Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Hey Northhawk, you said earlier that people can't keep saying wait two weeks. Well it's going to take less than two weeks for the total cases to go from 1 mil to 2 mil. (Its been 10 days and will take 2 more to get there) I'd say every time they say to wait two weeks, they've been right.
You are talking world cases. I have been talking US, Iowa, and county level cases.

Obviously were going to blow by 2 million world cases.

As for Dubuque County, there are now 36 confirmed cases, some of which have recovered.

Here's a stat you won't see reported. 97,275 people in Dubuque county are not confirmed to have the virus.
Well I said earlier that the Cook county death toll from COVID will pass the 739 number by the end of April. I still think it will.
Cook county and the city of Chicago are two different entities.

The population of Chicago makes up slightly half the population of Cook county, just sayin'

I've gone completely off the rails. I'm done with this thread. I should have been a long time ago ( multiple likes coming):)
Cook county and the city of Chicago are two different entities.

The population of Chicago makes up slightly half the population of Cook county, just sayin'

I've gone completely off the rails. I'm done with this thread. I should have been a long time ago ( multiple likes coming):)
Don't leave! Who else will I talk too?
Cook county and the city of Chicago are two different entities.

The population of Chicago makes up slightly half the population of Cook county, just sayin'

I've gone completely off the rails. I'm done with this thread. I should have been a long time ago ( multiple likes coming):)

Rob needs the hits to keep the page going...:) that's a good thing.

No matter what is going on, this could end up being the biggest event of our generation. We are all going to have fears doubts, ideas (some weirder than others), anger, and stress relief (sometimes in form of humor).

Don't really understand your work (business owner or work for delivery service?) We are all impacted. I'm a bit jaded and still mad about losing my career during the great recession due to state budget cuts. I could have switched states, but like where I live. One of my choices was...ISU :mad: so I stayed put.
Rob needs the hits to keep the page going...:) that's a good thing.

No matter what is going on, this could end up being the biggest event of our generation. We are all going to have fears doubts, ideas (some weirder than others), anger, and stress relief (sometimes in form of humor).

Don't really understand your work (business owner or work for delivery service?) We are all impacted. I'm a bit jaded and still mad about losing my career during the great recession due to state budget cuts. I could have switched states, but like where I live. One of my choices was...ISU :mad: so I stayed put.
Route supervisor/route driver/field trainer for FedEx, working for a contracted owner of a fleet of routes.

My strengths as a poster are telling my stories and anecdotes from forty years plus of Hawkeye fandom, and my years as a U of I student. Not getting into lowest common denominator, last word pissing matches. I'll still provide plenty of the former!
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Johns Hopkins site daily global new cases graph showing the graph has leveled but for about the last 14 days it has basically averaged 80,000 new cases a day so roughly every 12 days is another million just that we know of. I mentioned about a week ago that it will be important after the various peaks to see if the curve just flattens out for a long time with high numbers each day or will the curves keep doing a negative drop to very low numbers.
I have heard a few things from Maher that rub me the wrong way, but that will not stop me from enjoying one of the great outrageous satirists of our time. We need more of these. Think about what Mark Twain would be saying on late night TV these days. I grew up reading Donald Kaul in the DM Register when it was a prize winning newspaper. He once wrote that the new fertility drug being tested in India was like providing assertiveness training for the Germans. Don’t get offended. I am German and I think Fareed Zakaria is a genius.

Mark Twain yes but Will Rogers was even more harsh towards any idiot in charge or society.
Historical perspective. Shows what happened in the Great Recession and how we never could really recover (we had a false market) looking at debt.


I think the future projections are hogwash and no one saw the reduction under Clinton coming (due to internet and computer efficiencies mostly in business), but this so far will be as difficult as WW2 on debt. After WW2, the Ike military complex (Korea and the arms race) fueled economic expansion along with the US being untouched in business and the export gates were opened.

At some point is their a tipping point? Dunno, but it's interesting. When you see your 401 recover and grow, thank debt.

I have heard a few things from Maher that rub me the wrong way, but that will not stop me from enjoying one of the great outrageous satirists of our time. We need more of these. Think about what Mark Twain would be saying on late night TV these days. I grew up reading Donald Kaul in the DM Register when it was a prize winning newspaper. He once wrote that the new fertility drug being tested in India was like providing assertiveness training for the Germans. Don’t get offended. I am German and I think Fareed Zakaria is a genius.

Problem is, people don't always recognize satire anymore. People go apoplectic, call the satirists racists, the whole 9 yards, because satire can only go a certain way apparently.
Another thing we can get from increased testing, a big increase in testing:

Dr. Dave Campbell, a former military doctor and current emergency room leader in FL, mentioned using really good quick testing to get "clean" surgical centers, you know those specialty places that are big but not a hospital, and "clean" doctors offices. By quickly testing the healthcare workers we can reopen these places for the relief of pain through procedures like joint replacements, surgeries, and other things like delivering babys, general medical care, etc.

Let's get testing going because it has been 3 months of little to nothing and it is only the Fed that can drive a nationwide testing program. From the reading of the big stories in the NY Times and AP yesterday it seems the top, top Fed leadership was dismissive or asleep at the wheel on the covid invasion.
This is about as grim as "good news" gets.

How long patients may occupy beds in the ICU and potentially deny access to other patients were a huge concern going into crisis.

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