Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Well, this should be a boom to anyone trying to keep the virus death count numbers low.

How it will help public safety is another matter...

Yeah, I heard this and it is incredible that FEMA/Feds are backing out of testing. WTF.

And Pence on tv was asked yesterday about a bunch of new high volume testing machines the Feds have and they are not working or are not being used. Pence bounced that question to Dr Birx who was quite frank when saying YES that a million tests that had been done have not been processed because most of the 100+ machines are not working or are not being used. Birx said they could and should know the condition of all healthcare workers right now but we do not. Why can't the Fed get their shit together. Former Ambassador and NSC chief Susan Rice just said in a interview that Obama WH left detailed plans on pandemic/epidemics in place but they are no doubt not being used just as the Pandemic team was disbanded by the WH a year or 6 months ago.

One has to wonder who is it in the Fed who maybe doesnt want to actually do a lot of testing and accurately show what the numbers are and that there could be 2.5 million infected. I know early reports from WH staffers were that Trump didnt want the cruise ship to dock off California a month ago because the numbers would jump. Too many people worried about their legacy instead of fighting this virus and making the Fed the 'backup', not my words but Trump's.
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If it peaks soon, that will only be 6 weeks after it started. By then they will be really close to halfway. At the bare minimum they would take 6 weeks to drop back down to zero at the same rate. That obviously isn't going to happen tho. Not only are they going to continue to have some deaths every day for the rest of the year, but there will almost certainly be a second wave. I'll predict Cook county will have over 1000 deaths by mid may.
I predict we will have major breakthroughs on how to fight this by the time the next flu season hits.
When hou have under reported stories like this from medical people who are probably just as qualified as those who are telling us to prepare to shelter in place for months, it just lends Creedence to the conspiracy theorists who say this is all an attempt to slow the economy, give the government a bigger role, and make a person I won't mention look bad in an election year.
Yeah but all the folks with cabin fever will go running around. It wouldn't have to be just restaurants movie theaters and the like. Traveling around in airports, subways, taxis/ubers heck sidewalks. That's how NYC got into the situation they are. The constant moving of people all crowding together. Sure restaurants theaters and stores spread it a ton too. I just look for no matter how soon or how gradual we start opening things back up there'll be a 2nd wave. Unless summertime weather helps. Sounds like that's a big fat maybe. But here's to hoping

Yeah, I heard this and it is incredible that FEMA/Feds are backing out of testing. WTF.

And Pence on tv was asked yesterday about a bunch of new high volume testing machines the Feds have and they are not working or are not being used. Pence bounced that question to Dr Birx who was quite frank when saying YES that a million tests that had been done have not been processed because most of the 100+ machines are not working or are not being used. Birx said they could and should know the condition of all healthcare workers right now but we do not. Why can't the Fed get their shit together. Former Ambassador and NSC chief Susan Rice just said in a interview that Obama WH left detailed plans on pandemic/epidemics in place but they are no doubt not being used just as the Pandemic team was disbanded by the WH a year or 6 months ago.

One has to wonder who is it in the Fed who maybe doesnt want to actually do a lot of testing and accurately show what the numbers are and that there could be 2.5 million infected. I know early reports from WH staffers were that Trump didnt want the cruise ship to dock off California a month ago because the numbers would jump. Too many people worried about their legacy instead of fighting this virus and making the Fed the 'backup', not my words but Trump's.

Closing virus testing locations while we are in the start/middle of a pandemic. To save money?

When the government have done trillions of dollars of stimulus.

Hard to see how that is not corrupt.
That's the X factor. So we've stopped the crazy increasing. Then slowly start recovering and having less and less new cases. At what point to the impatient folks at home call it good and go running around again? I mean getting us down to zero seems impossibly unreasonable. But how fast would it start growing again whenever we do? Talk about a pain in the ass. To open things back up and then close em down again in a short period of time would be such a mess but that's what I see happening here. Hope I'm wrong
I think certain states will open up sooner than others, if not certain parts of states.

Large groups (concerts, sporting events) will be the last to come back. But those are luxuries, not necessities, and we need necessities like restaurants, businesses, and schools to come back first. If schools don't open by May 1st they are definitely done for the year. Many think they already are anyway.
When hou have under reported stories like this from medical people who are probably just as qualified as those who are telling us to prepare to shelter in place for months, it just lends Creedence to the conspiracy theorists who say this is all an attempt to slow the economy, give the government a bigger role, and make a person I won't mention look bad in an election year.

Makes a lot of damn sense in that article. It's going to go thru the population no matter what. I agree with isolated the high risk such as in nursing homes, etc.. Makes sense to me. Important for society to build up immunity.

