saints crushed


Well-Known Member
CNN is showing that head coach and gm suspened without pay, team fined 500k, forfeit 2nd rnd picks in 2012,13.
I wonder if Brees bails. The Saints were trying to play hardball, now it appears as though Brees may be the only one that can save the organization.
Thing is that it is not over yet, from what i have read they will start going after the players who participated in it also....
This sets a fairly hard precedent in the NFL. You know that other teams likely did the same as well and if it happens to come home for a NFL brass loved team, they would then have to do the same and I have a feeling they may not.
This sets a fairly hard precedent in the NFL. You know that other teams likely did the same as well and if it happens to come home for a NFL brass loved team, they would then have to do the same and I have a feeling they may not.
Yes, most teams do the same, so it's possible for the hammer to drop elsewhere. However, I think the unique factor for the Saints is that there was a paper trail documenting their misdeeds.
Yes, most teams do the same, so it's possible for the hammer to drop elsewhere. However, I think the unique factor for the Saints is that there was a paper trail documenting their misdeeds.

Yes, the paper trail was the big problem. Rumor is that Shockey snitched on the Saints to the NFL.
I'm surprised Payton got an entire year. I figured that's what Williams would get. Losing the 2nd round picks hurts a lot. I laughed at the 500K fine though. That's nothing.
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Yes, most teams do the same, so it's possible for the hammer to drop elsewhere. However, I think the unique factor for the Saints is that there was a paper trail documenting their misdeeds.

Also, Payton & Loomis lied to NFL investgators about the existence of the bounty program. They didn't come clean until the NFL had them dead to rights.

The dumb things supposedly intelligent people do amazes me. Jim Tressel would still be the coach at O$U if he had just turned over the e-mail to enforcement staff. Likewise, Bruce Pearl lied to the NCAA & tried to cover up the cookout. If Pearl had just come clean with the NCAA he'd still be coaching.
I'd like to see the correlation between the bounty program and the personal foul penalties the Saints received. Wouldn't that prove that dirty play was involved? If not then they're just rewarding their players for hard play.