$95 isn't too much money for a nationally televised prime time game against a top 5 opponent, IMO. The problem is everything else. Bleacher seating, bathroom lines, traffic, commercial breaks, no cell service, etc. Seems like every time I go to Kinnick I get sat next to an obese couple whose fat butts take up 4 seats. I like to stand a lot at games and as a result I get yelled at by old people
With technology the way it is, I find the games are usually a lot more entertaining from my man cave. Got my food and beer right there, my bathroom has no line, old people aren't yelling at me to sit down or watch my mouth, other games are on my other tvs, there is no burrito lift, and my cell phone actually works.
I still go to ~3 games a year, and have a great time, but going to anymore than that just wears me out.