Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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You say we have done an outstanding job, but you also say we can stop doing the things we are doing to do an outstanding job. There are thousands upon thousands more people that have it now than had it when we shut down. Numbers wise, we are in a far worse position now than we were a few weeks ago. I don't know what the answer is. But I do know that if we open now, we just as well have never closed in the first place, because it will just spread like crazy.
I called my parents this morning for Easter, because of course we can't see them, and heard four more new stories of people, including my aunt, who believe they contacted the virus in December. My aunt has two kids who live in San Diego and she visits them twice a year and could easily have brought the virus from California

Have a happy and safe Easter!
Ordering people to stay home won't ever kill it off completely. It will just slow the spread. Iowa's spread is already plenty slow. Also a shelter in place order doesn't stop people from going to a grocery store so nothing will change there.

Yes, it won't kill it off completely but it would slow it down. Yes people can still go to the grocery store but it would slow down the multiple trips some people take and, hopefully, more people would go alone. It gives store owners and local law enforcement a way to enforce it for those that keep ignoring the order.
I called my parents this morning for Easter, because of course we can't see them, and heard four more new stories of people, including my aunt, who believe they contacted the virus in December. My aunt has two kids who live in San Diego and she visits them twice a year and could easily have brought the virus from California

Have a happy and safe Easter!
Why can't you see them? I'm not sure what its like in states with lockdowns. Is it really risky to drive to a relative's house?
Yes, it won't kill it off completely but it would slow it down. Yes people can still go to the grocery store but it would slow down the multiple trips some people take and, hopefully, more people would go alone. It gives store owners and local law enforcement a way to enforce it for those that keep ignoring the order.
Iowa doesn't really need to slow the spread more than it already is. But taking kids to the store when there are any other options is pointless and stupid.
What virus? Fellow poster @ssckelley just said people are swarming all over our grocery stores, whole families with their children, not wearing masks, not social distancing.

Tell me again why we don't have six figure confirmed cases in Iowa! It's not prevelant in Iowa, it's mostly in a couple nursing homes. The first case in the state was confirmed over a month ago, we've waited our two weeks, and then two more weeks on top of that, and we just recently hit 1,000 cases. It is prevelant in other areas of the country but that's a different story.

Don't tell us to wait two more weeks and then check the numbers. We've already done that twice.

Because right now people are getting lucky, all it would take is just 1 person to be walking around that store that is carrying the virus to contaminate all of us. Then we take it home to our families and we have a local outbreak. People are being stupid and these conspiracy theorists are not helping.
Because right now people are getting lucky, all it would take is just 1 person to be walking around that store that is carrying the virus to contaminate all of us. Then we take it home to our families and we have a local outbreak. People are being stupid and these conspiracy theorists are not helping.

Just hit up the hand sanitizer when you leave the store and you'll probably be fine.
Because right now people are getting lucky, all it would take is just 1 person to be walking around that store that is carrying the virus to contaminate all of us. Then we take it home to our families and we have a local outbreak. People are being stupid and these conspiracy theorists are not helping.

This is happening already, Let us not forget how many have mild to little or no symptoms al all. The antibody test is going to answer a lot of questions with regards to Covid..
Because right now people are getting lucky, all it would take is just 1 person to be walking around that store that is carrying the virus to contaminate all of us. Then we take it home to our families and we have a local outbreak. People are being stupid and these conspiracy theorists are not helping.
If all it takes is one person then we should just do what Bill Gates wants-a national 24 hour curfew for ten weeks. Then we can all use his products and let his products run our lives.

There are too many countless examples nationally of people not getting the virus for this to be pinned entirely on luck. You better rethink that one. If you use the social distance card even that would be a better look than pinning it on "luck".
Why can't you see them? I'm not sure what its like in states with lockdowns. Is it really risky to drive to a relative's house?
Their health is declining and their taking even stricter means to hunker down than the government is mandating. Their even having the post office hold their mail right now-thats how serious they're taking this.

I don't agree with it but it's their choice to take extreme precautions. And if we lost them because I was a carrier that's a cross I would have to bear. But I could just as easily pass the common cold on to them as well. So what can you do?
TK, medical and nursing schools teach very little about nutrition. If they do it's generally basic USDA guidelines which is a horrible diet. In the video, I would guess all aren't RNs. It's amazing what RNs are allowed to do and how much they input on decisions. Some are quite good. Others not so much. At one time, it looked like Bachelors degrees were going to be required then came the shortage. The shortage has always been a bit false. What it means is they can't find 3rd shift workers for what they want to pay.
Just hit up the hand sanitizer when you leave the store and you'll probably be fine.

Use common sense if you do not want to catch this or if you dont want to think you might infect someone. The guidelines are out there and some states have certain orders in place and other states do not.

That video of the cop chasing someone running on the beach was weird but did it really have something to do with covid??? There were a couple of other people walking on the sand.
Historical Perspective

  • Ebola Quarantines Were Stupid and Wrong, Report Says

Dec. 3, 2015, 10:41 AM MST

"Fear-mongering and ignorance drove states to force health workers into quarantine when they returned from fighting Ebola in West Africa, and the restrictions were probably unconstitutional, a new report says.

What's more, no one has kept statistics on how many people were put into quarantine across the United States in the last year, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Yale Global Health Justice Partnership said in a joint report issued Tuesday.

But virtually all of them were unnecessarily kept at home, endangering their jobs, disrupting their private lives and damaging efforts to fight the epidemic, the strongly worded report says.

“Our leaders were enabled by a fear-mongering mass media that also ignored established medical science, further stoking panic and compounding an already immense public disservice,” Dr. Deane Marchbein, president of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières USA, wrote in an introduction to the report
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