Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm sure Trump could have done a better job, taken it more seriously, etc. I'm not a fan of his petulance and refusal to take any responsibility for anything. But there sure is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on with this whole thing that's troubling. Most people underestimated how hard we'd be hit. Not just Trump.

I'm obviously very critical of the government's response.

But as far as Monday morning quarterbacking. I view this as a "game" still being played.
I'm obviously very critical of the government's response.

But as far as Monday morning quarterbacking. I view this as a "game" still being played.

I am just as critical of Washington’s responses. Lack of testing, favoritism on distribution of supplies, failure to properly inform the public, and a host of other less dramatic errors. But I would strongly disagree with your view of Dr. Fauci. I have found him to be candid, science savvy, with a host of sources world wide at his disposal. A recent poll indicated that 80% of Americans trust him. I am sure he is not perfect. But I would like you to name a couple of more reliable sources.
If I've learned anything from this thread, it's which of you anonymous people I'd be OK hanging out with and which ones I'd run away from at full speed. And, no, I'm not naming names. The point is that each of you can figure it out for himself. I say "himself" because it's safe to say there aren't any women posting in here.
If I've learned anything from this thread, it's which of you anonymous people I'd be OK hanging out with and which ones I'd run away from at full speed. And, no, I'm naming names. The point is that each of you can figure it out for himself. I say "himself" because it's safe to say there aren't any women posting in here.
Everybody needs a DD. I'm your gal, I mean your guy.
But I would strongly disagree with your view of Dr. Fauci. I have found him to be candid, science savvy, with a host of sources world wide at his disposal. A recent poll indicated that 80% of Americans trust him. I am sure he is not perfect. But I would like you to name a couple of more reliable sources.

Well, I don't have much of a view of Dr. Fauci, for anyone to have a strong disagreement about.

Yes, he's the most credible person on the task force. TK wants me to believe him and Bill Gates want to eat babies or something. But I don't, obviously.

But what has Dr. Fauci done or said regarding the lack of testing? If he has nothing to do with that, then why would I care about Dr Fauci? Because he has timidly criticized the federal response, a month after it could have been useful?

Obviously people like him because it's the one guy least likely to flat out lie on stage each news conference. But I guess I also don't want to assume he's the greatest ever, because the bar is so low.
This is a good money maker for North liberty...... I wonder if the Up-Town Friday Nights in Cedar Rapids will be cancelled?

"A popular eastern Iowa festival is one of the first to cancel for the summer, according to event organizers.
Blues & BBQ, scheduled for Saturday, July 11, 2020, has canceled its events for this year, according to the city of North Liberty. The festival cited the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic as the reason for the cancellation.
"We know our community will want to gather again when it is safe to do so. And we want to be here to help when it’s time to celebrate," Nick Bergus, communications director for the city of North Liberty, said, in a statement. "When it’s time for kids to play with each other again. When it’s time to gather with our friends and eat and drink and laugh."
The event is next scheduled to take place on July 10, 2021."
I'm sure Trump could have done a better job, taken it more seriously, etc. I'm not a fan of his petulance and refusal to take any responsibility for anything. But there sure is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on with this whole thing that's troubling. Most people underestimated how hard we'd be hit. Not just Trump.
The "retrospectoscope" is alive and well, that's for sure, especially when otherwise intelligent people become prisoners of their own political agendas.

Pretty much a true microcosm of our society right now.
If I've learned anything from this thread, it's which of you anonymous people I'd be OK hanging out with and which ones I'd run away from at full speed. And, no, I'm not naming names. The point is that each of you can figure it out for himself. I say "himself" because it's safe to say there aren't any women posting in here.
TK wouldn't have time for you, he's too busy watching re-runs of the X-Files.;)
"CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KWWL) - The medical staff at Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids have released their first patient who was in critical condition from COVID-19, according to a Facebook post Monday.
The 65 year-old-man, identified as Larry in the post, developed COVID-19 symptoms last month and was admitted to the facility's intensive care unit on March 29.
Larry works at a credit union and is a 30-time RAGBRAI finisher according to Mercy's social media post."
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