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  1. ThunderDunk

    Anyone think that a bad football season might have a positive impact for basketball

    Re: Anyone think that a bad football season might have a positive impact for basketba I could see an extra bump in enthusiasm for the START of the season if the football team is bad. Whenever the football team is having a good year the start of the bball season is the second story. Once Jan...
  2. ThunderDunk

    Who got the rock in the face?

    Didn't Sam Okey get a ball to the face as well? I faintly remember an opposing player falling out of bounds and rifling the ball at Okey's face to save possession and it was a legal play. Either Wisconsin or Indiana. I could be wrong. It's been years since I've thought of it.
  3. ThunderDunk

    who on here actually went to UI?

    From Iowa with a BS from UI in 2002.
  4. ThunderDunk

    Pam Ward no longer calling CFB...

    I didn't mind her. At least she wasn't giving "shout outs" like Jessie Palmer.
  5. ThunderDunk

    who is the most overrated star in the nba?

    My vote is for Griffin. His jump shot is years away from being decent and his non-dunking post moves are pretty awkward right now. Hope he develops those things instead of waiting for a Chris Paul lob. Melo is mostly overrated but at the end of a game he can get you a bucket, which Griffin...
  6. ThunderDunk

    Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?

    I played quarterback and returned kicks and punts for a small high school in Iowa in the 90s. Our team was pretty bad and I got clocked just about every game but fortunately never had a concussion. I have a 1.5 year old daughter now so maybe I never have to make this decision. As much as it...
  7. ThunderDunk

    ESPN Iowa recruiting story.

    Great read. I love this EJ quote: “We try to identify guys that we feel have good character, are tough and like football.”
  8. ThunderDunk

    Bet you won't believe this Iowa football stat

    This stat broken down by quarter would be interesting because it seems like we've had about a dozen games in the last few years where we gave up late game touchdowns instead of field goals/turnovers.
  9. ThunderDunk

    Badger fans self-created elite status

    My coworker is from WI and he lets me have it whenever the Hawks lose a football game, especially to WI. Yet when the Badgers lose it's like football wasn't played on Saturday.
  10. ThunderDunk

    Greg Davis Transcript 4/11

    I agree. It was nice to hear a coach acknowledge this. While we've had fast guys over the years our collective team speed has been lacking, especially at WR. I also think this is something that can be stressed in conditioning. Sure Doyle can't transform someone into Usain Bolt but a half...
  11. ThunderDunk

    Greg Davis Transcript 4/11

    Without a true power back this year I like the talk about running out of the shotgun. I also like the talk about starting a play in the pro set, then shifting to a spread to create mismatches. So were the two backs GD was talking about DeAndre Johnson and Andre Dawson? He kept referring to...
  12. ThunderDunk

    "Get Ready to Meet Damon Bullock"

    Well as a hawk fan I hope you're right. I'd be surprised if Garmon or any other true freshman started out of the gate based on Ferentz' past uneasiness with freshmen. I think if we lose some games early then next season will be an RB audition for the future.
  13. ThunderDunk

    EJ TWEET!!!

    Usually these high school tapes don't tell me very much. But this guy has got some speed and explosiveness that jumps right off the screen. Those poor quarterbacks!
  14. ThunderDunk

    Give Tubby Smith credit

    I have to agree. They have a good young core getting some great experience in pressure situations. In the past Tubby has gotten great athletes who couldn't close games. Hawkeye-Gopher games could be pretty fun to watch for the next few years. Go Hawks
  15. ThunderDunk

    Give Tubby Smith credit

    When Sampson hurt his ankle Tubby was forced to change his lineup and it's paid off. Now he has a banger in the middle with Eliason and the team seems to hustle way more than before.
  16. ThunderDunk

    Anthony Clemmons live stream now

    Which one is Clemmons?
  17. ThunderDunk

    Craft is one tough SOB

    Once Cincy got a lead it seemed OSU righted themselves through the defense. Craft was awesome. What the crap happened to MSU? That pressure D got to them and they just kept going right at that shot blocker.
  18. ThunderDunk

    Field of Dream to become premier baseball training complex in MW

    Good point. My guess is that they hope having a complex in rural Iowa surrounded by cornfields where top talent comes from all over the midwest will create its own mystique and become a destination. Still a bad idea.
  19. ThunderDunk

    Field of Dream to become premier baseball training complex in MW

    They should build an indoor rain forest there while they're at it
  20. ThunderDunk

    saints crushed

    I think the real lesson here is to never trust coaches that wear visors. Williams and Payton? Visors.