He is advocating the same approach the UK was going down at first.

But then they saw the models of the death toll if too many people get it at once.

Hospitals getting overwhelmed is one of the key factors. The other is waiting for a vaccine so your entire population (or maybe half the population) doesn't roll the dice with 1% odds of death if they get the virus. Or worse odds of death, if the hospitals are overwhelmed.

His article doesn't mention hospitals or a vaccine once.

A veteran scholar of epidemiology has warned that the ongoing lockdowns throughout the United States and the rest of the world are almost certainly just prolonging the coronavirus outbreak rather than doing anything to truly mitigate it.

“[W]hat people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don’t really know why. But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time. And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary,” he said.
He is advocating the same approach the UK was going down at first.

But then they saw the models of the death toll if too many people get it at once.

Hospitals getting overwhelmed is one of the key factors. The other is waiting for a vaccine so your entire population (or maybe half the population) doesn't roll the dice with 1% odds of death if they get the virus. Or worse odds of death, if the hospitals are overwhelmed.

His article doesn't mention hospitals or a vaccine once.

I agree that he didn't put hospital beds and resources into perspective. I'm thinking he was hoping most wouldn't have to be hospitalized having the healthy acquire the virus, but, that is a damn bold risk. That's all chips in there.
I think certain states will open up sooner than others, if not certain parts of states.

Large groups (concerts, sporting events) will be the last to come back. But those are luxuries, not necessities, and we need necessities like restaurants, businesses, and schools to come back first. If schools don't open by May 1st they are definitely done for the year. Many think they already are anyway.
Yeah schools are toast I would think. Around here last I heard about 2 weeks ago they wanted to try and get going the 3rd week of April. So yeah that isn't happening. My buddy is nervous about even sending his girls back if they do try starting again in May or even June. I would suspect a lot of parents would be on that side of the fence. I'm sure there's a lot that want to send em off too but man it's just a crazy time still and who knows how it'll play out

Boy, I predicted 60,000 several pages back after he came out with the 100,000 - 150,000 quote, and I'm not even that smart.

Took a bit but I found it. Man I post a lot.

Northside Hawk said:

I realize, and posted, that 10-15 % of number x from a few days ago I different from 10-15% of number y from today. Still, to reach 100,000 Iowa cases we would either have to start seeing thousands of cases a day for weeks at a time or the peak would have to be revised.

Yea, 100,000 is hard to believe. I'm going guess somewhere around 50,000 - 60,000. Will see how close I am. I think Iowa's doing a decent job of this distancing thing and we just don't have the density of people like on the east and west coast.

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MelroseHawkins, Friday at 11:07 AM Edit Delete Report
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I keep hearing many leaders nationwide stating this morning that the curve is flattening. So, are we peaking or now going down the other side of the hill or just plateauing for now? Death rates sound to be less than anticipated.

The WH model was originally predicting 100,000-240,000 deaths. They revised their projections to an average of about 80,000 last week based upon data coming in. With continued influx of data, they modified projections yesterday to 60,000 deaths. All good news. Many would assume the social-distancing measures have had a huge impact on the way this has unfolded, although I am sure it is difficult to prove just how things would have unfolded had we gone about our business.

National peak in resource use has shifted from April 15 to April 12. As I said earlier, I am sure this isn't really reflecting what is going on in the nation as a whole, but rather is a reflection of what is going on in NY/NJ where the vast majority of cases currently are. Each state and each metro will have its own curve and its own peak. Iowa's peak is projected to be around April 26, I believe.

If they can keep any other large metros from getting hit like NYC/Detroit, hopefully this thing can get under control sooner rather than later. Things will not be normal for a long time, but the wheels can at least start churning again.
I agree that he didn't put hospital beds and resources into perspective. I'm thinking he was hoping most wouldn't have to be hospitalized having the healthy acquire the virus, but, that is a damn bold risk. That's all chips in there.

It could be a bold risk! he stated with regards to elderly and those with underlying conditions having strict distancing rules that need to be followed. So are we now just pausing the inevitable? or would this really be the best way to protect those most vulnerable?

So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks
I agree that he didn't put hospital beds and resources into perspective. I'm thinking he was hoping most wouldn't have to be hospitalized having the healthy acquire the virus, but, that is a damn bold risk. That's all chips in there.

If you look at Iowa, and how their current projections can easily be handled with the resources available, it makes sense for the restrictions to be less severe. Of course, just because state-wide resources can handle state-wide peaks does not mean that locally there might not be problems. Have heard anecdotally that Linn county is struggling a bit right now.
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