests. One of the reasons we have more reported cases than any other country is we have done more testing than any other country.

You do realize having sufficient stock piles of PPE is also an obligation of the states and hospitals? They were simply telling states and hospitals to use existing sources for PPE that they already had established. It would not make sense for the Federal Gov't to take stock from those same sources only to redistribute to the states. Why created another middle man? That would just create more delays in the supply chain. Ramped up manufacturing of PPE and ventilator issues does not happen overnight but these are basically resolved now. Ventilators were the biggest concern a month ago and nobody has an issue now.

I hope you are not stating "we have now tested more than any other country" based on raw numbers? Raw total numbers of tests have to be data reduced down to at least percentage of total population/number per X number per capita.

Some people say driving on 2 lane hiways is much safer that driving on multi-lane divided hiways based on number of deaths. That is a meaningless stat based on the premise unless you reduced the data down at least to deaths per X miles of passenger travel per each type of road.

The US has tested 1% of the population and that is if every test has gone to only one person, but probably not the case. Almost 99% of rational people, experts, say we are woeful in our testing.

You can make and claim whatever excuses for this Admin you want but the current and after action reviews of the top Fed leadership will totally cry out "terrible job"
We can at least agree that it would be good if that was true.

Well, obviously that's not true, just from the perspective of the national stockpile. In this circumstance, obviously it is meant for the states.

You really just think the Federal government is just a spectator? You think the power of defense production act lies with the states?

Are you hearing state governments say we they don't want Federal governments help? Everyone is requesting help.

But yes, because of the shutdown, concern for running out of PPE has lessened. But guess what is one of the things we need to address before ending the shutdown?

All the things you think aren't a problem, are actually the problems we need to fix to end the shutdown.

Great info and thoughts
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