I didnt say anything about mass testing in Iowa did I? I just posted some data. It would be great to test heavily in Linn and Polk counties and a few other counties to find infected people by back tracing. In Iowa there is a large problem of infections around care centers, retirement homes, whatever you want to call them. Well who the hell visited these people over a 2 week span before the residents of those homes and care workers got sick.
If 30 people or 80 in the homes got sick then how many people visited them? Maybe 400, maybe 200? The normal thing to do is backtrack contact tracing and test those visitors. That is basic public health actions.
Now is New York State, City and Long Island etc mass testing is necessary. Find out who are the asymptomatic people who have had the virus and try to contact trace backwards to test. Corral the virus to help drop the peak and the growth.
We do not have good testing. NY state has had 340,000+ tests, 138,000+ positive out of population of about 20 million. That is pathetic testing levels after a month+.
data grade:
Tests Hospitalized In ICU On Ventilator
Positive Negative Pending Currently Cumulative Currently Cumulative Currently Cumulative Recovered Deaths Total test results(Positive + Negative)
138,863 201,195 N/A 17,493 32,083 4,593 N/A N/A N/A 14,590 5,489 340,058
Last updated: 4/07 00:00 ET